[20210408]使用linux find注意.txt


[20210408]使用linux find注意.txt


$ cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/book/book/trace

$ find . -name "*.tr?" -print -mtime +1   |wc
   2324    2324   94020
$ find . -name "*.tr?" -print -mtime 1   |wc
   2324    2324   94020
$ find . -name "*.tr?" -print -mtime -1   |wc
   2324    2324   94020

--//不可能-mtime 的三個引數+1 ,1 ,-1 的情況,3個結果一樣。

$ find . -name "*.tr?"  -mtime -1   |wc
     56      56    1372

$ find . -name "*.tr?"  -mtime 1   |wc
   1552    1552   74634

$ find . -name "*.tr?"  -mtime +1   |wc
    634     634   13968

$ find . -name "*.tr?"  -mtime +1   -print |wc
    634     634   13968

$ man find
The  expression  is made up of options (which affect overall operation rather than the processing of a specific
file, and always return true), tests (which return a true or false value), and actions (which have side effects
and return a true or false value), all separated by operators.  and is assumed where the operator is omitted.

If the expression contains no actions other than -prune, -print is performed on all files for which the
expression is true.


$ find . -name "*.tr?" -prune  -mtime +1|wc
    634     634   13968


#  touch -d '2020-07-16 16:55:00.000' /tmp/20200716165500
#  touch -t '202007161655' /tmp/20200716165500x
#  touch -t '202007161655.00' /tmp/20200716165500y

#  ls -l /tmp/20200716165500*
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 2020-07-16 16:55:00 /tmp/20200716165500
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 2020-07-16 16:55:00 /tmp/20200716165500x
-rw-r----- 1 root root 0 2020-07-16 16:55:00 /tmp/20200716165500y
--//這樣可以建立一個時間戳等於'2020-07-16 16:55:00.000'的檔案。

#  find . "*.tr?" -newer /tmp/20200716165500
--//取反可以使用-not 或者!
#  find . "*.tr?" -not -newer /tmp/20200716165500
#  find . "*.tr?" ! -newer /tmp/20200716165500

touch -t '201111140000' /tmp/start_of_20111114
touch -t '201111141200' /tmp/end_of_20111114
find . -newer /tmp/start_of_20111114 ! -newer /tmp/end_of_20111114 -print

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