Oracle 41億資料量表建立索引記錄
生產系統一個流水錶,41億資料,有一列原先開發建立了bitmap index,由於該表為流水錶,有大量插入,alert日誌中一直報
dead lock,死鎖,由於點陣圖索引特殊性,即使在沒有任何約束情況下,由於該列的distinct值非常低,41億,只有170左右的distinct value,所以造成大量的dead lock,需要刪除bitmap index,改為global normal index。
alter session set workarea_size_policy=MANUAL; alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=512; alter session set events ‘10351 trace name context forever, level 128’; alter session set sort_area_size=2147483648; alter session set “_sort_multiblock_read_count”=128; alter session enable parallel ddl; alter session enable parallel dml; set timing on create index idx_data_02 on data(xx) parallel 8 nologging [local];
[oracle@rh2 ~]$ oerr ora 10351 10351, 00000, "size of slots" // *Cause: // *Action: sets the size of slots to use // *Comment: a slot is a unit of I/O and this factor controls the size // *Comment: of the IO. alter session set events '10351 trace name context forever, level 128'; level 128 -> direct path write max block 128 I generated a new run of the big testcase with event 10357, Patch 4417285 applied, manual workarea_size_policy, sort_area_size=50000000, db_file_multiblock_read_count=16 and event 10351 with level 128. I tried it with disk_asynch_io=TRUE and FALSE just to be certain this is not something related to the async. In the trace files I see something very peculiar. The slots size is 128 as expected and I see many writes of 128 blocks but not all of them are and they look like the they come in clusters. A few 128 writes, then a lot smaller of different sizes but mainly less than 16 blocks and then another cluster of big ones and so on. kcblcow: dba=100c91b, sz=128, blks=117, st=3, idx=14 kcblcow: dba=100c91b, sz=128, blks=117, st=3, idx=14 kcblcow: dba=100c991, sz=128, blks=1, st=3, idx=15 kcblcow: dba=100c91b, sz=128, blks=117, st=3, idx=14 kcblcow: dba=100c991, sz=128, blks=1, st=3, idx=15 kcblcow: dba=100c990, sz=128, blks=1, st=3, idx=0 kcblcow: dba=100c992, sz=128, blks=128, st=3, idx=1 kcblcow: dba=100c992, sz=128, blks=128, st=3, idx=1 kcblcow: dba=100ca12, sz=128, blks=39, st=3, idx=2 kcblcow: dba=100c992, sz=128, blks=128, st=3, idx=1 kcblcow: dba=100ca12, sz=128, blks=39, st=3, idx=2 kcblcow: dba=100ca3a, sz=128, blks=1, st=3, idx=3 kcblcow: dba=100ca12, sz=128, blks=39, st=3, idx=2 kcblcow: dba=100ca3a, sz=128, blks=1, st=3, idx=3 kcblcow: dba=100ca39, sz=128, blks=1, st=3, idx=4 but it is possible that there are other factor out of our control that forces Oracle to stop adding blocks to the slot and write small batches. In conclusion, in order to have the least ammount of direct operations and have the maximum possible read/write batches these are the parameters to set : alter session set events '10351 trace name context forever, level 128'; alter session set workarea_size_policy=manual; alter session set sort_area_size=50000000;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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