原文:Dweb: Building Cooperation and Trust into the Web with IPFS
作者:Kyle Drake, Marcin Rataj 發表時間:August 29, 2018
譯者:西樓聽雨 發表時間: 2018/09/02
原文是 Mozilla 開發者網站釋出的關於 Dweb 的概念、應用及使用案例介紹的系列文章中的第五篇。(轉載請註明出處)
In this series we are covering projects that explore what is possible when the web becomes decentralized or distributed. These projects aren’t affiliated with Mozilla, and some of them rewrite the rules of how we think about a web browser. What they have in common: These projects are open source, and open for participation, and share Mozilla’s mission to keep the web open and accessible for all.
在這個系列中,我們會講到一些正在嘗試探索在 Web 變為去中心化或分散式的時候存在哪些可能性的專案,這些專案不附屬於 Mozilla,其中一些專案還重新定義了我們對 web 瀏覽器的認識。他們都有共同點:這些專案都是開源的,開放參與的,並且和 Mozilla ”keep the web open and accessible for all (讓 Web 對所有人保持開放和可訪問)“ 的宗旨一致。
Some projects start small, aiming for incremental improvements. Others start with a grand vision, leapfrogging today’s problems by architecting an idealized world. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is definitely the latter – attempting to replace HTTP entirely, with a network layer that has scale, trust, and anti-DDOS measures all built into the protocol. It’s our pleasure to have an introduction to IPFS today from Kyle Drake, the founder of Neocities and Marcin Rataj, the creator of IPFS Companion, both on the IPFS team at Protocol Labs -Dietrich Ayala
一些專案成立時較小,採取逐步地提升;另外一些專案成立時目標遠大,通過設計一套美好世界架構來顛覆式地解決當今存在的問題。 行星網檔案系統 (IPFS: The InterPlanetary File System) 絕對是後者 —— 通過一個具備可伸縮、可信任、防 DDOS 攻擊的網路協議層嘗試對 HTTP 做整體替換。我們非常榮幸請到 Neocities 的創始人 Kyle Drake 和 IPFS Companion 的建立者 Maricin Rataj 對 IPFS 做一個介紹,他們兩位都是 Protocol Labs (協議實驗室) 的 IPFS 團隊成員。——Dietrich Ayala
IPFS —— The InterPlanetary File System (行星網檔案系統)
We’re a team of people all over the world working on IPFS, an implementation of the distributed web that seeks to replace HTTP with a new protocol that is powered by individuals on the internet. The goal of IPFS is to “re-decentralize” the web by replacing the location-oriented HTTP with a content-oriented protocol that does not require trust of third parties. This allows for websites and web apps to be “served” by any computer on the internet with IPFS support, without requiring servers to be run by the original content creator. IPFS and the distributed web unmoor information from physical location and singular distribution, ultimately creating a more affordable, equal, available, faster, and less censorable web.
我們是來自世界各地的人們所組成的一個團隊,我們的工作內容是 IPFS——一種分散式 Web 的實現,旨在用一種新協議替換掉 HTTP,這種新的協議是由各個獨立個體所支撐的。 IPFS 的目標是“再去中心化(re-decentrialize)”,將現有的面向地址的 HTTP 替換為面向內容的協議,無需基於對第三方的信任。這使得網站和 Web 應用可以由網路中支援 IPFS 的其他電腦來進行提供,無須內容的最初建立者配備伺服器。IPFS 和 分散式 Web 去除了資訊的物理位置要求和單一分發節點的特點,最終建立出一個更加可負擔、平等、可用、快速和內容審查風險更低的 Web。
IPFS aims for a “distributed” or “logically decentralized” design. IPFS consists of a network of nodes, which help each other find data using a content hash via a Distributed Hash Table (DHT). The result is that all nodes help find and serve web sites, and even if the original provider of the site goes down, you can still load it as long as one other computer in the network has a copy of it. The web becomes empowered by individuals, rather than depending on the large organizations that can afford to build large content delivery networks and serve a lot of traffic.
The IPFS stack is an abstraction built on top of IPLD and libp2p:
IPFS 的設計理念是 “分散式” 和 “邏輯上去中心化”。IPFS 是由許多節點組成的一張網路,各節點可以通過用一個內容 hash 來查詢一張分散式 Hash 表 (Distributed Hash Table (DHT)),以此相互幫助找尋資料。這種特點帶來的效果就是所有節點都為資料的找尋提供幫助並提供資料,即便最初的提供者下線了,只要還有一臺電腦中有副本,我們就仍然可以載入到它。這樣 Web 就轉變為了由個體所支撐,而不是依賴於那些可以提供大規模的內容分發網路和大規模流量訪問的大型組織。
IPFS 棧是建立在 IPLD 和 libp2p 之上的一種抽象:

Hello World
We have a reference implementation in Go (go-ipfs) and a constantly improving one in Javascript (js-ipfs). There is also a long list of API clients for other languages.
Thanks to the JS implementation, using IPFS in web development is extremely easy. The following code snippet…
- Starts an IPFS node
- Adds some data to IPFS
- Obtains the Content IDentifier (CID) for it
- Reads that data back from IPFS using the CID
IPFS 規範現在已經有了 GO 語言和 JavaScript 的實現了,他們分別是 go-ipfs 和 js-ipfs (正在不斷完善中)。除此之外,也還有許多其他語言的 API 客戶端實現。
得益於這款 JS 實現,在 web 開發中使用 IPFS 變得極其容易。下面這段程式碼演示了
- 啟動一個 IPFS 節點
- 往 IPFS 中新增一份資料
- 獲取這份資料的內容 ID(CID,Content IDentifier)
- 使用獲取到的這個內容 ID 回讀資料
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ipfs/dist/index.min.js"></script>
請開啟控制檯 (Ctrl+Shift+K)
const ipfs = new Ipfs()
const data = 'Hello from IPFS, <YOUR NAME HERE>!'
// Once the ipfs node is ready
// 當 ipfs 節點準備完成時
ipfs.once('ready', async () => {
console.log('IPFS 節點準備完成! 當前版本為: ' + (await ipfs.id()).agentVersion)
// convert your data to a Buffer and add it to IPFS
// 將資料轉換成一個 Buffer 後再新增到 IPFS
console.log('要釋出的資料: ' + data)
const files = await ipfs.files.add(ipfs.types.Buffer.from(data))
// 'hash', known as CID, is a string uniquely addressing the data
// and can be used to get it again. 'files' is an array because
// 'add' supports multiple additions, but we only added one entry
// 這裡的'hash' 就是 CID, 它是一個唯一標誌這份資料的字串,可以用其取回資料。
// 而 'files' 則是一個陣列,因為 'add' 操作支援批量新增,
// 只不過在這裡我們只新增了一條
const cid = files[0].hash
console.log('資料所獲得的 CID: ' + cid)
// read data back from IPFS: CID is the only identifier you need!
// 從 IPFS 回讀資料:只需要 CID 就可以了
const dataFromIpfs = await ipfs.files.cat(cid)
console.log('從 IPFS 回讀出來的資料: ' + String(dataFromIpfs))
// Compatibility layer: HTTP gateway
// 相容性適配層:HTTP 閘道器
// (譯註:為了相容 HTTP,可以通過公共的 HTTP 閘道器用 http 連結獲得資料)
console.log('Bonus: open at one of public HTTP gateways: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/' + cid)
Everyone with the CID can access it. Sensitive files should be encrypted before publishing.
任何人只要有這份資料的 CID,都可以得到這份資料。所以敏感檔案在釋出前應該先進行加密。
The permanence of content-addressed data in IPFS is intrinsically bound to the active participation of peers interested in providing it to others. It is impossible to remove data from other peers but if no peer is keeping it alive, it will be “forgotten” by the swarm.
The public HTTP gateway will keep the data available for a few hours — if you want to ensure long term availability make sure to pin important data at nodes you control. Try IPFS Cluster: a stand-alone application and a CLI client to allocate, replicate and track pins across a cluster of IPFS daemons.
IPFS 中資料的存續性本質上取決於各節點的參與度。你沒有辦法移除別的節點中的資料,但如果沒有人再保留著它的話,它將被集體所“遺忘”。
公共的 HTTP 閘道器會將這份資料保留幾個小時——如果你希望它能夠長時間保留,你需要在你所控制的節點上將其持續保留。或者你也可以採用 IPFS 叢集:一種用於在 IPFS 叢集中各節點中進行分配、克隆和監測的獨立應用和命令列客戶端。
You can experiment with js-ipfs to make simple browser apps. If you want to run an IPFS server you can install go-ipfs, or run a cluster, as we mentioned above.
There is a growing list of examples, and make sure to see the bi-directional file exchange demo built with js-ipfs.
You can add IPFS to the browser by installing the IPFS Companion extension for Firefox.
你可以使用 js-ipfs 來嘗試做一些簡單的瀏覽器應用。如果你想跑一臺 IPFS 伺服器的話,可以安裝 go-ipfs;或者可以像上面我們提到的——跑一個叢集。
你可以通過為 Firefox 安裝 IPFS Companion,將 IPFS 新增到瀏覽器中。
Learn about IPFS concepts by visiting our documentation website at docs.ipfs.io.
Readers can participate by improving documentation, visiting ipfs.io, developing distributed web apps and sites with IPFS, and exploring and contributing to our git repos and various things built by the community.
A great place to ask questions is our friendly community forum: discuss.ipfs.io. We also have an IRC channel, #ipfs on Freenode (or #freenode_#ipfs:matrix.org on Matrix). Join us!
訪問我們的文件網站 docs.ipfs.io 瞭解更多關於 IPFS 的概念。
讀者可以參與文件的完善。訪問 ipfs.io,學習如何開發分散式 Web 應用和網站,參與或檢視我們的 git 倉庫和其他由社群共同完成的東西。
我們的社群論壇非常友好,是一個提問的好地方:discuss.ipfs.io。另外我們還有一個 IRC 頻道,頻道名稱為 #ipfs, 在 Freenode 網站上 (or #freenode_#ipfs:matrix.org on Matrix)。歡迎大家加入!
關於 Kyle Drake
Kyle Drake 是 Protocol Labs (協議實驗室) 的一名開發人員,當前正負責開發 IPFS。
關於 Marcin Rataj
Marcin Rataj 是 Protocol Labs 的一名開發人員,當前正負責開發針對瀏覽器的 IPFS,另外他還是一位崇尚自然生活的人 (a carbon based lifeform) 。