有關Weak Head Normal Form
Normal form:
An expression in normal form is fully evaluated, and no sub-expression could be evaluated any further (i.e. it contains no un-evaluated thunks).
These expressions are all in normal form:
(2, "hello")
\x -> (x + 1)
These expressions are not in normal form:
1 + 2 -- we could evaluate this to 3
(\x -> x + 1) 2 -- we could apply the function
"he" ++ "llo" -- we could apply the (++)
(1 + 1, 2 + 2) -- we could evaluate 1 + 1 and 2 + 2
Weak head normal form
An expression in weak head normal form has been evaluated to the outermost data constructor or lambda abstraction (the head). Sub-expressions may or may not have been evaluated. Therefore, every normal form expression is also in weak head normal form, though the opposite does not hold in general.
WHNF的定義:An expression如果是下面中的一種,則in weak head normal form:
- a constructor (eventually applied to arguments) like True, Just (square 42) or (:) 1(注意True是Bool的一個Constructor, (:) 1是列表的一個Constructor)
- a built-in function applied to too few arguments (perhaps none) like (+) 2 or sqrt.
- or a lambda abstraction \x -> expression.
To determine whether an expression is in weak head normal form, we only have to look at the outermost part of the expression. If it's a data constructor or a lambda, it's in weak head normal form. If it's a function application, it's not.
These expressions are in weak head normal form:
(1 + 1, 2 + 2) -- the outermost part is the data constructor (,)
\x -> 2 + 2 -- the outermost part is a lambda abstraction 這只是一個lambda抽象
'h' : ("e" ++ "llo") -- the outermost part is the data constructor (:)
As mentioned, all the normal form expressions listed above are also in weak head normal form.
These expressions are not in weak head normal form:
1 + 2 -- the outermost part here is an application of (+),它是函式應用,不是Constructor
(\x -> x + 1) 2 -- the outermost part is an application of (\x -> x + 1) 這裡lambda函式是函式應用,不是一個lambda抽象,注意和上面的區別(當然,如果提供的實參少,則又是WHAT)
"he" ++ "llo" -- the outermost part is an application of (++) ++在這裡是函式應用
WHNF特點是:引數只計算到第一個 data constructor,它不會把整個值一次全部算出來。
比如 Just (square 42) is WHNF,它不會有進一步的計算
又如 (+) (2 * 3 * 4)也是一個 WHNF,儘管 (2 * 3 * 4)能被簡化為標準格式24.
ghci> let t = const (Just "hello") ()
ghci> :sprint t
t =\_
ghci> seq t ()
ghci> :sprint t
t = Just _
ghci> data F a = SomeVal a
ghci> let t = SomeVal 3 :: F Int
ghci> :sprint t
t = <SomeVal> 3
ghci> let t = SomeVal 3
ghci> :sprint t
t = _
ghci> let t = const (SomeVal 3) ()
ghci> :sprint t
t = \_
ghci> seq t ()
ghci> :sprint t
t = _
ghci> let t = const (SomeVal 3) () :: F Int
ghci> :sprint t
t = _
ghci> seq t ()
ghci> :sprint t
t = <SomeVal> 3
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