> alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever,level 12'; Session altered. (如果出現ORA-01031: insufficient privileges,則grant alter session to scott;賦予許可權) scott@DB11GR2> declare 2 l_empno number default 7698; 3 begin 4 update emp set ename=lower(ename) where empno=l_empno; 5 end; 6 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. scott@DB11GR2> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options |
Trace file i:\app\diag\rdbms\db11gr2\ins11gr2\trace\ins11gr2_ora_1196.trc Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Windows NT Version V6.1 CPU : 4 - type 8664, 2 Physical Cores Process Affinity : 0x0x0000000000000000 Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:1914M/3950M, Ph+PgF:1213M/4204M Instance name: ins11gr2 Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 22 Windows thread id: 1196, image: ORACLE.EXE (SHAD) |
*** 2011-03-13 17:34:37.605 *** SESSION ID:(57.57) 2011-03-13 17:34:37.605 *** CLIENT ID:() 2011-03-13 17:34:37.605 *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2011-03-13 17:34:37.605 *** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2011-03-13 17:34:37.605 *** ACTION NAME:() 2011-03-13 17:34:37.605 |
PARSING IN CURSOR #2 len=125 dep=0 uid=32 ct=47 lid=32 tim=21413212268 hv=938959667 ad='7ff3932e0e8' sqlid='c1mnjrhvzfstm' declare l_empno number default 7369; begin update emp set ename=lower(ename) where empno=l_empno; end; END OF STMT PARSE #2:c=62400,e=171857,p=9,cr=23,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=0,og=1,plh=0,tim=21413212267 |
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