1 引言
對於無副作用的純函式,在合適的場景使用函式快取是非常必要的,讓我們跟著 https://whatthefork.is/memoiz... 這篇文章深入理解一下函式快取吧!
2 概述
假設又一個獲取天氣的函式 getChanceOfRain
,每次呼叫都要花 100ms 計算:
import { getChanceOfRain } from "magic-weather-calculator";
function showWeatherReport() {
let result = getChanceOfRain(); // Let the magic happen
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
showWeatherReport(); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport(); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport(); // (!) Triggers the calculation
很顯然這樣太浪費計算資源了,當已經計算過一次天氣後,就沒有必要再算一次了,我們期望的是後續呼叫可以直接拿上一次結果的快取,這樣可以節省大量計算。因此我們可以做一個 memoizedGetChanceOfRain
import { getChanceOfRain } from "magic-weather-calculator";
let isCalculated = false;
let lastResult;
// We added this function!
function memoizedGetChanceOfRain() {
if (isCalculated) {
// No need to calculate it again.
return lastResult;
// Gotta calculate it for the first time.
let result = getChanceOfRain();
// Remember it for the next time.
lastResult = result;
isCalculated = true;
return result;
function showWeatherReport() {
// Use the memoized function instead of the original function.
let result = memoizedGetChanceOfRain();
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
showWeatherReport(); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport(); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport(); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport(); // Uses the calculated result
function showWeatherReport(city) {
let result = getChanceOfRain(city); // Pass the city
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("London"); // Uses the calculated answer
1. 僅快取最後一次結果
import { getChanceOfRain } from "magic-weather-calculator";
let lastCity;
let lastResult;
function memoizedGetChanceOfRain(city) {
if (city === lastCity) {
// Notice this check!
// Same parameters, so we can reuse the last result.
return lastResult;
// Either we're called for the first time,
// or we're called with different parameters.
// We have to perform the calculation.
let result = getChanceOfRain(city);
// Remember both the parameters and the result.
lastCity = city;
lastResult = result;
return result;
function showWeatherReport(city) {
// Pass the parameters to the memoized function.
let result = memoizedGetChanceOfRain(city);
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport("London"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("London"); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("London"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("London"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
2. 快取所有結果
第二種方案是快取所有結果,使用 Map 儲存快取即可:
// Remember the last result *for every city*.
let resultsPerCity = new Map();
function memoizedGetChanceOfRain(city) {
if (resultsPerCity.has(city)) {
// We already have a result for this city.
return resultsPerCity.get(city);
// We're called for the first time for this city.
let result = getChanceOfRain(city);
// Remember the result for this city.
resultsPerCity.set(city, result);
return result;
function showWeatherReport(city) {
// Pass the parameters to the memoized function.
let result = memoizedGetChanceOfRain(city);
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("London"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport("London"); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport("Tokyo"); // Uses the calculated result
showWeatherReport("Paris"); // (!) Triggers the calculation
3. 其他快取策略
介於只快取最後一項與快取所有項之間還有這其他選擇,比如 LRU(least recently used)只保留最小化最近使用的快取,或者為了方便瀏覽器回收,使用 WeakMap 替代 Map。
最後提到了函式快取的一個坑,必須是純函式。比如下面的 CASE:
// Inside the magical npm package
function getChanceOfRain() {
// Show the input box!
let city = prompt("Where do you live?");
// ... calculation ...
// Our code
function showWeatherReport() {
let result = getChanceOfRain();
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
每次會由使用者輸入一些資料返回結果,導致快取錯誤,原因是 “函式入參一部分由使用者輸入” 就是副作用,我們不能對有副作用的函式進行快取。
// If this function only calculates things,
// we would call it "pure".
// It is safe to memoize this function.
function getChanceOfRain(city) {
// ... calculation ...
// This function is "impure" because
// it shows a prompt to the user.
function showWeatherReport() {
// The prompt is now here
let city = prompt("Where do you live?");
let result = getChanceOfRain(city);
console.log("The chance of rain tomorrow is:", result);
function memoize(fn) {
let isCalculated = false;
let lastResult;
return function memoizedFn() {
// Return the generated function!
if (isCalculated) {
return lastResult;
let result = fn();
lastResult = result;
isCalculated = true;
return result;
let memoizedGetChanceOfRain = memoize(getChanceOfRain);
let memoizedGetNextEarthquake = memoize(getNextEarthquake);
let memoizedGetCosmicRaysProbability = memoize(getCosmicRaysProbability);
與 lastResult
都儲存在 memoize
3 精讀
原文的例子還是比較簡單,沒有考慮函式多個引數如何處理,下面我們分析一下 Lodash memoize
function memoize(func, resolver) {
if (
typeof func != "function" ||
(resolver != null && typeof resolver != "function")
) {
throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
var memoized = function () {
var args = arguments,
key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0],
cache = memoized.cache;
if (cache.has(key)) {
return cache.get(key);
var result = func.apply(this, args);
memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result) || cache;
return result;
memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)();
return memoized;
原文有提到快取策略多種多樣,而 Lodash 將快取策略簡化為 key 交給使用者自己管理,看這段程式碼:
key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0];
也就是快取的 key 預設是執行函式時第一個引數,也可以通過 resolver
拿到引數處理成新的快取 key。
在執行函式時也傳入了引數 func.apply(this, args)
最後 cache
也不再使用預設的 Map,而是允許使用者自定義 lodash.memoize.Cache
自行設定,比如設定為 WeakMap:
_.memoize.Cache = WeakMap;
- 不經常執行的函式。
- 本身執行速度較快的函式。
function addName(obj, name){
return {
為 obj
新增一個 key,本身執行速度是非常快的,但新增快取後會帶來兩個壞處:
- 如果
結構,記憶體佔用加倍。 - 如果
通過 mutable 方式修改了,則普通快取函式還會返回原先結果(因為物件引用沒有變),造成錯誤。
4 總結
討論地址是:精讀《函式快取》· Issue #261 · dt-fe/weekly
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