


Developer Tools

Spring Boot DevTools 

Provides fast application restarts, LiveReload, and configurations for enhanced development experience.



Java annotation library which helps to reduce boilerplate code.

lombok是一個可以通過簡單的註解的形式來幫助我們簡化消除一些必須有但顯得很臃腫的 Java 程式碼,lombok能夠達到的效果就是在原始碼中不需要寫一些通用的方法,但是在編譯生成的位元組碼檔案中會幫我們生成這些方法。

Spring Configuration Processor 

Generate metadata for developers to offer contextual help and "code completion" when working with custom configuration keys (ex.application.properties/.yml files).



Spring Web 

Build web, including RESTful, applications using Spring MVC. Uses Apache Tomcat as the default embedded container.

Spring Reactive Web 

Build reactive web applications with Spring WebFlux and Netty.


Rest Repositories 

Exposing Spring Data repositories over REST via Spring Data REST.

增加Rest Repositories讓Spring資料直接升級為RestAPI (基於Spring Data原本提供的功能)

Spring Session 

Provides an API and implementations for managing user session information.

Spring Session 提供了一套建立和管理 Servlet HttpSession 的方案,預設採用外接的 Redis 來儲存 Session 資料,以此來解決 Session 共享的問題。

Rest Repositories HAL Explorer 

Browsing Spring Data REST repositories in your browser.

Hypermedia API(HATEOAS)風格的Http Restful API介面

Rest Repositories HAL Browser 

Browsing Spring Data REST repositories in your browser.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.2.0.M1.

HAL-browser 是基於hal+json的media type的API瀏覽器,Spring Data Rest 提供了整合


Eases the creation of RESTful APIs that follow the HATEOAS principle when working with Spring / Spring MVC.

HATEOAS是Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State的縮寫。在Richardson Maturity Model中, 它是REST的最高階形態。

Spring Web Services 

Facilitates contract-first SOAP development. Allows for the creation of flexible web services using one of the many ways to manipulate XML payloads.

Spring Web Services旨在促進契約優先的SOAP服務開發,允許使用多種方式之一來操作XML有效負載來建立靈活的Web服務。


Framework for developing RESTful Web Services in Java that provides support for JAX-RS APIs.

Jersey 這是一個非常優秀的框架,是一個實現了RESTful的webservice框架


Java framework for building rich client apps based on Web components.


Template Engines


A modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments. Allows HTML to be correctly displayed in browsers and as static prototypes.


Apache Freemarker 

Java library to generate text output (HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc.) based on templates and changing data.


Logic-less Templates. There are no if statements, else clauses, or for loops. Instead there are only tags.

Mustache 是一個輕邏輯的模板語言( Logic-less templates),mustache 是一個js模板,用於展示和js分離,它的優勢在於可以應用在 Javascript、PHP、Python、Perl 等多種程式語言中。

Groovy Templates 

Groovy templating engine.


Spring Security 

Highly customizable authentication and access-control framework for Spring applications.

OAuth2 Client 

Spring Boot integration for Spring Security's OAuth2/OpenID Connect client features.

Spring Security的OAuth2/OpenID連線客戶端特性的Spring Boot整合。

OAuth2 Resource Server 

Spring Boot integration for Spring Security's OAuth2 resource server features.

Spring Security的OAuth2資源伺服器特性的Spring引導整合。

Spring LDAP 

Makes it easier to build Spring based applications that use the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

輕量級目錄訪問協議,LDAP是一個訪問協議, LDAP概念和原理介紹(https://www.cnblogs.com/wilburxu/p/9174353.html)


Okta specific configuration for Spring Security/Spring Boot OAuth2 features. Enable your Spring Boot application to work with Okta via OAuth 2.0/OIDC.

針對Spring Security/Spring Boot OAuth2特性的Okta特定配置。通過OAuth 2.0/OIDC使您的Spring Boot應用程式與Okta一起工作。



Database Connectivity API that defines how a client may connect and query a database.

Spring Data JPA 

Persist data in SQL stores with Java Persistence API using Spring Data and Hibernate.

Spring Data JDBC 

Persist data in SQL stores with plain JDBC using Spring Data.

Spring Data R2DBC 

Provides Reactive Relational Database Connectivity to persist data in SQL stores using Spring Data in reactive applications.

MyBatis Framework 

Persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using a XML descriptor or annotations.

Liquibase Migration 

Liquibase database migration and source control library.

Flyway Migration 

Version control for your database so you can migrate from any version (incl. an empty database) to the latest version of the schema.

JOOQ Access Layer 

Generate Java code from your database and build type safe SQL queries through a fluent API.

jOOQ 可以從資料庫生成Java程式碼,並允許你通過其流利的API構建型別安全的SQL查詢。

IBM DB2 Driver 

A JDBC driver that provides access to IBM DB2.

Apache Derby Database 

An open source relational database implemented entirely in Java.

Apache Derby是一個完全用 java 編寫的資料庫,Derby是一個Open source的產品。 Apache Derby非常小巧,核心部分derby.jar只有2M,既可以做為單獨的資料庫伺服器使用,也可以內嵌在應用程式中使用。

H2 Database 

Provides a fast in-memory database that supports JDBC API and R2DBC access, with a small (2mb) footprint. Supports embedded and server modes as well as a browser based console application.

HyperSQL Database 

Lightweight 100% Java SQL Database Engine.


MariaDB Driver 

MariaDB JDBC and R2DBC driver.

MS SQL Server Driver 

A JDBC and R2DBC driver that provides access to Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database from any Java application.

MySQL Driver 

MySQL JDBC and R2DBC driver.

Oracle Driver 

A JDBC driver that provides access to Oracle.

PostgreSQL Driver 

A JDBC and R2DBC driver that allows Java programs to connect to a PostgreSQL database using standard, database independent Java code.


Spring Data Redis (Access+Driver) 

Advanced and thread-safe Java Redis client for synchronous, asynchronous, and reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, Auto-Reconnect, Codecs and much more.

Spring Data Reactive Redis 

Access Redis key-value data stores in a reactive fashion with Spring Data Redis.

Spring Data MongoDB 

Store data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and data structure can be changed over time.

Spring Data Reactive MongoDB 

Provides asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure for MongoDB.

Spring Data Elasticsearch (Access+Driver) 

A distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine with Spring Data Elasticsearch.

Spring Data for Apache Solr 

Apache Solr is an open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene.

Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 

A free and open-source, distributed, NoSQL database management system that offers high-scalability and high-performance.

Apache Cassandra 是一個開源的、分散式、無中心、彈性可擴充套件、高可用、容錯、一致性可調、面向行的資料庫,它基於 Amazon Dynamo 的分散式設計和 Google Bigtable 的資料模型,由 Facebook 建立,在一些最流行的網站中得到應用。

Spring Data Reactive for Apache Cassandra 

Access Cassandra NoSQL Database in a reactive fashion.

Spring for Apache Geode 

Apache Geode is a data management platform that helps users build real-time, highly concurrent, highly performant and reliable Spring Boot applications at scale that is compatible with Pivotal Cloud Cache.


Spring Data Couchbase 

NoSQL document-oriented database that offers in memory-first architecture, geo-distributed deployments, and workload isolation.

Couchbase Server 是個面向文件的資料庫(其所用的技術來自於Apache CouchDB專案),能夠實現水平伸縮,並且對於資料的讀寫來說都能提供低延遲的訪問(這要歸功於Membase技術)。

Spring Data Reactive Couchbase 

Access Couchbase NoSQL database in a reactive fashion with Spring Data Couchbase.

Spring Data Neo4j 

An open source NoSQL database that stores data structured as graphs consisting of nodes, connected by relationships.



Spring Integration 

Adds support for Enterprise Integration Patterns. Enables lightweight messaging and supports integration with external systems via declarative adapters.


Spring for RabbitMQ 

Gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until received.

Spring for Apache Kafka 

Publish, subscribe, store, and process streams of records.

Spring for Apache Kafka Streams 

Building stream processing applications with Apache Kafka Streams.

Spring for Apache ActiveMQ 5 

Spring JMS support with Apache ActiveMQ 'Classic'.

Spring for Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 

Spring JMS support with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 提供了一個非堵塞架構,實現了超高效能的 Java 物件訊息伺服器。其核心只依賴一個 netty.jar 檔案。


Build WebSocket applications with SockJS and STOMP.


RSocket.io applications with Spring Messaging and Netty.

RSocket是一個二進位制的協議,以非同步訊息的方式提供4種對等的互動模型,以位元組流的方式執行在TCP, WebSockets, Aeron等傳輸層之上。RSocket專門設計用於與Reactive風格應用配合使用,這些應用程式基本上是非阻塞的,並且通常(但不總是)與非同步行為配對。

Apache Camel 

Apache Camel is an open source integration framework that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data.

Apache Camel 是一個非常強大的基於規則的路由以及媒介引擎,該引擎提供了一個基於POJO的 企業應用模式(Enterprise Integration Patterns)的實現,你可以採用其異常強大且十分易用的API (可以說是一種Java的領域定義語言 Domain Specific Language)來配置其路由或者中介的規則.

Solace PubSub+ 

Connect to a Solace PubSub+ Advanced Event Broker to publish, subscribe, request/reply and store/replay messages



Spring Batch 

Batch applications with transactions, retry/skip and chunk based processing.

Spring Batch是一個輕量級,全面的批處理框架,旨在開發對企業系統日常運營至關重要的強大批處理應用程式。1.從資料庫,檔案或佇列中讀取大量記錄。2.以某種方式處理資料。3.以修改之後的形式寫回資料。


Bean Validation with Hibernate validator.

Java Mail Sender 

Send email using Java Mail and Spring Framework's JavaMailSender.

Quartz Scheduler 

Schedule jobs using Quartz.

Spring cache abstraction 

Provides cache-related operations, such as the ability to update the content of the cache, but does not provide the actual data store.

基於註解方式管理快取,@Cacheable , @CacheEvict, @CachePut, @Caching, @CacheConfig


Spring Boot Actuator 

Supports built in (or custom) endpoints that let you monitor and manage your application - such as application health, metrics, sessions, etc.


Codecentric's Spring Boot Admin (Client) 

Required for your application to register with a Codecentric's Spring Boot Admin Server instance.

Codecentric's Spring Boot Admin (Server) 

A community project to manage and monitor your Spring Boot applications. Provides a UI on top of the Spring Boot Actuator endpoints.

在Spring Boot Actuator的基礎上提供簡潔的視覺化WEB UI,是用來管理 Spring Boot 應用程式的一個簡單的介面。



Datadog is a dimensional time-series SAAS with built-in dashboarding and alerting.

一站式雲端效能監控平臺。Datadog 是 SaaS 監測工具,針對 DevOps 團隊,從你的 app 或者其他各種工具獲取資料並提供資料視覺化功能。它把從你基礎裝置和軟體採集的資料統一處理並儲存。允許你建立儀表盤和搜尋訪問你提供的資料。他們目前提供資料的聚合和展示而不是提供資料分析。 Datadog 的一個優點是了開放所有 API,可以讓你很靈活的開發自己的指標或整合。


Support real-time stream processing and storage of time-series data.

InfluxDB 是用Go語言編寫的一個開源分散式時序、事件和指標資料庫,無需外部依賴。





Hierarchical metrics systems backed by a fixed-size database.



New Relic 

SaaS offering with a full UI and a query language called NRQL.

New Relic 是一個很強大的伺服器效能監控工具,New Relic目前專注於SaaS和App效能管理業務,它支援支援agent和API傳送資料,能夠對部署在本地或在雲中的web應用程式進行監控、故障修復、診斷、執行緒分析以及容量計劃。


An in-memory dimensional time series database with a simple built-in UI, a custom query language, and math operations.



Tanzu Observability by Wavefront is a SaaS-based metrics monitoring and analytics platform that lets you visualize, query, and alert over data from across your entire stack (infrastructure, network, custom app metrics, business KPIs, etc.)



Spring REST Docs 

Document RESTful services by combining hand-written with Asciidoctor and auto-generated snippets produced with Spring MVC Test.





Provide lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.

testcontainers Java 提供了幾個現成的使用頻率較高的容器的類封裝,比如大部分資料庫(MySQL, Postgres, Cassandra, Neo4j), UI測試的Webdriver,ElasticSearch,Kafka, Nginx等等。如果你沒找到現成的封裝,你總是可以呼叫更底層的GenericContainer。它也支援主流的Java測試框架,JUnit4, JUnit 5, TestNG,Spock。

Contract Verifier 

Moves TDD to the level of software architecture by enabling Consumer Driven Contract (CDC) development.


技術乾貨 | 消費者驅動契約(CDC) 之 SpringCloud Contracts (https://www.sohu.com/a/200331844_617676)

Contract Stub Runner 

Stub Runner for HTTP/Messaging based communication. Allows creating WireMock stubs from RestDocs tests.


Embedded LDAP Server 

Provides a platform neutral way for running a LDAP server in unit tests.

Embedded MongoDB Database 

Provides a platform neutral way for running MongoDB in unit tests.

Spring Cloud

Cloud Bootstrap 

Non-specific Spring Cloud features, unrelated to external libraries or integrations (e.g. Bootstrap context and @RefreshScope).


Promotes the implementation of business logic via functions and supports a uniform programming model across serverless providers, as well as the ability to run standalone (locally or in a PaaS).

Spring Cloud Function 是基於 Spring Boot 的函式計算框架,它抽象出所有傳輸細節和基礎架構,允許開發人員保留所有熟悉的工具和流程,並專注於業務邏輯。

Spring Cloud Function 有以下高階別的目標:

  • 通過函式促進業務邏輯的實現。

  • 將業務邏輯的開發生命週期與特定執行時分離,以便相同的程式碼可以作為 Web 端點、流處理器或任務執行。

  • 支援 Serverless 提供商之間的統一程式設計模型,以及獨立執行(本地或 PaaS)的能力。

  • 在 Serverless 提供商上啟用 Spring Boot 功能(自動配置、依賴注入、Metrics)。


Allows a user to develop and run short lived microservices using Spring Cloud. Run them locally, in the cloud, and on Spring Cloud Data Flow.

Spring Cloud Task 允許使用者使用Spring Cloud 開發和執行一個短生命週期的微服務。它主要就是來解決 short-lived microservices的問題,因為一般的服務都是長時間一直保持執行的,但是有很多服務並不需要一直保持執行;比如一些定時任務或者臨時任務。所以Spring Cloud Task可以讓你更簡單的建立短時執行的微服務。

Spring Cloud Security

Cloud Security 

A declarative model which can be heavily configured externally (or centrally) lends itself to the implementation of large systems of co-operating, remote components, usually with a central indentity management service.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Cloud OAuth2 

OAuth2 and distributed application patterns with spring-cloud-security.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Spring Cloud Tools

Cloud Connectors 

Simplifies the process of connecting to services and gaining operating environment awareness in cloud platforms such as Cloud Foundry and Heroku.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.3.0.M1.

Spring Cloud Connectors簡化了雲平臺(如Cloud Foundry和Heroku)中連線服務和獲取操作環境感知的過程,尤其適用於Spring應用程式。 它是為可擴充套件性而設計的:您可以使用提供的雲聯結器之一或為您的雲平臺編寫一個,並且您可以使用內建支援常用服務(關聯式資料庫,MongoDB,Redis,RabbitMQ)或擴充套件Spring 雲聯結器可與您自己的服務配合使用。

Open Service Broker 

Framework for building Spring Boot apps that implement the Open Service Broker API, which can deliver services to applications running within cloud native platforms such as Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and OpenShift.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Spring Cloud Open Service Broker是一個用於構建實現Open Service Broker API的Spring Boot應用程式的框架。
Open Service Broker API專案允許開發人員為雲本地平臺(如Cloud Foundry,Kubernetes和OpenShift)中執行的應用程式提供服務。 Spring Cloud Open Service Broker提供了一個基於Spring Boot的框架,使您能夠在支援Open Service Broker API的平臺上為您自己的託管服務快速建立服務代理。

Spring Cloud Config

Config Client 

Client that connects to a Spring Cloud Config Server to fetch the application's configuration.

Config Server 

Central management for configuration via Git, SVN, or HashiCorp Vault.

Vault Configuration 

Provides client-side support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. Using HashiCorp's Vault you have a central place to manage external secret properties for applications across all environments.

Hashicorp Vault是一個工具,它為開發人員提供了以安全的方式進行安全的存取,比如API 令牌、SSL 證照和口令。它還處理使用者的訪問控制,具有撤銷令牌的能力。除此之外,它還有審計功能,可以用它來跟蹤使用者。

Apache Zookeeper Configuration 

Enable and configure common patterns inside your application and build large distributed systems with Apache Zookeeper based components. The provided patterns include Service Discovery and Configuration.

Consul Configuration 

Enable and configure the common patterns inside your application and build large distributed systems with Hashicorp’s Consul. The patterns provided include Service Discovery, Distributed Configuration and Control Bus.

Spring Cloud Discovery

Eureka Discovery Client 

a REST based service for locating services for the purpose of load balancing and failover of middle-tier servers.

Eureka Server 

spring-cloud-netflix Eureka Server.

Apache Zookeeper Discovery 

Service discovery with Apache Zookeeper.

Cloud Foundry Discovery 

Service discovery with Cloud Foundry.

Consul Discovery 

Service discovery with Hashicorp Consul.

Spring Cloud Routing

Zuul [Maintenance] 

Intelligent and programmable routing with Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.


Provides a simple, yet effective way to route to APIs and provide cross cutting concerns to them such as security, monitoring/metrics, and resiliency.

Ribbon [Maintenance] 

Client-side load-balancing with Spring Cloud Netflix and Ribbon.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.


Declarative REST Client. OpenFeign creates a dynamic implementation of an interface decorated with JAX-RS or Spring MVC annotations.

Cloud LoadBalancer 

Client-side load-balancing with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.

Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker


Spring Cloud Circuit breaker with Resilience4j as the underlying implementation.

Hystrix [Maintenance] 

Circuit breaker with Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Hystrix Dashboard [Maintenance] 

Circuit breaker dashboard with Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Turbine [Maintenance] 

Circuit breaker metric aggregation using spring-cloud-netflix with Turbine and server-sent events.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Turbine Stream [Maintenance] 

Circuit breaker metric aggregation using spring-cloud-netflix with Turbine and Spring Cloud Stream (requires a binder, e.g. Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ).Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Spring Cloud Tracing


Distributed tracing via logs with Spring Cloud Sleuth.

Zipkin Client 

Distributed tracing with an existing Zipkin installation and Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin.

Spring Cloud Messaging

Cloud Bus 

Links nodes of a distributed system with a lightweight message broker which can used to broadcast state changes or other management instructions (requires a binder, e.g. Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ).

Cloud Stream 

Framework for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems (requires a binder, e.g. Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ or Solace PubSub+).

構建高度可擴充套件的事件驅動微服務的框架,連線到共享的訊息傳遞系統(需要繫結器,例如Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ或Solace PubSub+)。

Reactive Cloud Stream 

Reactive messaging microservices with Spring Cloud Stream (requires a binder, e.g. Apache Kafka or RabbitMQ).Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.2.0.M1.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Config Client (PCF) 

Config client on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Service Registry (PCF) 

Eureka service discovery client on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Circuit Breaker (PCF) 

Hystrix circuit breaker client on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Amazon Web Services

AWS Core 

AWS native services from Spring Cloud for AWS.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.


Relational databases on AWS with RDS and Spring Cloud AWS JDBC.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

AWS Simple Queue Service 

Messaging on AWS with SQS and Spring Cloud AWS Messaging.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Microsoft Azure

Azure Support 

Auto-configuration for Azure Services (Service Bus, Storage, Active Directory, Cosmos DB, Key Vault, and more).Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Azure Active Directory 

Spring Security integration with Azure Active Directory for authentication.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Azure Key Vault 

Manage application secrets and keys.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.4.0.M1.

Azure Storage 

Azure Storage service integration.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.0.0.RELEASE and < 2.3.0.M1.

Google Cloud Platform

GCP Support 

Contains auto-configuration support for every Spring Cloud GCP integration. Most of the auto-configuration code is only enabled if other dependencies are added to the classpath.

GCP Messaging 

Adds the GCP Support entry and all the required dependencies so that the Google Cloud Pub/Sub integration work out of the box.

GCP Storage 

Adds the GCP Support entry and all the required dependencies so that the Google Cloud Storage integration work out of the box.


Nacos Configuration 

Support for externalized configuration in a distributed system, auto refresh when configuration changes.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.2.0.RELEASE and < 2.3.0.M1.

Nacos Service Discovery 

Service discovery with Alibaba Nacos.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.2.0.RELEASE and < 2.3.0.M1.


Flow control and circuit breaking with Alibaba Sentinel.Requires Spring Boot >= 2.2.0.RELEASE and < 2.3.0.M1.

