Java Web效能優化之一:減少DAO層的呼叫次數
很簡單的一個問題,一個業務方法,需要先查詢一次得到結果(select),然後再根據查詢的結果進行一次更新(update),通常情況下我們會在DAO層定義兩個介面,一個介面實現查詢,一個介面實現更新,在service層呼叫2次。當然還有一種解決方案,就是僅在DAO層定義一個介面,通過update set select 這種語法去做,這樣呼叫一次就可以完成更新,那麼實際情況我們選用哪一種高效呢?根據我的經驗應該是第二種,但有人說盡量不要寫子查詢,那我就具體寫個test case測試一下效率問題。
package zhsz_service;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration;
import org.springframework.util.Log4jConfigurer;
import cn.zhsz.service.dao.evaluation.impl.EvaluationDaoImpl;
@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath*:/spring/spring_servlet.xml",
"classpath*:/spring/spring_config.xml" })
public class MainTest {
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MainTest.class);// 日誌
private EvaluationDaoImpl evaluationDao;
public void testOne() throws Exception {
long beforeCurrentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
float score =this.evaluationDao.findScoreByOid(10);
boolean result = this.evaluationDao.updateOptionScoreByQid("123",5, score);
long afterCurrentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.error("testOne用時"+ (afterCurrentTimeMillis - beforeCurrentTimeMillis) + "毫秒!");
public void testTwo() throws Exception {
long beforeCurrentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean result = this.evaluationDao.updateOptionScoreByQid("123",5, 9);
long afterCurrentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.error("testTwo用時"+ (afterCurrentTimeMillis - beforeCurrentTimeMillis) + "毫秒!");
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
<select id="findScoreByOid" parameterType="int" resultType="float">
select score from t_evaluation_options where id = #{oid}
<update id="updateOptionScoreByQid2" parameterType="Map">
update t_self_evaluation set score = #{score}
where stu_number = #{stuNum} and question_id = #{qid}
而testTwo只呼叫了1次DAO層,但sql是帶子查詢的update set select語法:
<update id="updateOptionScoreByQid" parameterType="Map">
update t_self_evaluation set score =
(select score from t_evaluation_options where id = #{oid})
where stu_number = #{stuNum} and question_id = #{qid}
2015-11-14 12:25:41 [ main:2529 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時578毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:25:51 [ main:1483 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時156毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:00 [ main:1469 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時172毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:07 [ main:1452 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時172毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:17 [ main:1530 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時235毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:25 [ main:1484 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時156毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:33 [ main:1531 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時173毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:41 [ main:1454 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時171毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:49 [ main:1547 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時204毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:26:57 [ main:1498 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時156毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:27:18 [ main:1468 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時187毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:27:57 [ main:1469 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時156毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:28:52 [ main:1498 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時202毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:28:59 [ main:1473 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時156毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:29:24 [ main:1531 ] - [ ERROR ] testOne用時189毫秒!
2015-11-14 12:29:31 [ main:1469 ] - [ ERROR ] testTwo用時156毫秒!
所以當我們在寫程式的時候如果遇到複雜的業務方法,可以考慮儘量直接在資料庫層通過複雜sql、function或procedure去處理而避免多次呼叫DAO層的方法,這樣在效率方面應該會有一些提升,如果有不對的地方歡迎批評指正,The End。
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