ORA-16038: log 3 sequence# 510 cannot be archived
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1787138048 bytes
Fixed Size 2254104 bytes
Variable Size 956304104 bytes
Database Buffers 822083584 bytes
Redo Buffers 6496256 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 32429
Session ID: 1137 Serial number: 5
[oracle@ora2 ~]$ tail -f /u01/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
Errors in file /u01/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_32429.trc:
ORA-16038: log 3 sequence# 510 cannot be archived
ORA-19502: write error on file "", block number (block size=)
ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: '/u01/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo03.log'
USER (ospid: 32429): terminating the instance due to error 16038
more /u01/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_32429.trc
Executing ASYNC actions
----- END DDE Actions Dump (total 0 csec) -----
ORA-16038: log 3 sequence# 510 cannot be archived
ORA-19502: write error on file "", block number (block size=)
ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: '/u01/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo03.log'
kjzduptcctx: Notifying DIAG for crash event
SQL> conn / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1787138048 bytes
Fixed Size 2254104 bytes
Variable Size 956304104 bytes
Database Buffers 822083584 bytes
Redo Buffers 6496256 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database clear unarchived logfile group 3;
Database altered.
SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/28572479/viewspace-2645113/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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