# crsctl set cluster mode flex CRS-4937: Unable to set the cluster mode.
檢視 官方文件,發現需要配置GNS,Standard模式下不需要GNS,但是Flex模式是需要的。
1. Run the following command to determine the current mode of the cluster:
$ crsctl get cluster mode status
2. Run the following command to ensure that the Grid Naming Service (GNS) is configured with a fixed VIP:
$ srvctl config gns
This procedure cannot succeed unless GNS is configured with a fixed VIP. If there is no GNS, then, as root, create one, as follows:
# srvctl add gns -vip vip_name | ip_address
Run the following command as root to start GNS:
# srvctl start gns
3. Use the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) to enable Oracle Flex ASM in the cluster before you change the cluster mode.
使用asmca將ASM儲存轉換為Flex ASM。
4. Run the following command as root to change the mode of the cluster to be an Oracle Flex Cluster:
# crsctl set cluster mode flex
5. Stop Oracle Clusterware by running the following command as root on each node in the cluster:
# crsctl stop crs
6. Start Oracle Clusterware by running the following command as root on each node in the cluster:
# crsctl start crs -wait
Note: Use the -wait option to display progress and status messages.
可以把Standard ASM 轉化為 Flex ASM ,但這個轉化是不可逆的。這樣做的目的可能是為了推廣這個特性。
先轉換ASM 到 flex ,然後再轉換叢集到 flex 。
1 、檢視叢集當前模式
crsctl get cluster mode status
crsctl get cluster mode config
2 、檢視叢集節點成員角色
crsctl get node role status -all
3 、把 ASM 轉換成 flex ASM
# grid 使用者
asmcmd showclustermode
asmca # 推薦圖形轉換,也可以用命令: asmca -silent -convertToFlexASM -asmNetworks eth1/ -asmListenerPort 1522
/u01/app/grid/cfgtoollogs/asmca/scripts/converttoFlexASM.sh #root 使用者只在 host03 上執行,該指令碼會重啟叢集
asmcmd showclustermode
4 、檢視是否使用 GNS 解析。 Standard 模式下不需要 GNS ,但是 Flex 模式是需要的配置 GNS 的,否則在執行“ crsctl set cluster mode flex ”時會報錯:“ CRS-4937: Unable to set the cluster mode. ”。
srvctl status gns
srvctl config gns
轉換成GNS 解析的命令:
-- srvctl add gns -vip -domain cluster01.example.com
GNS 需要配置 flexed-VIP 的,如果沒有配置,需要使用 root 使用者建立一個 :
-- srvctl add gns -vip vip_name | ip_address
注意:ip_address 要與叢集公網在同一個網段。
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]# crsctl set cluster mode flex
CRS-4937: Unable to set the cluster mode.
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]# oerr crs 4937
4937, 1, "Unable to set the cluster mode."
// *Cause: An attempt was made to set the cluster mode to 'flex' but Grid Naming Service(GNS) was not configured.
// *Action: Configure GNS and try again to set the cluster mode to 'flex'.
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]# srvctl add gns -vip
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]#
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]#
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]#
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]# srvctl config gns
GNS is enabled.
GNS VIP addresses:
Domain served by GNS: N_FWD
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]#
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]#
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]# srvctl status gns
GNS is not running.
GNS is enabled.
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]# crsctl set cluster mode flex
CRS-4933: Cluster mode set to "flex"; restart Oracle High Availability Services on all nodes for cluster to run in "flex" mode.
[root@raclhr-12cR1-N1 ~]#
5 、轉換標準叢集為 flex 叢集
# 等待上一個步驟做完,所有狀態是正常的
crsctl stat res -t
#root 使用者
crsctl set cluster mode flex
crsctl stop cluster -all
crsctl start cluster -all
crsctl get cluster mode status
crsctl stat res -t
轉換完成後,需要保證所有的叢集資源狀態都為ONLINE 狀態。
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