Oracle Streams are a generic mechanism for sharing data which can be used as the basis of many processes including messaging, replication and warehouse ETL processes. They are an extension of a number of existing technologies including Advanced Queuing, LogMinor and Job Scheduling. This article presents a simple replication scenario as an example of their use:- Architecture
- Instance Setup
- Stream Administrator Setup
- LogMinor Tablespace Setup
- Supplemental Logging
- Configure Propagation Process
- Configure Capture Process
- Configure Instantiation SCN
- Configure Apply Process
- Start Apply Process
- Start Capture Process
- Test It
- Clean Up
Basic Architecture
The processing of streams is divided into three main processes (Capture, Staging and Apply):
- The capture process is an optional background process that mines DDL and DML changes from the redo logs and wraps them up as Logical Change Records (LCRs). In addition to the default capture mechanism user defined events can be enqueued directly.
- Staging involves storing the LCRs in queues of datatype SYS.AnyData. LCRs can be propogated between a source and destination staging area in different databases if necessary. Propagation is scheduled using job queues.
- The apply process is an optional background process that dequeues LCRs and either applies them directly or for user-defined messages passes them as parameters to user-defined packages.
Instance Setup
In order to begin the following parameters should be set in the spfiles of participating databases:In addition, any databases involved in capture (DBA1) must be in ARCHIVELOG mode.ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=1; ALTER SYSTEM SET AQ_TM_PROCESSES=1; ALTER SYSTEM SET GLOBAL_NAMES=TRUE; ALTER SYSTEM SET COMPATIBLE='9.2.0' SCOPE=SPFILE; ALTER SYSTEM SET LOG_PARALLELISM=1 SCOPE=SPFILE; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP;
Stream Administrator Setup
Next we create a stream administrator, a stream queue table and a database link on the source database:This process must be repeated on the destination database (DBA2). The reverse database link is not necessary in this example but the following grant must be added:CONN sys/password@DBA1 AS SYSDBA CREATE USER strmadmin IDENTIFIED BY strmadminpw DEFAULT TABLESPACE users QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users; GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO strmadmin; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_AQADM TO strmadmin; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM TO strmadmin; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM TO strmadmin; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_STREAMS_ADM TO strmadmin; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_APPLY_ADM TO strmadmin; GRANT EXECUTE ON DBMS_FLASHBACK TO strmadmin; BEGIN DBMS_RULE_ADM.GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE( privilege => DBMS_RULE_ADM.CREATE_RULE_SET_OBJ, grantee => 'strmadmin', grant_option => FALSE); END; / BEGIN DBMS_RULE_ADM.GRANT_SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE( privilege => DBMS_RULE_ADM.CREATE_RULE_OBJ, grantee => 'strmadmin', grant_option => FALSE); END; / CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@DBA1 EXEC DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.SET_UP_QUEUE(); CREATE DATABASE LINK dba2 CONNECT TO strmadmin IDENTIFIED BY strmadminpw USING 'DBA2';
GRANT ALL ON scott.dept TO strmadmin;
LogMinor Tablespace Setup
Next we create a new tablespace to hold the logminor tables on the source database:CONN sys/password@DBA1 AS SYSDBA CREATE TABLESPACE logmnr_ts DATAFILE '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/DBA1/logmnr01.dbf' SIZE 25 M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE UNLIMITED; EXECUTE DBMS_LOGMNR_D.SET_TABLESPACE('logmnr_ts');
Supplemental Logging
The apply process requires additional information for some actions so we must configure suplimental logging of primary key information for tables of interest:CONN sys/password@DBA1 AS SYSDBA ALTER TABLE scott.dept ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP log_group_dept_pk (deptno) ALWAYS;
Configure Propagation Process
Configure the propagation process on DBA1:The propagation is performed using a job which can be monitored using:CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@DBA1 BEGIN DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_TABLE_PROPAGATION_RULES( table_name => 'scott.dept', streams_name => 'dba1_to_dba2', source_queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue', destination_queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue@dba2', include_dml => true, include_ddl => true, source_database => 'dba1'); END; /
SELECT job, TO_CHAR(last_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') last_date, TO_CHAR(next_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') next_date, what FROM dba_jobs;
Configure Capture Process
Configure the capture process on DBA1:CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@DBA1 BEGIN DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_TABLE_RULES( table_name => 'scott.dept', streams_type => 'capture', streams_name => 'capture_simp', queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue', include_dml => true, include_ddl => true); END; /
Configure Instantiation SCN
The instantiation SCN of the source table must be configured in the destination table before the apply process will work. If the destination table is already present this can be accomplished using a metadata only export/import:During the transfer of the meta. information the supplematal logging was also transferred. Since no capture is done on DBA2 this can be removed:exp userid=scott/tiger@dba1 FILE=dept_instant.dmp TABLES=dept OBJECT_CONSISTENT=y ROWS=n imp userid=scott/tiger@dba2 FILE=dept_instant.dmp IGNORE=y COMMIT=y LOG=import.log STREAMS_INSTANTIATION=y
Alternatively the instantiation SCN can be set using the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package:CONN sys/password@DBA2 AS SYSDBA ALTER TABLE scott.dept DROP SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP log_group_dept_pk;
CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@dba1 DECLARE v_scn NUMBER; BEGIN v_scn := DBMS_FLASHBACK.GET_SYSTEM_CHANGE_NUMBER(); DBMS_APPLY_ADM.SET_TABLE_INSTANTIATION_SCN@DBA2( source_object_name => 'scott.dept', source_database_name => 'dba1', instantiation_scn => v_scn); END; /
Configure Apply Process
Configure the apply process on the destination database (DBA2):CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@DBA2 BEGIN DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ADD_TABLE_RULES( table_name => 'scott.dept', streams_type => 'apply', streams_name => 'apply_simp', queue_name => 'strmadmin.streams_queue', include_dml => true, include_ddl => true, source_database => 'dba1'); END; /
Start Apply Process
Start the apply process on destination database (DBA2) and prevent errors stopping the process:CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@DBA2 BEGIN DBMS_APPLY_ADM.SET_PARAMETER( apply_name => 'apply_simp', parameter => 'disable_on_error', value => 'n'); DBMS_APPLY_ADM.START_APPLY( apply_name => 'apply_simp'); END; /
Start Capture Process
Start the capture process on the source database (DBA1):CONNECT strmadmin/strmadminpw@DBA1 BEGIN DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.START_CAPTURE( capture_name => 'capture_simp'); END; /
Test It
With the streams activated we can see that DML changes to the source table are visible in the destination table:We can also see that DDL changes to the source table are reflected in the destination table:CONNECT scott/tiger@dba1 INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) VALUES (99, 'Test Dept', 'UK'); COMMIT; SELECT * FROM dept; DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------- ------------- 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 30 SALES CHICAGO 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON 99 Test Dept UK 5 rows selected. CONNECT scott/tiger@dba2 SELECT * FROM dept; DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------- ------------- 10 ACCOUNTING NEW YORK 20 RESEARCH DALLAS 30 SALES CHICAGO 40 OPERATIONS BOSTON 99 Test Dept UK 5 rows selected.
The contents of the streams can be viewed using statements like:CONNECT scott/tiger@dba1 ALTER TABLE dept ADD ( new_col NUMBER(10) ) / DESC dept Name Null? Type ---------------------------- -------- -------------- DEPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER(2) DNAME VARCHAR2(14) LOC VARCHAR2(13) NEW_COL NUMBER(10) CONNECT scott/tiger@dba2 DESC dept Name Null? Type ---------------------------- -------- -------------- DEPTNO NOT NULL NUMBER(2) DNAME VARCHAR2(14) LOC VARCHAR2(13) NEW_COL NUMBER(10)
SELECT s.user_data.getTypeName() FROM streams_queue_table s; SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE v_anydata SYS.ANYDATA; v_lcr SYS.LCR$_ROW_RECORD; v_row_list SYS.LCR$_ROW_LIST; v_result PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT user_data INTO v_anydata FROM strmadmin.streams_queue_table WHERE rownum < 2; v_result := ANYDATA.GetObject( self => v_anydata, obj => v_lcr); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Command Type : ' || v_lcr.Get_Command_Type); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Object Owner : ' || v_lcr.Get_Object_Owner); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Object Name : ' || v_lcr.Get_Object_Name); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source Database Name : ' || v_lcr.Get_Source_Database_Name); END; /
Clean Up
All rules can be identified and removed using the following statements:All capture and apply processes can be identified, stopped and dropped using:BEGIN FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT rule_owner, rule_name FROM dba_rules) LOOP DBMS_RULE_ADM.DROP_RULE( rule_name => cur_rec.rule_owner || '.' || cur_rec.rule_name, force => TRUE); END LOOP; END; /
All streams information relating to a specific object can be purged using:BEGIN FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT capture_name FROM dba_capture) LOOP DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.STOP_CAPTURE( capture_name => cur_rec.capture_name); DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.DROP_CAPTURE( capture_name => cur_rec.capture_name); END LOOP; FOR cur_rec IN (SELECT apply_name FROM dba_apply) LOOP DBMS_APPLY_ADM.STOP_APPLY( apply_name => cur_rec.apply_name); DBMS_APPLY_ADM.DROP_APPLY( apply_name => cur_rec.apply_name); END LOOP; END; /
For further information see:BEGIN DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.PURGE_SOURCE_CATALOG( source_database => 'dba1', source_object_name => 'scott.dept', source_object_type => 'TABLE'); END; /
- Oracle9i Streams Release 2 (9.2)
- Monitoring a Streams Environment
- Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference Release 2 (9.2)
Hope this helps. Regards Tim...
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