struts2報Error filterStart錯
由於jdk1.5 與 tomcat5.0之間的關於 TransformerFactoryImpl 類的衝突造成的。
tomcat-5.0.28\common\endorsed下有兩個jar包:xercesImpl.jar和xml-apis.jar,其中的類 javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory 與jdk1.5中的類org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl其實是同一個類。
in tomcat java is called with the following argument:
In this directory you find two jar files: xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar needed by tomcat and that must be loaded before all xmsl stuff present in the jdk (1.4 naming problem). And in the file xml-apis.jar the TransformerFactoryImpl is set to "org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl".
1. 將xml-apis.jar移出endorsed資料夾。
2. 用xalan系列jar包替換原來的xercesImpl.jar和xml-apis.jar。
3. For other application, just check this file or dom3-xml-apis.jar in your class path.
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