序號 | 刊物簡稱 | 刊物全稱 | 出版社 | 網址 |
1 | TACO | ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization | ACM | |
2 | TOPLAS | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems | ACM | |
3 | TOSEM | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology | ACM | |
4 | TSE | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | IEEE |
序號 | 刊物簡稱 | 刊物全稱 | 出版社 | 網址 |
1 | ASE | Annals of Software Engineering | ||
2 |
| Automated Software Engineering | Springer | |
3 |
| Empirical Software Engineering | Springer | |
4 |
| Formal Aspects of Computing | Springer London | |
5 |
| Formal Methods in System Design | Springer Netherlands | |
6 |
| IEE Proceedings – Software | the Institution of Engineering and Technology | |
7 | IJSEKE | International Journal on Software | World Scientific | |
8 | JPL | Journal of Programming Languages | Chapman & Hall | |
9 |
| Journal of Software Maintenance: Research | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | |
10 | JSS | Journal of Systems and Software | Elsevier Science | |
11 | RE | Requirements Engineering Journal | Springer | |
12 | SCP | Science of Computer Programming | Elsevier Science | |
13 | SPE | Software: Practice and Experience | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd |
序號 | 刊物簡稱 | 刊物全稱 | 出版社 | 網址 |
1 | ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes | ACM | ||
2 |
| Computer Languages, Systems and Structures | Elsevier | |
3 | HOSC | Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | Springer | |
4 |
| Information and Software Technology | Elsevier | |
5 |
| International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering | Inder | |
6 | STTT | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | Springer | |
7 | JFLP | Journal of Functional and Logic Programming | The MIT | |
8 | JFP | Journal of Functional Programming | Cambridge | |
9 |
| Journal of Logic and Computation | Oxford | |
10 | SoSyM | Software and System Modeling | Springer | |
11 |
| IET Software | IET | |
12 |
| Software Quality Journal | Springer US | |
13 | STVR | Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | John Wiley |
序號 | 會議簡稱 | 會議全稱 | 出版社 | 網址 |
1 | FSE | ACM Conference on the Foundations of | ACM | |
2 | POPL | ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium | ||
3 | PLDI | ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming | ||
4 | SOSP | ACM Symposium on Operating Systems | ACM | |
5 | ICSE | International Conference on Software | ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE | |
6 | OOPSLA | OO Programming Systems, Languages and | ACM | |
7 | OSDI | USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems | USENIX |
序號 | 會議簡稱 | 會議全稱 | 出版社 | 網址 | |
1 | PEPM | ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Programming Manipulation | ACM SIGPLAN | ||
2 | ECOOP | European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming | |||
3 | ESEC | European Software Engineering Conference | ACM | ||
4 | FM | Formal Methods, World Congress | FME | ||
5 | RE | IEEE International Requirement Engineering Conference | IEEE | ||
6 | LICS | IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science | IEEE | ||
7 | COMPSAC | International Computer Software and Applications Conference | IEEE | ||
8 | ASE | International Conference on Automated Software Engineering | IEEE/ACM | ||
9 | CC | International Conference on Compiler Construction | Springer | ||
10 | COLING | International Conference on Computational Linguistics | ICCL | ||
11 | CONCUR | International Conference on Concurrency Theory | ACM SIGACT | ||
12 | MoDELS | International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems | ACM, IEEE | ||
13 | ICSM | International. Conference on Software Maintenance | IEEE | ||
14 | ICSR | International Conference on Software Reuse | Springer | ||
15 | ICFP | International Conf on Function Programming | ACM | ||
16 | SAS | International Static Analysis Symposium | Springer | ||
17 | ISSTA | International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis | ACM SIGSOFT |
序號 | 會議簡稱 | 會議全稱 | 出版社 | 網址 |
1 | PASTE | ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on | ACM | |
2 | APSEC | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference | Conference Publishing Services (CPS) | |
3 | CAV | Computer Aided Verification | Springer | |
4 | ESOP | European Symposium on Programming | Springer | |
5 | ICECCS | IEEE International Conference on Engineering | IEEE | |
6 | SCAM | IEEE International Working Conference | IEEE | |
7 | CAiSE | International Conference on Advanced | Springer | |
8 | EMSOFT | International Conference on Embedded | ACM | |
9 | ICFEM | International Conference on Formal | Springer | |
10 | FoSSaCS | International Conference on Foundations of | Springer | |
11 | TOOLS | International Conference on Objects, Models, | Springer | |
12 | CP | International Conference on Principles and | Springer | |
13 | QSIC | International Conference on Quality Software | IEEE | |
14 | RTA | International Conference on Rewriting | Springer | |
15 | SEKE | International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | KSI | |
16 | TACAS | International Conference on Tools and | Springer | |
17 | SPIN | International SPIN Workshop on Model | Springer | |
18 | LOPSTR | International Symposium on Logic-based | Springer | |
19 | FATES | International Workshop on Formal | Springer | |
20 | IWSSD | International Workshop on Software | IEEE | |
21 | ICST | The IEEE International Conference on | IEEE |
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