南大通用GBase 8s資料庫的約束查詢
建立定義約束的表 t_dept 和 t_employee
drop table if exists t_dept;
create table t_dept(f_deptid int primary key constraint pk_dept_deptid,
f_deptname varchar(20) not null unique constraint uni_dept_deptname);
drop table if exists t_employee;
create table t_employee(f_employeeid int primary key constraint pk_employee_employeeid,
f_deptid int references t_dept(f_deptid),
f_employeename varchar(20) not null,
f_showname varchar(20) not null unique constraint uni_employee_showname,
f_age int default 18 check (f_age >0 and f_age <= 120),
f_employeedate date default today);
訪問表 sysconstraints 查詢主鍵
database <db_name>;
select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'P';
> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'P';
constrid 5
constrname pk_dept_deptid
owner gbasedbt
tabid 109
constrtype P
idxname 109_5
collation zh_CN.57372
constrid 8
constrname pk_employee_employeeid
owner gbasedbt
tabid 110
constrtype P
idxname 110_8
collation zh_CN.57372
2 row(s) retrieved.
訪問表 sysconstraints 查詢外來鍵
database <db_name>;
select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'R';
> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'R';
constrid 10
constrname r110_10
owner gbasedbt
tabid 110
constrtype R
idxname 110_10
collation zh_CN.57372
1 row(s) retrieved.
訪問表 sysconstraints 查詢唯一索引
database <db_name>;
select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'U';
> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'U';
constrid 6
constrname uni_dept_deptname
owner gbasedbt
tabid 109
constrtype U
idxname 109_6
collation zh_CN.57372
constrid 9
constrname uni_employee_showname
owner gbasedbt
tabid 110
constrtype U
idxname 110_9
collation zh_CN.57372
2 row(s) retrieved.
訪問表 sysconstraints 查詢 NULL
database <db_name>;
select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'N';
> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'N';
constrid 1
constrname n106_1
owner gbasedbt
tabid 106
constrtype N
collation zh_CN.57372
constrid 2
constrname n107_2
owner gbasedbt
tabid 107
constrtype N
collation zh_CN.57372
constrid 7
constrname n109_7
owner gbasedbt
tabid 109
constrtype N
collation zh_CN.57372
constrid 17
constrname n111_17
owner gbasedbt
tabid 111
constrtype N
collation zh_CN.57372
constrid 18
constrname n111_18
owner gbasedbt
tabid 111
constrtype N
collation zh_CN.57372
5 row(s) retrieved.
訪問表 sysdefaults 查詢預設值
database <db_name>;
select * from sysdefaults where tabid = <tab_id>;
> select * from sysdefaults where tabid = 111;
tabid 111
colno 5
type L
default AAAAEg 18
class T
tabid 111
colno 6
type T
class T
2 row(s) retrieved.
訪問表 sysconstraints 、 syschecks 查詢 Check
database <db_name>;
select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'C';
select * from syschecks where type = 'T' and constrid = <constr_id>;
> select * from sysconstraints where constrtype = 'C';
constrid 13
constrname c110_13
owner gbasedbt
tabid 110
constrtype C
collation zh_CN.57372
1 row(s) retrieved.
> select * from syschecks where type = 'T' and constrid = 13;
constrid type seqno checktext
13 T 0 ((f_age > 0 ) AND (f_age <= 120
13 T 1 ) )
2 row(s) retrieved.
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