step by step install netbackup client 6.5 on aix
OS: AIX 6100-05-01-1016
本文描述,在AIX 6.1上安裝netbackup client,用於備份aix 作業系統中的部分資料目錄.
本文涉及的AIX 6.1作業系統上安裝了TCP_WRAPPER軟體,用於系統的安全加固,所以配置netbackup client時需要開部分許可權給netbackup server .
一. 複製netbackup client 6.5安裝目錄到aix系統中
IA64 NB_65_ICS_1.4.37.3_WIN32 X86 x64
Launch.bat NB_65_ICS_1.4.37.3_WINIA64 autorun.inf
NBClients NB_65_ICS_1.4.37.3_WINX64 install
xxdb_node1:/imp32/netbackup_client#chmod -R 755 *
二. 執行install程式,進行client軟體的安裝
Symantec Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2007 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
Installing NetBackup Client Software
NOTE: To install NetBackup Server software, insert the appropriate
NetBackup Server cdrom.
Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y) y
Do you want to install the NetBackup client software for this client? [y,n] (y) y
This package will install RS6000/AIX5 client.
This package will install NetBackup client 6.5.
Enter the name of the NetBackup server : netbackup
Would you like to use "xxdb_node1" as the configured
name of the NetBackup client? [y,n] (y) y
x openv
x openv/lib
x openv/lib/, 2542212 bytes, 4966 media blocks.
x openv/lib/, 18654 bytes, 37 media blocks.
x openv/lib/libVnbatST.so_new, 278530 bytes, 545 media blocks.
x openv/lib/, 487649 bytes, 953 media blocks.
x openv/lib/libVnbatST64.so_new, 16488 bytes, 33 media blocks.
x openv/lib/, 16488 bytes, 33 media blocks.
x openv/lib/, 2548589 bytes, 4978 media blocks.
x openv/lib/, 662872 bytes, 1295 media blocks.
x openv/resources/libnetappfi_root.res, 2112 bytes, 5 media blocks.
x openv/resources/nbecmsg_root.res, 42656 bytes, 84 media blocks.
+ /bin/cp NB-Java.tar.Z /usr/openv
Installing NB-Java.
+ /bin/cp ./nbj.conf /usr/openv/java
Checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpcd entry.
Original /etc/inetd.conf saved as /etc/inetd.conf.03-12-12.15:33:00.
Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vnetd entry.
Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vopied entry.
Checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpjava-msvc entry.
Send a SIGHUP to inetd or xinetd so the (x)inetd.conf file will be reread.
updating /etc/inittab ...
The following temporary file can be deleted after you verify the proper
modification of /etc/inittab:
An automatic startup script, /etc/rc.client.netbackup has been installed.
This will cause NetBackup client daemons to be automatically
restarted each time the server boots.
Starting nbftclnt...
LiveUpdate is not installed, skipping registration step...
File /usr/openv/tmp/install_trace.13500964 contains a trace of this install.
That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.
三. 配置tcp_wrapper ,允許netbackup server透過bpcp等程式的訪問aix主機
xxdb_node1:/imp32/netbackup_client#vi /etc/hosts.allow
其中: 是netbackup server 是netbackup media server
編輯好/etc/hosts.allow 檔案後,透過下面的命令,重新整理一下inetd服務
xxdb_node1:/#refresh -s inetd
0513-095 The request for subsystem refresh was completed successfully.
四. 配置aix系統/etc/hosts檔案,增加netbackup相關伺服器的地址
yxdb_node1:/#more /etc/hosts
...... netbackup-svr netbackup-mssvr
五. 配置netbackup相關伺服器上的hosts檔案,新增aix系統的地址
新增如下內容: xxdb_node1
六.配置netbackup client的配置檔案bp.conf,新增相關伺服器的資訊
xxdb_node1:/#more /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER = netbackup-svr
CLIENT_NAME = xxdb_node1
MEDIA_SERVER = netbackup-mssvr
七.在aix系統中,重新啟動netbackup client程式.
在aix系統中安裝了netbackup client後,安裝程式在/etc/inittab 檔案的最後一行增加一下內容,用於在下次作業系統重新啟動時自動啟動netbackup client 程式。
xxdb_node1:/#more /etc/inittab
tty0:2:off:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty0
nbclient:2:wait:/etc/rc.client.netbackup start
安裝程式在安裝的最後,提示有啟動netbackup client的操作步驟,但實際上沒有成功,在netbackup server 無法識別到。
需要手工啟動netbackup client,啟動前先關閉一下,然後在啟動,如下:
xxdb_node1:/#/etc/rc.client.netbackup stop
xxdb_node1:/#/etc/rc.client.netbackup start
登陸到netbackup server,進入netbackup 管理端,定義備份策略,使用手工啟動備份的方式測試一下是否可以正常備份.
筆者曾經因為沒有配置好/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf檔案(忘了配置netbackup media server),導致備份的時候報下面的錯誤:
bpcd on xxxx_node1 exited with status 59: access to client was not allow
xxdb_node1:/#more /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER = netbackup
CLIENT_NAME = xxdb_node1
新增了media server的配置資訊,新的bp.conf檔案內容如下:
xxdb_node1:/#more /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER = netbackup
CLIENT_NAME = xxdb_node1
MEDIA_SERVER = netbackup-ms
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