TestNG和Junit一樣都是一種測試框架,不過它克服了Junit存在的一些侷限性。NG意味著"Next Generation".大部分的Selenium測試工程師都選擇TestNG而非Junit就是因為TestNG的優勢。在TestNG中出現了更多的功能相對於Junit來說,但是在這裡我們只關注在Selenium測試中應用比較多的功能。
TestNG VS Junit
- 註釋更容易理解
- 測試用例能以組的概念出現會顯得更簡單
- 並行測試成為可能
Installing TestNG in Eclipse
Launch Eclipse.
On the menu bar, click Help.
Choose the "Install New Software..." option.
Step 2
In the Install dialog box, click the Add button
Step 3
In "Name", type TestNG.
In "Location", type http://beust.com/eclipse.
Click OK
Step 4
Notice that "TestNG - http://beust.com/eclipse" was populated onto the "Work with:" textbox.
Check the "TestNG" check box as shown below, then click Next.
Note: In the latest Eclipse (Kepler) you don't have a checkbox for testNG, instead you click on question mark (help) icon which will open up the form, and you can select all and installation will continue as for the remaining instructions. Thanks Jana for the tip!
Step 5
Click Next again on the succeeding dialog box until you reach the License Agreement dialog.
Click "I accept the terms of the license agreement" then click Finish.
Step 6
Wait for the installation to finish
If you encounter a Security warning, just click OK
Step 7
When Eclipse prompts you for a restart, just click Yes.
Step 8
After restart, verify if TestNG was indeed successfully installed. Click Window > Preferences and see if TestNG is included on the Preferences list.
We will now start to import the TestNG Libraries onto our project. Click on the "Libraries" tab, and then "Add Library…"
Step 10
On the Add Library dialog, choose "TestNG" and click Next.
Step 11
Click Finish.
You should notice that TestNG is included on the Libraries list.
Step 12
We will now add the JAR files that contain the Selenium API. These files are found in the Java client driver that we downloaded from http://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/ when we were installing Selenium and Eclipse in the previous chapters.