最近打算學習 tornado 的原始碼,所以就建立一個系列主題 “深入理解 tornado”。 在此記錄學習經歷及個人見解與大家分享。文中一定會出現理解不到位或理解錯誤的地方,還請大家多多指教
tornado 優秀的大併發處理能力得益於它的 web server 從底層開始就自己實現了一整套基於 epoll 的單執行緒非同步架構(其他 python web 框架的自帶 server 基本是基於 wsgi 寫的簡單伺服器,並沒有自己實現底層結構。 關於 wsgi 詳見之前的文章: 自己寫一個 wsgi 伺服器執行 Django 、Tornado 應用)。 那麼 tornado.ioloop
就是 tornado web server 最底層的實現。
看 ioloop 之前,我們需要了解一些預備知識,有助於我們理解 ioloop。
ioloop 的實現基於 epoll ,那麼什麼是 epoll? epoll 是Linux核心為處理大批量檔案描述符而作了改進的 poll 。
那麼什麼又是 poll ? 首先,我們回顧一下, socket 通訊時的服務端,當它接受( accept )一個連線並建立通訊後( connection )就進行通訊,而此時我們並不知道連線的客戶端有沒有資訊發完。 這時候我們有兩種選擇:
- 一直在這裡等著直到收發資料結束;
- 每隔一定時間來看看這裡有沒有資料;
第二種辦法要比第一種好一些,多個連線可以統一在一定時間內輪流看一遍裡面有沒有資料要讀寫,看上去我們可以處理多個連線了,這個方式就是 poll / select 的解決方案。 看起來似乎解決了問題,但實際上,隨著連線越來越多,輪詢所花費的時間將越來越長,而伺服器連線的 socket 大多不是活躍的,所以輪詢所花費的大部分時間將是無用的。為了解決這個問題, epoll 被創造出來,它的概念和 poll 類似,不過每次輪詢時,他只會把有資料活躍的 socket 挑出來輪詢,這樣在有大量連線時輪詢就節省了大量時間。
對於 epoll 的操作,其實也很簡單,只要 4 個 API 就可以完全操作它。
用來建立一個 epoll 描述符( 就是建立了一個 epoll )
操作 epoll 中的 event;可用引數有:
引數 | 含義 |
EPOLL_CTL_ADD | 新增一個新的epoll事件 |
EPOLL_CTL_DEL | 刪除一個epoll事件 |
EPOLL_CTL_MOD | 改變一個事件的監聽方式 |
巨集定義 | 含義 |
EPOLLIN | 緩衝區滿,有資料可讀 |
EPOLLOUT | 緩衝區空,可寫資料 |
EPOLLERR | 發生錯誤 |
就是讓 epoll 開始工作,裡面有個引數 timeout,當設定為非 0 正整數時,會監聽(阻塞) timeout 秒;設定為 0 時立即返回,設定為 -1 時一直監聽。
在監聽時有資料活躍的連線時其返回活躍的檔案控制程式碼列表(此處為 socket 檔案控制程式碼)。
關閉 epoll
現在瞭解了 epoll 後,我們就可以來看 ioloop 了 (如果對 epoll 還有疑問可以看這兩篇資料: epoll 的原理是什麼、百度百科:epoll)
很多初學者一定好奇 tornado 執行伺服器最後那一句 tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
到底是幹什麼的。 我們先不解釋作用,來看看這一句程式碼背後到底都在幹什麼。
先貼 ioloop 程式碼:
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement import datetime import errno import functools import heapq # 最小堆 import itertools import logging import numbers import os import select import sys import threading import time import traceback import math from tornado.concurrent import TracebackFuture, is_future from tornado.log import app_log, gen_log from tornado.platform.auto import set_close_exec, Waker from tornado import stack_context from tornado.util import PY3, Configurable, errno_from_exception, timedelta_to_seconds try: import signal except ImportError: signal = None if PY3: import _thread as thread else: import thread _POLL_TIMEOUT = 3600.0 class TimeoutError(Exception): pass class IOLoop(Configurable): _EPOLLIN = 0x001 _EPOLLPRI = 0x002 _EPOLLOUT = 0x004 _EPOLLERR = 0x008 _EPOLLHUP = 0x010 _EPOLLRDHUP = 0x2000 _EPOLLONESHOT = (1 << 30) _EPOLLET = (1 << 31) # Our events map exactly to the epoll events NONE = 0 READ = _EPOLLIN WRITE = _EPOLLOUT ERROR = _EPOLLERR | _EPOLLHUP # Global lock for creating global IOLoop instance _instance_lock = threading.Lock() _current = threading.local() @staticmethod def instance(): if not hasattr(IOLoop, "_instance"): with IOLoop._instance_lock: if not hasattr(IOLoop, "_instance"): # New instance after double check IOLoop._instance = IOLoop() return IOLoop._instance @staticmethod def initialized(): """Returns true if the singleton instance has been created.""" return hasattr(IOLoop, "_instance") def install(self): assert not IOLoop.initialized() IOLoop._instance = self @staticmethod def clear_instance(): """Clear the global `IOLoop` instance. .. versionadded:: 4.0 """ if hasattr(IOLoop, "_instance"): del IOLoop._instance @staticmethod def current(instance=True): current = getattr(IOLoop._current, "instance", None) if current is None and instance: return IOLoop.instance() return current def make_current(self): IOLoop._current.instance = self @staticmethod def clear_current(): IOLoop._current.instance = None @classmethod def configurable_base(cls): return IOLoop @classmethod def configurable_default(cls): if hasattr(select, "epoll"): from tornado.platform.epoll import EPollIOLoop return EPollIOLoop if hasattr(select, "kqueue"): # Python 2.6+ on BSD or Mac from tornado.platform.kqueue import KQueueIOLoop return KQueueIOLoop from tornado.platform.select import SelectIOLoop return SelectIOLoop def initialize(self, make_current=None): if make_current is None: if IOLoop.current(instance=False) is None: self.make_current() elif make_current: if IOLoop.current(instance=False) is not None: raise RuntimeError("current IOLoop already exists") self.make_current() def close(self, all_fds=False): raise NotImplementedError() def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events): raise NotImplementedError() def update_handler(self, fd, events): raise NotImplementedError() def remove_handler(self, fd): raise NotImplementedError() def set_blocking_signal_threshold(self, seconds, action): raise NotImplementedError() def set_blocking_log_threshold(self, seconds): self.set_blocking_signal_threshold(seconds, self.log_stack) def log_stack(self, signal, frame): gen_log.warning('IOLoop blocked for %f seconds in\n%s', self._blocking_signal_threshold, ''.join(traceback.format_stack(frame))) def start(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _setup_logging(self): if not any([logging.getLogger().handlers, logging.getLogger('tornado').handlers, logging.getLogger('tornado.application').handlers]): logging.basicConfig() def stop(self): raise NotImplementedError() def run_sync(self, func, timeout=None): future_cell = [None] def run(): try: result = func() if result is not None: from tornado.gen import convert_yielded result = convert_yielded(result) except Exception: future_cell[0] = TracebackFuture() future_cell[0].set_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) else: if is_future(result): future_cell[0] = result else: future_cell[0] = TracebackFuture() future_cell[0].set_result(result) self.add_future(future_cell[0], lambda future: self.stop()) self.add_callback(run) if timeout is not None: timeout_handle = self.add_timeout(self.time() + timeout, self.stop) self.start() if timeout is not None: self.remove_timeout(timeout_handle) if not future_cell[0].done(): raise TimeoutError('Operation timed out after %s seconds' % timeout) return future_cell[0].result() def time(self): return time.time() ... |
IOLoop 類首先宣告瞭 epoll 監聽事件的巨集定義,當然,如前文所說,我們只要關心其中的 EPOLLIN 、 EPOLLOUT 、 EPOLLERR 就行。
類中的方法有很多,看起來有點暈,但其實我們只要關心 IOLoop 核心功能的方法即可,其他的方法在明白核心功能後也就不難理解了。所以接下來我們著重分析核心程式碼。
、 initialized
、 install
、 clear_instance
、 current
、 make_current
、 clear_current
這些方法不用在意細節,總之現在記住它們都是為了讓 IOLoop 類變成一個單例,保證從全域性上呼叫的都是同一個 IOLoop 就好。
你一定疑惑 IOLoop 為何沒有 __init__
, 其實是因為要初始化成為單例,IOLoop 的 new 函式已經被改寫了,同時指定了 initialize
做為它的初始化方法,所以此處沒有 __init__
。 說到這,ioloop 的程式碼裡好像沒有看到 new
方法,這又是什麼情況? 我們先暫時記住這裡。
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def initialize(self, make_current=None): if make_current is None: if IOLoop.current(instance=False) is None: self.make_current() elif make_current: if IOLoop.current(instance=False) is None: raise RuntimeError("current IOLoop already exists") self.make_current() def make_current(self): IOLoop._current.instance = self |
what? 裡面只是判斷了是否第一次初始化或者呼叫 self.make_current()
初始化,而 make_current()
然後再看看 start()
、 run()
、 close()
這些關鍵的方法都成了返回 NotImplementedError
錯誤,全部未定義?!跟網上搜到的原始碼分析完全不一樣啊。 這時候看下 IOLoop 的繼承關係,原來問題出在這裡,之前的 tornado.ioloop 繼承自 object 所以所有的一切都自己實現,而現在版本的 tornado.ioloop 則繼承自 Configurable
看起來現在的 IOLoop 已經成為了一個基類,只定義了介面。 所以接著看 Configurable
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class Configurable(object): __impl_class = None __impl_kwargs = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): base = cls.configurable_base() init_kwargs = {} if cls is base: impl = cls.configured_class() if base.__impl_kwargs: init_kwargs.update(base.__impl_kwargs) else: impl = cls init_kwargs.update(kwargs) instance = super(Configurable, cls).__new__(impl) # initialize vs __init__ chosen for compatibility with AsyncHTTPClient # singleton magic. If we get rid of that we can switch to __init__ # here too. instance.initialize(*args, **init_kwargs) return instance @classmethod def configurable_base(cls): """Returns the base class of a configurable hierarchy. This will normally return the class in which it is defined. (which is *not* necessarily the same as the cls classmethod parameter). """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def configurable_default(cls): """Returns the implementation class to be used if none is configured.""" raise NotImplementedError() def initialize(self): """Initialize a `Configurable` subclass instance. Configurable classes should use `initialize` instead of ``__init__``. .. versionchanged:: 4.2 Now accepts positional arguments in addition to keyword arguments. """ @classmethod def configure(cls, impl, **kwargs): """Sets the class to use when the base class is instantiated. Keyword arguments will be saved and added to the arguments passed to the constructor. This can be used to set global defaults for some parameters. """ base = cls.configurable_base() if isinstance(impl, (unicode_type, bytes)): impl = import_object(impl) if impl is not None and not issubclass(impl, cls): raise ValueError("Invalid subclass of %s" % cls) base.__impl_class = impl base.__impl_kwargs = kwargs @classmethod def configured_class(cls): """Returns the currently configured class.""" base = cls.configurable_base() if cls.__impl_class is None: base.__impl_class = cls.configurable_default() return base.__impl_class @classmethod def _save_configuration(cls): base = cls.configurable_base() return (base.__impl_class, base.__impl_kwargs) @classmethod def _restore_configuration(cls, saved): base = cls.configurable_base() base.__impl_class = saved[0] base.__impl_kwargs = saved[1] |
之前我們尋找的 __new__
出現了! 注意其中這句: impl = cls.configured_class()
impl 在這裡就是 epoll ,它的生成函式是 configured_class()
, 而其方法裡又有 base.__impl_class = cls.configurable_default()
,呼叫了 configurable_default()
。而 Configurable
的 configurable_default()
1 2 3 |
def configurable_default(cls): """Returns the implementation class to be used if none is configured.""" raise NotImplementedError() |
顯然也是個介面,那麼我們再回頭看 ioloop 的 configurable_default()
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def configurable_default(cls): if hasattr(select, "epoll"): from tornado.platform.epoll import EPollIOLoop return EPollIOLoop if hasattr(select, "kqueue"): # Python 2.6+ on BSD or Mac from tornado.platform.kqueue import KQueueIOLoop return KQueueIOLoop from tornado.platform.select import SelectIOLoop return SelectIOLoop |
原來這是個工廠函式,根據不同的作業系統返回不同的事件池(linux 就是 epoll, mac 返回 kqueue,其他就返回普通的 select。 kqueue 基本等同於 epoll, 只是不同系統對其的不同實現)
現線上索轉移到了 tornado.platform.epoll.EPollIOLoop
上,我們再來看看 EPollIOLoop
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import select from tornado.ioloop import PollIOLoop class EPollIOLoop(PollIOLoop): def initialize(self, **kwargs): super(EPollIOLoop, self).initialize(impl=select.epoll(), **kwargs) |
完全繼承自 PollIOLoop
(注意這裡是 PollIOLoop 不是 IOLoop)並只是在初始化時指定了 impl 是 epoll,所以看起來我們用 IOLoop 初始化最後初始化的其實就是這個 PollIOLoop,所以接下來,我們真正需要理解和閱讀的內容應該都在這裡:
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class PollIOLoop(IOLoop): """Base class for IOLoops built around a select-like function. For concrete implementations, see `tornado.platform.epoll.EPollIOLoop` (Linux), `tornado.platform.kqueue.KQueueIOLoop` (BSD and Mac), or `tornado.platform.select.SelectIOLoop` (all platforms). """ def initialize(self, impl, time_func=None, **kwargs): super(PollIOLoop, self).initialize(**kwargs) self._impl = impl if hasattr(self._impl, 'fileno'): set_close_exec(self._impl.fileno()) self.time_func = time_func or time.time self._handlers = {} self._events = {} self._callbacks = [] self._callback_lock = threading.Lock() self._timeouts = [] self._cancellations = 0 self._running = False self._stopped = False self._closing = False self._thread_ident = None self._blocking_signal_threshold = None self._timeout_counter = itertools.count() # Create a pipe that we send bogus data to when we want to wake # the I/O loop when it is idle self._waker = Waker() self.add_handler(self._waker.fileno(), lambda fd, events: self._waker.consume(), self.READ) def close(self, all_fds=False): with self._callback_lock: self._closing = True self.remove_handler(self._waker.fileno()) if all_fds: for fd, handler in self._handlers.values(): self.close_fd(fd) self._waker.close() self._impl.close() self._callbacks = None self._timeouts = None def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events): fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd) self._handlers[fd] = (obj, stack_context.wrap(handler)) self._impl.register(fd, events | self.ERROR) def update_handler(self, fd, events): fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd) self._impl.modify(fd, events | self.ERROR) def remove_handler(self, fd): fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd) self._handlers.pop(fd, None) self._events.pop(fd, None) try: self._impl.unregister(fd) except Exception: gen_log.debug("Error deleting fd from IOLoop", exc_info=True) def set_blocking_signal_threshold(self, seconds, action): if not hasattr(signal, "setitimer"): gen_log.error("set_blocking_signal_threshold requires a signal module " "with the setitimer method") return self._blocking_signal_threshold = seconds if seconds is not None: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, action if action is not None else signal.SIG_DFL) def start(self): ... try: while True: # Prevent IO event starvation by delaying new callbacks # to the next iteration of the event loop. with self._callback_lock: callbacks = self._callbacks self._callbacks = [] # Add any timeouts that have come due to the callback list. # Do not run anything until we have determined which ones # are ready, so timeouts that call add_timeout cannot # schedule anything in this iteration. due_timeouts = [] if self._timeouts: now = self.time() while self._timeouts: if self._timeouts[0].callback is None: # The timeout was cancelled. Note that the # cancellation check is repeated below for timeouts # that are cancelled by another timeout or callback. heapq.heappop(self._timeouts) self._cancellations -= 1 elif self._timeouts[0].deadline 512 and self._cancellations > (len(self._timeouts) >> 1)): # Clean up the timeout queue when it gets large and it's # more than half cancellations. self._cancellations = 0 self._timeouts = [x for x in self._timeouts if x.callback is not None] heapq.heapify(self._timeouts) for callback in callbacks: self._run_callback(callback) for timeout in due_timeouts: if timeout.callback is not None: self._run_callback(timeout.callback) # Closures may be holding on to a lot of memory, so allow # them to be freed before we go into our poll wait. callbacks = callback = due_timeouts = timeout = None if self._callbacks: # If any callbacks or timeouts called add_callback, # we don't want to wait in poll() before we run them. poll_timeout = 0.0 elif self._timeouts: # If there are any timeouts, schedule the first one. # Use self.time() instead of 'now' to account for time # spent running callbacks. poll_timeout = self._timeouts[0].deadline - self.time() poll_timeout = max(0, min(poll_timeout, _POLL_TIMEOUT)) else: # No timeouts and no callbacks, so use the default. poll_timeout = _POLL_TIMEOUT if not self._running: break if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: # clear alarm so it doesn't fire while poll is waiting for # events. signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0) try: event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout) except Exception as e: # Depending on python version and IOLoop implementation, # different exception types may be thrown and there are # two ways EINTR might be signaled: # * e.errno == errno.EINTR # * e.args is like (errno.EINTR, 'Interrupted system call') if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, self._blocking_signal_threshold, 0) # Pop one fd at a time from the set of pending fds and run # its handler. Since that handler may perform actions on # other file descriptors, there may be reentrant calls to # this IOLoop that update self._events self._events.update(event_pairs) while self._events: fd, events = self._events.popitem() try: fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd] handler_func(fd_obj, events) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EPIPE: # Happens when the client closes the connection pass else: self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd)) except Exception: self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd)) fd_obj = handler_func = None finally: # reset the stopped flag so another start/stop pair can be issued self._stopped = False if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0) IOLoop._current.instance = old_current if old_wakeup_fd is not None: signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd) def stop(self): self._running = False self._stopped = True self._waker.wake() def time(self): return self.time_func() def call_at(self, deadline, callback, *args, **kwargs): timeout = _Timeout( deadline, functools.partial(stack_context.wrap(callback), *args, **kwargs), self) heapq.heappush(self._timeouts, timeout) return timeout def remove_timeout(self, timeout): # Removing from a heap is complicated, so just leave the defunct # timeout object in the queue (see discussion in # http://docs.python.org/library/heapq.html). # If this turns out to be a problem, we could add a garbage # collection pass whenever there are too many dead timeouts. timeout.callback = None self._cancellations += 1 def add_callback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): with self._callback_lock: if self._closing: raise RuntimeError("IOLoop is closing") list_empty = not self._callbacks self._callbacks.append(functools.partial( stack_context.wrap(callback), *args, **kwargs)) if list_empty and thread.get_ident() != self._thread_ident: # If we're in the IOLoop's thread, we know it's not currently # polling. If we're not, and we added the first callback to an # empty list, we may need to wake it up (it may wake up on its # own, but an occasional extra wake is harmless). Waking # up a polling IOLoop is relatively expensive, so we try to # avoid it when we can. self._waker.wake() def add_callback_from_signal(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): with stack_context.NullContext(): if thread.get_ident() != self._thread_ident: # if the signal is handled on another thread, we can add # it normally (modulo the NullContext) self.add_callback(callback, *args, **kwargs) else: # If we're on the IOLoop's thread, we cannot use # the regular add_callback because it may deadlock on # _callback_lock. Blindly insert into self._callbacks. # This is safe because the GIL makes list.append atomic. # One subtlety is that if the signal interrupted the # _callback_lock block in IOLoop.start, we may modify # either the old or new version of self._callbacks, # but either way will work. self._callbacks.append(functools.partial( stack_context.wrap(callback), *args, **kwargs)) |
果然, PollIOLoop 繼承自 IOLoop 並實現了它的所有介面,現在我們終於可以進入真正的正題了
ioloop 分析
首先要看的是關於 epoll 操作的方法,還記得前文說過的 epoll 只需要四個 api 就能完全操作嘛? 我們來看 PollIOLoop 的實現:
epoll 操作
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def add_handler(self, fd, handler, events): fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd) self._handlers[fd] = (obj, stack_context.wrap(handler)) self._impl.register(fd, events | self.ERROR) def update_handler(self, fd, events): fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd) self._impl.modify(fd, events | self.ERROR) def remove_handler(self, fd): fd, obj = self.split_fd(fd) self._handlers.pop(fd, None) self._events.pop(fd, None) try: self._impl.unregister(fd) except Exception: gen_log.debug("Error deleting fd from IOLoop", exc_info=True) |
epoll_ctl:這個三個方法分別對應 epoll_ctl 中的 add 、 modify 、 del 引數。 所以這三個方法實現了 epoll 的 epoll_ctl 。
epoll_create:然後 epoll 的生成在前文 EPollIOLoop 的初始化中就已經完成了:super(EPollIOLoop, self).initialize(impl=select.epoll(), **kwargs)
。 這個相當於 epoll_create 。
epoll_wait:epoll_wait 操作則在 start()
中:event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout)
epoll_close:而 epoll 的 close 則在 PollIOLoop 中的 close
方法內呼叫: self._impl.close()
接下來看 PollIOLoop 的初始化方法中作了什麼:
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def initialize(self, impl, time_func=None, **kwargs): super(PollIOLoop, self).initialize(**kwargs) self._impl = impl # 指定 epoll if hasattr(self._impl, 'fileno'): set_close_exec(self._impl.fileno()) # fork 後關閉無用檔案描述符 self.time_func = time_func or time.time # 指定獲取當前時間的函式 self._handlers = {} # handler 的字典,儲存被 epoll 監聽的 handler,與開啟它的檔案描述符 ( file descriptor 簡稱 fd ) 一一對應 self._events = {} # event 的字典,儲存 epoll 返回的活躍的 fd event pairs self._callbacks = [] # 儲存各個 fd 回撥函式的列表 self._callback_lock = threading.Lock() # 指定程式鎖 self._timeouts = [] # 將是一個最小堆結構,按照超時時間從小到大排列的 fd 的任務堆( 通常這個任務都會包含一個 callback ) self._cancellations = 0 # 關於 timeout 的計數器 self._running = False # ioloop 是否在執行 self._stopped = False # ioloop 是否停止 self._closing = False # ioloop 是否關閉 self._thread_ident = None # 當前執行緒堆識別符號 ( thread identify ) self._blocking_signal_threshold = None # 系統訊號, 主要用來在 epoll_wait 時判斷是否會有 signal alarm 打斷 epoll self._timeout_counter = itertools.count() # 超時計數器 ( 暫時不是很明白具體作用,好像和前面的 _cancellations 有關係? 請大神講講) self._waker = Waker() # 一個 waker 類,主要是對於管道 pipe 的操作,因為 ioloop 屬於底層的資料操作,這裡 epoll 監聽的是 pipe self.add_handler(self._waker.fileno(), lambda fd, events: self._waker.consume(), self.READ) # 將管道加入 epoll 監聽,對於 web server 初始化時只需要關心 READ 事件 |
- close_exec 的作用: 子程式在fork出來的時候,使用了寫時複製(COW,Copy-On-Write)方式獲得父程式的資料空間、 堆和棧副本,這其中也包括檔案描述符。剛剛fork成功時,父子程式中相同的檔案描述符指向系統檔案表中的同一項,接著,一般我們會呼叫exec執行另一個程式,此時會用全新的程式替換子程式的正文,資料,堆和棧等。此時儲存檔案描述符的變數當然也不存在了,我們就無法關閉無用的檔案描述符了。所以通常我們會fork子程式後在子程式中直接執行close關掉無用的檔案描述符,然後再執行exec。 所以 close_exec 執行的其實就是 關閉 + 執行的作用。 詳情可以檢視: 關於linux程式間的close-on-exec機制
- Waker(): Waker 封裝了對於管道 pipe 的操作:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142def set_close_exec(fd):flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, flags | fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)def _set_nonblocking(fd):flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK)class Waker(interface.Waker):def __init__(self):r, w = os.pipe()_set_nonblocking(r)_set_nonblocking(w)set_close_exec(r)set_close_exec(w)self.reader = os.fdopen(r, "rb", 0)self.writer = os.fdopen(w, "wb", 0)def fileno(self):return self.reader.fileno()def write_fileno(self):return self.writer.fileno()def wake(self):try:self.writer.write(b"x")except IOError:passdef consume(self):try:while True:result = self.reader.read()if not result:breakexcept IOError:passdef close(self):self.reader.close()self.writer.close()
可以看到 waker 把 pipe 分為讀、 寫兩個管道並都設定了非阻塞和close_exec
。 注意wake(self)
ioloop 最核心的部分:
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def start(self): if self._running: # 判斷是否已經執行 raise RuntimeError("IOLoop is already running") self._setup_logging() if self._stopped: self._stopped = False # 設定停止為假 return old_current = getattr(IOLoop._current, "instance", None) IOLoop._current.instance = self self._thread_ident = thread.get_ident() # 獲得當前執行緒識別符號 self._running = True # 設定執行 old_wakeup_fd = None if hasattr(signal, 'set_wakeup_fd') and os.name == 'posix': try: old_wakeup_fd = signal.set_wakeup_fd(self._waker.write_fileno()) if old_wakeup_fd != -1: signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd) old_wakeup_fd = None except ValueError: old_wakeup_fd = None try: while True: # 伺服器程式正式開始,類似於其他伺服器的 serve_forever with self._callback_lock: # 加鎖,_callbacks 做為臨界區不加鎖進行讀寫會產生髒資料 callbacks = self._callbacks # 讀取 _callbacks self._callbacks = []. # 清空 _callbacks due_timeouts = [] # 用於存放這個週期內已過期( 已超時 )的任務 if self._timeouts: # 判斷 _timeouts 裡是否有資料 now = self.time() # 獲取當前時間,用來判斷 _timeouts 裡的任務有沒有超時 while self._timeouts: # _timeouts 有資料時一直迴圈, _timeouts 是個最小堆,第一個資料永遠是最小的, 這裡第一個資料永遠是最接近超時或已超時的 if self._timeouts[0].callback is None: # 超時任務無回撥 heapq.heappop(self._timeouts) # 直接彈出 self._cancellations -= 1 # 超時計數器 -1 elif self._timeouts[0].deadline 512 and self._cancellations > (len(self._timeouts) >> 1)): # 當超時計數器大於 512 並且 大於 _timeouts 長度一半( >> 為右移運算, 相當於十進位制資料被除 2 )時,清零計數器,並剔除 _timeouts 中無 callbacks 的任務 self._cancellations = 0 self._timeouts = [x for x in self._timeouts if x.callback is not None] heapq.heapify(self._timeouts) # 進行 _timeouts 最小堆化 for callback in callbacks: self._run_callback(callback) # 執行 callbacks 裡所有的 calllback for timeout in due_timeouts: if timeout.callback is not None: self._run_callback(timeout.callback) # 執行所有已過期任務的 callback callbacks = callback = due_timeouts = timeout = None # 釋放記憶體 if self._callbacks: # _callbacks 裡有資料時 poll_timeout = 0.0 # 設定 epoll_wait 時間為0( 立即返回 ) elif self._timeouts: # _timeouts 裡有資料時 poll_timeout = self._timeouts[0].deadline - self.time() # 取最小過期時間當 epoll_wait 等待時間,這樣當第一個任務過期時立即返回 poll_timeout = max(0, min(poll_timeout, _POLL_TIMEOUT)) # 如果最小過期時間大於預設等待時間 _POLL_TIMEOUT = 3600,則用 3600,如果最小過期時間小於0 就設定為0 立即返回。 else: poll_timeout = _POLL_TIMEOUT # 預設 3600 s 等待時間 if not self._running: # 檢查是否有系統訊號中斷執行,有則中斷,無則繼續 break if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0) # 開始 epoll_wait 之前確保 signal alarm 都被清空( 這樣在 epoll_wait 過程中不會被 signal alarm 打斷 ) try: event_pairs = self._impl.poll(poll_timeout) # 獲取返回的活躍事件隊 except Exception as e: if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR: continue else: raise if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, self._blocking_signal_threshold, 0) # epoll_wait 結束, 再設定 signal alarm self._events.update(event_pairs) # 將活躍事件加入 _events while self._events: fd, events = self._events.popitem() # 迴圈彈出事件 try: fd_obj, handler_func = self._handlers[fd] # 處理事件 handler_func(fd_obj, events) except (OSError, IOError) as e: if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EPIPE: pass else: self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd)) except Exception: self.handle_callback_exception(self._handlers.get(fd)) fd_obj = handler_func = None finally: self._stopped = False # 確保發生異常也繼續執行 if self._blocking_signal_threshold is not None: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0, 0) # 清空 signal alarm IOLoop._current.instance = old_current if old_wakeup_fd is not None: signal.set_wakeup_fd(old_wakeup_fd) # 和 start 開頭部分對應,但是不是很清楚作用,求老司機帶帶路 |
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def stop(self): self._running = False self._stopped = True self._waker.wake() |
這個很簡單,設定判斷條件,然後呼叫 self._waker.wake()
向 pipe 寫入隨意字元喚醒 ioloop 事件迴圈。 over!
噗,寫了這麼長,終於寫完了。 經過分析,我們可以看到, ioloop 實際上是對 epoll 的封裝,並加入了一些對上層事件的處理和 server 相關的底層處理。