使用事件溯源提高了Elasticsearch的效能 - luis-sena
Elasticseach 並不真正支援更新。在 Elasticsearch 中,更新總是意味著刪除+建立,持續不斷的文件更新可能會使 Elasticsearch 叢集癱瘓。幸運的是,有辦法避免這種情況。
最終的解決方案包括使用事件溯源設計模式將所有需要儲存的更改轉換為事件。此案例的應用程式狀態將儲存在 Elasticsearch 中。
該解決方案基於流的概念。我使用的是 Kafka,但 Redis Streams 或 AWS Kinesis 都可以正常工作。
這個想法是將所有新更改(如新關注者、使用者名稱更改等)儲存在分割槽主題中。確保您的分割槽鍵與文件 id 一致以保證順序,但也要避免每個使用者 id 一個分割槽,否則您將殺死 Kafka 叢集。
import base64 import os import random import faust # Models describe how messages are serialized: # {"user_id": "3fae...", username": "my_new_username"} class UserEvent(faust.Record): user_id: str username: str follower_id: str following_id: str app = faust.App('es_event_processor', broker='kafka://broker') topic = app.topic( 'user_events', key_type=str, value_type=UserEvent ) def add_value(user_docs, user_id, key, value, op): if user_id not in user_docs: user_docs[user_id] = {} if op == 'set': user_docs[user_id][key] = value elif op == 'append': if not user_docs[user_id][key]: user_docs[user_id][key] = [] user_docs[user_id][key].append(value) @app.agent(topic) async def user_event_consumer(user_events): """ Very simple way to aggregate user events and storing them into ES Other options like aggregating into another kafka topic or using RocksDB table is also valid :param user_events: :return: """ print("starting agent") # get 1000 messages with 30s timeout async for lst in user_events.take(1000, within=30.0): user_docs = {} for user_event in lst: if user_event.username: add_value(user_docs, user_event.user_id, 'username', user_event.username, 'set') if user_event.follower_id: add_value(user_docs, user_event.user_id, 'follower_id', user_event.follower_id, 'set') if user_event.following_id: add_value(user_docs, user_event.user_id, 'following_id', user_event.following_id, 'set') # ES Load logic goes here # user_docs already has the aggregated data ready to bulk load into the index # or even multiple indexes print(len(user_docs.keys())) @app.timer(interval=0.5) async def example_sender(app): """ Used to simulate user interactions with the system like username change, add follower, etc :param app: :return: """ print("preparing msg") user_id_lst = ['er56kmn', 'oiuh76n', 'df47kj'] user_id = random.choice(user_id_lst) extra_kwargs = {} if random.randint(0,10) >= 5: extra_kwargs['username'] = f'c{base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6)).decode()}' user_event = UserEvent( user_id=user_id, follower_id=f'c{base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6)).decode()}', following_id=f'c{base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(6)).decode()}', **extra_kwargs ) await topic.send( key=user_id, value=user_event, ) print("sent msg") if __name__ == '__main__': app.main() |
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