【XTTS】xtt.properties 檔案引數描述
Parameter | Description | Example Setting |
tablespaces | Comma-separated list of tablespaces to transport from source database to destination database. Must be a single line, any subsequent lines will not be read. | tablespaces=TS1,TS2 |
platformid | Source database platform id, obtained from V$DATABASE.PLATFORM_ID. | platformid=2 |
srcdir |
Directory object in the source database that defines where the source datafiles currently reside. Multiple locations can be used separated by ",". The srcdir to dstdir mapping can either be N:1 or N:N. i.e. there can be multiple source directories and the files will be written to a single destination directory, or files from a particular source directory can be written to a particular destination directory. This parameter is used only when Prepare phase method is dbms_file_transfer. |
srcdir=SOURCEDIR srcdir=SRC1,SRC2 |
dstdir |
Directory object in the destination database that defines where the destination datafiles will be created. If multiple source directories are used (srcdir), then multiple destinations can be defined so a particular source directory is written to a particular destination directory. This parameter is used only when Prepare phase method is dbms_file_transfer. |
dstdir=DESTDIR dstdir=DST1,DST2 |
srclink |
Database link in the destination database that refers to the source database. Datafiles will be transferred over this database link using dbms_file_transfer. This parameter is used only when Prepare phase method is dbms_file_transfer. |
srclink=TTSLINK |
dfcopydir |
Location on the source system where datafile copies are created during the "-p prepare" step.
This parameter is used only when Prepare phase method is RMAN backup. |
dfcopydir=/stage_source |
backupformat |
Location on the source system where incremental backups are created.
This location must have sufficient free space to hold the incremental backups created for one iteration through the process documented above. This location may be an NFS-mounted filesystem that is shared with the destination system, in which case it should reference the same NFS location as the stageondest parameter for the destination system. |
backupformat=/stage_source |
stageondest |
Location on the destination system where datafile copies are placed by the user when they are transferred manually from the source system.
This location must have sufficient free space to hold copies of all datafiles being transported. This is also the location from where datafiles copies and incremental backups are read when they are converted in the "-c conversion of datafiles" and "-r roll forward datafiles" steps. This location may be a DBFS-mounted filesystem. This location may be an NFS-mounted filesystem that is shared with the source system, in which case it should reference the same NFS location as the dfcopydir and backupformat parameters for the source system. See Note 359515.1 for mount option guidelines. |
stageondest=/stage_dest |
storageondest |
Location on the destination system where the converted datafile copies will be written during the "-c conversion of datafiles" step.
This parameter is used only when Prepare phase method is RMAN backup. |
- or - storageondest=/oradata/prod/%U |
backupondest |
Location on the destination system where converted incremental backups on the destination system will be written during the "-r roll forward datafiles" step.
This location must have sufficient free space to hold the incremental backups created for one iteration through the process documented above. NOTE: If this is set to an ASM location then define properties asm_home and asm_sid below. If this is set to a file system location, then comment out asm_home and asm_sid parameters below. |
backupondest=+RECO |
cnvinst_home |
Only set this parameter if a separate incremental convert home is in use. ORACLE_HOME of the incremental convert instance that runs on the destination system. |
cnvinst_home=/u01/app/oracle/product/ |
cnvinst_sid |
Only set this parameter if a separate incremental convert home is in use. ORACLE_SID of the incremental convert instance that runs on the destination system. |
cnvinst_sid=xtt |
asm_home |
ORACLE_HOME for the ASM instance that runs on the destination system.
NOTE: If backupondest is set to a file system location, then comment out both asm_home and asm_sid. |
asm_home=/u01/app/ |
asm_sid | ORACLE_SID for the ASM instance that runs on the destination system. | asm_sid=+ASM1 |
parallel |
Defines the degree of parallelism set in the RMAN CONVERT command file rmanconvert.cmd. This file is created during the prepare step and used by RMAN in the convert datafiles step to convert the datafile copies on the destination system. If this parameter is unset, xttdriver.pl uses parallel=8. NOTE: RMAN parallelism used for the datafile copies created in the RMAN Backup prepare phase and the incremental backup created in the rollforward phase is controlled by the RMAN configuration on the source system. It is not controlled by this parameter. |
parallel=3 |
rollparallel |
Defines the level of parallelism for the -r roll forward operation. |
rollparallel=2 |
getfileparallel |
Defines the level of parallelism for the -G operation Default value is 1. Maximum supported value is 8. |
getfileparallel=4 |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29487349/viewspace-2747587/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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