Oracle 12.2 RAC修改public ip address或public ip(subnet (netmask) or interface)
Oracle 12.2 RAC修改public ip
或public ip(subnet (netmask) or interface)方法
場景: Oracle 12.2 RAC修改IP資訊一般有2種場景
第一種場景:oracle rac 中修改public ip/vip/pirv ip/scan ip 但不修改 (subnet (netmask) or interface) 的方法
public ip => 僅os修改主機ip和/etc/hosts
vip => 僅修改/etc/hosts
pirv ip => 僅os修改主機ip和/etc/hosts
scan ip => 修改/etc/hosts和 srvctl modify scan -n scan-newdb
第二種場景:oracle rac 修改public ip和 pirv ip的 (subnet (netmask) or interface) 的方法
#public ip/vip/scan ip均在一個網段內,故public ip修改完成後,vip/scan ip均需修改
public ip => oifcfg setif/ delif
vip => root修改VIP資源
scan ip => srvctl modify scan -n scan-newdb
pirv ip => oifcfg setif/ delif
1.IP (subnet (netmask) or interface) 更改方法(單節點執行,叢集生效) oifcfg delif -global eth0/10.x.156.0 oifcfg setif -global eth0/10.x.166.0:public 2.IP (subnet (netmask) or interface) 更改後VIP更改方法(單節點執行,叢集生效) 2.1 收集VIP資訊 srvctl config nodeapps -a 2.2 檢驗VIP狀態 crsctl stat res -t ifconfig -a 2.3 停止VIP資源 $ srvctl stop instance -d <DBNAME> -n <nodename>1 $ srvctl stop vip -n <nodename>1 -f 2.4 檢驗VIP狀態為OFFLINE $ crsctl stat res -t 2.5 修改VIP相關的配置 /etc/hosts 2.6 修改VIP資源,使用ROOT srvctl modify nodeapps -n <nodename>1 -A <nodename>1-nvip/<if_name> 2.7 驗證VIP修改 $ srvctl config nodeapps -a 2.8 重啟VIP資源 $srvctl start vip -n <nodename>1 $srvctl start listener -n <nodename>1 $srvct start instance -d <DBNAME> -n <nodename>1 2.9 檢驗VIP狀態為ONLINE和public network interface crsctl stat res-t ifconfig-a 2.10 Modify listener.ora,tnsnames,ora and LOCAL_LISTENER/REMOTE_LISTENER parameter to reflect the VIP change if necessary. 3.Modify scan(單節點執行,叢集生效) ./srvctl config scan ./srvctl stop scan_listener ./srvctl stop_scan ./srvctl modify scan -n scan-newdb ./srvctl start scan ./srvctl start scan_listener ./srvctl config scan 4.PRIV IP (subnet (netmask) or interface) 更改方法(單節點執行,叢集生效) $ cd $GRID_HOME/gpnp/<hostname>/profiles/peer/ $ cp -p profile.xml profile.xml.bk $ oifcfg getif $ oifcfg setif -global <interface>/<subnet>:cluster_interconnect[,asm] $ srvctl config listener -asmlistener $ srvctl config asm # crsctl stop crs # crsctl disable crs $ ifconfig -a $ ping <private hostname> # crsctl enable crs # crsctl start crs $ oifcfg delif -global <interfacename>[/<subnet>] 參考: How to Modify Private Network Information in Oracle Clusterware (Doc ID 283684.1) How to Modify Public Network Information including VIP in Oracle Clusterware (Doc ID 276434.1) How to Modify SCAN Setting or SCAN Listener Port after Installation (Doc ID 972500.1) How to Update the IP Address of the SCAN VIP Resources (ora.scan{n}.vip) (Doc ID 952903.1)
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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