This is one physical western digial head swap data recovery case.
When the case was received, users request Dolphin data recovery engineers to check remotely. By entering safe mode of the hard drive, the engineer could backup the ROM and run SA Bypassing function.
接到這個 CASE 的時候,使用者讓 DFL 資料恢復工程師遠端檢查。透過進入硬碟的安全模式,工程師可以備份 ROM ,並且繞過 SA 訪問 功能。
However, after bypassing the SA read, the situation didn ’ t change at all and only PCB information was recognized, the module DIR could be read but when any attempts to read modules fail and data area was blocked too.
然而,在繞過讀 SA 後,情況沒有改變,只能識別 PCB 資訊,模組 DIR 目錄可以讀取但嘗試讀取模組和資料區未能成功,操作失敗。
By above operation, engineer can clearly learn above read failure was caused by head damage although the hdd had not generated clicking noises.
Engineer suggested the DFL user to swap the heads with level 2 head replacement suite and then checked the patient hard drive again. The hard drive could be ready but very slow, bypassing the SA, the engineer could read all the firmware modules and then load the ATA modules with DFL WD, next, the user could fix the slow initialization problem.
工程師建議 DFL 使用者進行換頭,然後再檢故障硬碟。硬碟可以就緒但是很慢,繞過 SA ,工程師用 DFL WD 韌體修復工具可以讀所有的韌體模組並載入 ATA 模組,接下來,使用者可以修復初始化慢的問題。
Next the engineer run firmware restart and waited until the ready got ready. Entering DDP data recovery
後續的工程師執行韌體重啟,等到就緒成功。進入 DDP 模組就可以進行資料恢復工作了。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/31452571/viewspace-2212624/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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