解決nltk_data LookupError: Resource punkt not found.
nltk_data LookupError: Resource punkt not found.Please use the NLTK Downloader to obtain the resource:
1.下載,網址: http://www.nltk.org/nltk_data/.
Attempted to load tokenizers/punkt/PY3/english.pickle
Searched in:
- '/home/user/nltk_data'
- '/home/user/anaconda3/envs/wxy/nltk_data'
- '/home/user/anaconda3/envs/wxy/share/nltk_data'
- '/home/user/anaconda3/envs/wxy/lib/nltk_data'
- '/usr/share/nltk_data'
- '/usr/local/share/nltk_data'
- '/usr/lib/nltk_data'
- '/usr/local/lib/nltk_data'
- ''
4.檔案放置的時候要注意資料夾的格式(新建資料夾nltk_data, tokenizers)
我選擇了 '/home/user/anaconda3/envs/wxy/nltk_data’這個路徑,如圖:
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