1. namespace:
<?php //in Test2.php namespace nstest\test2; class Test2 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.'."\n"; } } <?php //in Test1.php namespace nstest\test1; class Test1 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test1\Test1::printSelf.'."\n"; } } require "Test2.php"; nstest\test2\Test2::printMe();
bogon:TestPhp$ php Test1.php PHP Fatal error: Class 'nstest\test1\nstest\test2\Test2' not found in /Users/liulei/PhpstormProjects/TestPhp/Test1.php on line 13
是不是這個結果比較出乎意料,原因在哪呢?HOHO,原來PHP在進行名字空間引用的時候,如果名字空間的第一個字元不是前導斜槓(\),那麼就被自動識別為相對名字空間,在上面的程式碼中,Test1自身所在的名字空間是namespace nstest\test1,因此在以nstest\test2\Test2::printMe()方式呼叫Test2::printMe()時,PHP將自動解析為nstest\test1\nstest\test2\Test2::printMe(),即認為nstest\test2是在當前名字空間內部的。修正該問題非常簡單,只需在引用時加上前導斜槓(\)即可,見以下修復後的程式碼:
<?php //Test2.php namespace nstest\test2; class Test2 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.'."\n"; } } <?php //Test1.php namespace nstest\test1; class Test1 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test1\Test1::printSelf.'."\n"; } } require "Test2.php"; \nstest\test2\Test2::printMe();
bogon:TestPhp$ php Test1.php
This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.
還有一種改動方式,可以示意一下PHP中名字空間中的相對引用。這裡我們可以將Test1的名字空間改為namespace nstest,其他的修改見以下程式碼中紅色高亮部分:
<?php //Test2.php namespace nstest\test2; class Test2 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.'."\n"; } } <?php //Test1.php namespace nstest; class Test1 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test1\Test1::printSelf.'."\n"; } } require "Test2.php"; test2\Test2::printMe();
<?php //Test2.php namespace nstest\test2; class Test2 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.'."\n"; } } <?php //Test1.php namespace nstest\test1; class Test1 { public static function printMe() { print 'This is nstest\test1\Test1::printSelf.'."\n"; } } require "Test2.php"; //這裡需要特別注意的是,nstest\test2已經表示名字空間絕對路徑定位,不需要再加前導斜槓(\)了。 //另外這裡還有一個隱式規則是test2表示該名字空間的預設別名,在引用其名字空間內的物件時需要加test2字首。 use nstest\test2; test2\Test2::printMe(); //這裡我們也可以給名字空間顯式的指定別名,如: use nstest\test2 as test2_alias; test2_alias\Test2::printMe();
bogon:TestPhp$ php Test1.php
This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.
This is nstest\test2\Test2::printSelf.
<?php class Test { public static function printMe() { print 'This is Global namespace Test::printSelf.'."\n"; } } //下面兩行程式碼表示的是同一物件,即全域性名字空間下的Test類,然而如果因為名字空間衝突導致第一種方式不能被PHP //編譯器正常識別,那麼就可以使用第二種方式顯式的通知PHP,自己要引用的是全域性名字空間中的Test類。 Test::printMe(); \Test::printMe();
bogon:TestPhp$ php Test1.php
This is Global namespace Test::printSelf.
This is Global namespace Test::printSelf.
2. Reflection:
<?php class TestClass { public $publicVariable; function publicMethod() { print "This is publicMethod.\n"; } } function classInfo(ReflectionClass $c) { $details = ""; //getName將返回實際的類名。 $name = $c->getName(); if ($c->isUserDefined()) { $details .= "$name is user defined.\n"; } if ($c->isInternal()) { $details .= "$name is built-in.\n"; } if ($c->isAbstract()) { $details .= "$name is abstract class.\n"; } if ($c->isFinal()) { $details .= "$name is final class.\n"; } if ($c->isInstantiable()) { $details .= "$name can be instantiated.\n"; } else { $details .= "$name cannot be instantiated.\n"; } return $details; } function classSource(ReflectionClass $c) { $path = $c->getFileName(); $lines = @file($path); //獲取類定義程式碼的起始行和截至行。 $from = $c->getStartLine(); $to = $c->getEndLine(); $len = $to - $from + 1; return implode(array_slice($lines,$from - 1,$len)); } print "The following is Class Information.\n"; print classInfo(new ReflectionClass('TestClass')); print "\nThe following is Class Source.\n"; print classSource(new ReflectionClass('TestClass'));
bogon:TestPhp$ php reflection_test.php The following is Class Information. TestClass is user defined. TestClass can be instantiated. The following is Class Source. class TestClass { public $publicVariable; function publicMethod() { print "This is publicMethod.\n"; } }
<?php class TestClass { public $publicVariable; function __construct() { } private function privateMethod() { } function publicMethod() { print "This is publicMethod.\n"; } function publicMethod2(string $arg1, int $arg2) { } } //這個函式中使用的ReflectionMethod中的方法都是非常簡單直觀的,就不再過多贅述了。 function methodInfo(ReflectionMethod $m) { $name = $m->getName(); $details = ""; if ($m->isUserDefined()) { $details .= "$name is user defined.\n"; } if ($m->isInternal()) { $details .= "$name is built-in.\n"; } if ($m->isAbstract()) { $details .= "$name is abstract.\n"; } if ($m->isPublic()) { $details .= "$name is public.\n"; } if ($m->isProtected()) { $details .= "$name is protected.\n"; } if ($m->isPrivate()) { $details .= "$name is private.\n"; } if ($m->isStatic()) { $details .= "$name is static.\n"; } if ($m->isFinal()) { $details .= "$name is final.\n"; } if ($m->isConstructor()) { $details .= "$name is constructor.\n"; } if ($m->returnsReference()) { $details .= "$name returns a reference.\n"; } return $details; } function methodSource(ReflectionMethod $m) { $path = $m->getFileName(); $lines = @file($path); $from = $m->getStartLine(); $to = $m->getEndLine(); $len = $to - $from + 1; return implode(array_slice($lines, $from - 1, $len)); } $rc = new ReflectionClass('TestClass'); $methods = $rc->getMethods(); print "The following is method information.\n"; foreach ($methods as $method) { print methodInfo($method); print "\n--------------------\n"; } print "The following is Method[TestClass::publicMethod] source.\n"; print methodSource($rc->getMethod('publicMethod'));
bogon:TestPhp$ php reflection_test.php The following is method information. __construct is user defined. __construct is public. __construct is constructor. -------------------- privateMethod is user defined. privateMethod is private. -------------------- publicMethod is user defined. publicMethod is public. -------------------- publicMethod2 is user defined. publicMethod2 is public. -------------------- The following is Method[TestClass::publicMethod] source. function publicMethod() { print "This is publicMethod.\n"; }
<?php class ParamClass { } class TestClass { function publicMethod() { print "This is publicMethod.\n"; } function publicMethod2(ParamClass $arg1, &$arg2, $arg3 = null) { } } function paramInfo(ReflectionParameter $p) { $details = ""; //這裡的$declaringClass將等於TestClass。 $declaringClass = $p->getDeclaringClass(); $name = $p->getName(); $class = $p->getClass(); $position = $p->getPosition(); $details .= "\$$name has position $position.\n"; if (!empty($class)) { $classname = $class->getName(); $details .= "\$$name must be a $classname object\n"; } if ($p->isPassedByReference()) { $details .= "\$$name is passed by reference.\n"; } if ($p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $def = $p->getDefaultValue(); $details .= "\$$name has default: $def\n"; } return $details; } $rc = new ReflectionClass('TestClass'); $method = $rc->getMethod('publicMethod2'); $params = $method->getParameters(); foreach ($params as $p) { print paramInfo($p)."\n"; }
bogon:TestPhp$ php reflection_test.php $arg1 has position 0. $arg1 must be a ParamClass object $arg2 has position 1. $arg2 is passed by reference. $arg3 has position 2. $arg3 has default:
上面介紹的都是透過PHP提供的Reflection API來遍歷任意class的具體資訊,事實上和Java等其他語言提供的反射功能一樣,PHP也同樣支援透過反射類呼叫實際物件的方法,這裡將主要應用到兩個方法,分別是ReflectionClass::newInstance()來建立物件例項,另一個是ReflectionMethod::invoke(),根據物件例項和方法名執行該方法。見如下程式碼:
<?php class TestClass { private $privateArg; function __construct($arg) { $this->privateArg = $arg; } function publicMethod() { print '$privateArg = '.$this->privateArg."\n"; } function publicMethod2($arg1, $arg2) { print '$arg1 = '.$arg1.' $arg2 = '.$arg2."\n"; } } $rc = new ReflectionClass('TestClass'); $testObj = $rc->newInstanceArgs(array('This is private argument.')); $method = $rc->getMethod('publicMethod'); $method->invoke($testObj); $method2 = $rc->getMethod('publicMethod2'); $method2->invoke($testObj,"hello","world");
bogon:TestPhp$ php reflection_test.php $privateArg = This is private argument. $arg1 = hello $arg2 = world
事實上ReflectionClass、ReflectionMethod和ReflectionParameter提供給我們的可用方法還有更多,這裡只是給出幾個最典型的方法,以便我們可以更為直觀的學習和了解PHP Reflection API。相信再看完以後的程式碼示例之後,我們都會比較清楚,如果今後需要用到和class相關的功能,就從ReflectionClass中查詢,而member function的資訊則一定來自於ReflectionMethod,方法引數資訊來自於ReflectionParameter。