Create a crawler to download Profile detail into local folder via the usename or useid.
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- Python 3.6
- urllib
- pyquery
- pyspider
- Scrapy
Create a project folder:
scrapy startproject instagram_user
Create a spider crawl into project folder:
scrapy spider user_crawler www.instagram.com
The information need to crawl:
- user's id
- username
- post's id
- post's liked
- post's caption
- post's commit count
- post's images and videos
1. Spider (user_crawler)
1.1 Send Requests
Capture the user information from 'https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?query_hash=e769aa130647d2354c40ea6a439bfc08&variables={'id':{userid},'first':'12','after':{after_string}}'
It will return a json data.
base_url = 'https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?'
if settings.USERID is '':
find_id_url = 'https://www.instagram.com/' + settings.USERNAME
response = requests.get(find_id_url, headers=headers)
result = re.search('"profilePage_(.*?)"', response.text)
settings.USERID = result[1]
param = {
'query_hash': 'e769aa130647d2354c40ea6a439bfc08',
'variables': '{"id":"'+ settings.USERID +'","first":12}',
def start_requests(self):
url = self.base_url + urlencode(self.param)
yield Request(url, headers=headers, callback=self.parse)
1.2 Data Collect
Decoding the response by using json format:
data_json = json.loads(response.text)
data = data_json.get('data').get('user').get('edge_owner_to_timeline_media')
1.3 Store Item
Collect the data json into own database settings format for store into mysql and download images and videos in local folder.
for user_detail in data.get('edges'):
user_node = user_detail.get('node')
item = InstagramUserItem()
item['postid'] = user_node.get('id')
item['username'] = user_node.get('owner').get('username')
if settings.USERNAME is '':
settings.USERNAME = user_node.get('owner').get('username')
item['userid'] = user_node.get('owner').get('id')
item['liked'] = user_node.get('edge_media_preview_like').get('count')
item['caption'] = user_node.get('edge_media_to_caption').get('edges')[0].get('node').get('text')
item['caption'] = ''
item['comment'] = user_node.get('edge_media_to_comment').get('count')
video_link = ''
images_link = ''
if user_node.get('edge_sidecar_to_children'):
child_edges = user_node.get('edge_sidecar_to_children').get('edges')
for child in child_edges:
node = child.get('node')
if user_node.get('is_video'):
# get video link
video_link += node.get('video_url')+';'
images_link += node.get('display_url')+';'
if user_node.get('is_video'):
video_link = user_node.get('video_url')+';'
images_link = user_node.get('display_url')+';'
item['image_list'] = images_link
item['video_list'] = video_link
yield item
Get the next page and recall the request:
page_info = data.get('page_info')
if page_info.get('has_next_page'):
temp_variables = json.loads(self.param.get('variables'))
temp_variables['after'] = page_info.get('end_cursor')
self.param['variables'] = json.dumps(temp_variables)
url = self.base_url + urlencode(self.param)
yield Request(url, headers=headers, callback=self.parse)
2. Items
Setup the data elements for data storing and usage in item pipeline.
collection = table = 'user_post'
postid = Field()
userid = Field()
username = Field()
liked = Field()
caption = Field()
comment = Field()
image_list = Field()
video_list = Field()
3. Pipelines
3.1 FilePipeline
Download the videos or images and store into local folder.
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
file_name = settings.USERNAME + '/' + os.path.basename(urlparse(request.url).path)
return file_name
def item_completed(self, results, item, info):
image_paths = [x['path'] for ok, x in results if ok]
if not image_paths:
raise DropItem('Image Downloaded Failed')
return item
def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
for url in item['image_list'].split(';'):
yield Request(url)
for url in item['video_list'].split(';'):
yield Request(url)
3.2 MySQL Pipeline (Future)
4. Settings
Enter username or userid to caption the profile:
USERID = '[Enter instagram userid]'
USERNAME = '[Enter instagram username]'
Setup the item pipelines:
'instagram_user.pipelines.FilePipeline': 301,
FILES_STORE = './user'
Start the crawler, store the image and information into local
scrapy crawl user_crawler
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