Mysql maatkit 的安裝和簡介


maatkit 是baron.schwartz 為主導,開源的Mysql工具,提供了很多Mysql官方目前並沒有實現的功能.大大方便和加強了Mysql的監控和管理.下面簡單介紹下安裝和使用.




安裝很簡單,比如我下載的 ,釋放後整個資料夾傳到伺服器上,對於軟體環境要求,一般就是DBD::mysql和DBI,當然少不了perl.安裝只要幾個命令:

# cd maatkit-2725/

# perl Makefile.PL

# make

# make install


1、mk-table-checksum 檢查主從表是否一致及有效的工具

2、mk-table-sync 使表一致的工具,不必過載從表而能夠保證一致

3、mk-visual-explain exlpain解釋工具

4、mk-heartbeat 主從同步的監視工具,能夠給出從落後於主多少

5、mk-parallel-dump 多執行緒的mysqldump工具

6、mk-parallel-restore 多執行緒的表修復工具

7、mk-query-profiler 查詢檢測分析工具

8、mk-deadlock-logger 死鎖的記錄工具

9、mk-duplicate-key-checker key偵測工具

10、mk-show-grants 許可權管理顯示工具
11、mk-slave-restart slave的檢測和重啟工具

12、mk-slave-delay slave delay replication 的工具

mk-archiver Archive rows from a MySQL table into another table or a file.
mk-audit Analyze, summarize and report on MySQL config, schema and operation
mk-checksum-filter Filter checksums from mk-table-checksum.
mk-deadlock-logger Extract and log MySQL deadlock information.
mk-duplicate-key-checker Find possible duplicate indexes and foreign keys on MySQL tables.
mk-fifo-split Split files and pipe lines to a fifo without really splitting.
mk-find Find MySQL tables and execute actions, like GNU find.
mk-heartbeat Monitor MySQL replication delay.
mk-log-parser Analyze and review MySQL logs.
mk-log-player Split and play MySQL slow logs.
mk-log-server Serve MySQL binary logs.
mk-parallel-dump Dump sets of MySQL tables in parallel.
mk-parallel-restore Load files into MySQL in parallel.
mk-profile-compact Compact the output from mk-query-profiler.
mk-query-profiler Execute SQL statements and print statistics, or measure activity caused by other processes.
mk-show-grants Canonicalize and print MySQL grants so you can effectively replicate, compare and version-control them.
mk-slave-delay Make a MySQL slave server lag behind its master.
mk-slave-find Find MySQL replication slaves and execute commands on them.
mk-slave-move Move a MySQL slave around in the replication hierarchy.
mk-slave-prefetch Pipeline relay logs on a MySQL slave to pre-warm caches.
mk-slave-restart Watch and restart MySQL replication after errors.
mk-table-checksum Perform an online replication consistency check, or checksum MySQL tables efficiently on one or many servers.
mk-table-sync Synchronize MySQL tables efficiently.
mk-visual-explain Format EXPLAIN output as a tree.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
