Gitea 1.11.1 釋出了,修復了 14 個 bug
We are proud to present the release of Gitea version 1.11.1.
There is a known high priority bug that will be fixed in 1.11.2
If anyone experiences this problem, you may want to use the 1.11 branch download until 1.11.2
is released.
This release fixes a serious bug in the worker pool that leads to a deadlock. (#10284)
We have merged 14 pull requests to release this version.
You can download one of our pre-built binaries from our downloads page - make sure to select the correct platform! For further details on how to install, follow our installation guide.
We would also like to thank all of our supporters on Open Collective who are helping to sustain us financially.
- Repo name added to automatically generated commit message when merging (#9997) (#10285)
- Fix Workerpool deadlock (#10283) (#10284)
- Divide GetIssueStats query in smaller chunks (#10176) (#10282)
- Fix reply on code review (#10257)
- Stop hanging issue indexer initialisation from preventing shutdown (#10243) (#10249)
- Fix filter label emoji width (#10241) (#10244)
- Fix issue sidebar menus having an infinite height (#10239) (#10240)
- Fix commit between two commits calculation if there is only last commit (#10225) (#10226)
- Only check for conflicts/merging if the PR has not been merged in the interim (#10132) (#10206)
- Blacklist manifest.json & milestones user (#10292) (#10293)
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