AIX下nfs故障導致oracle process hang


wps1:/oracle/app/oracle/admin/mss/bdump$sqlplus '/as sysdba'
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 19 10:03:49 2011
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
NFS server not responding still trying
wps1:/oracle$truss -D sqlplus '/as sysdba'
0.0000:        execve("/oracle/niyl/bin/sqlplus", 0x2FF22964, 0x2FF22970)  argc: 4
0.0226:        execve("/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/sqlplus", 0x2FF22964, 0x2FF22970)  argc: 2
0.0611:        kusla(2, 0x09FFFFFFF000C490)     = -1
0.0041:        thread_init(0x0900000000739020, 0x09001000A0860350) =
0.0004:        sbrk(0x0000000000000000)         = 0x00000001100ED448
0.0002:        vmgetinfo(0x0FFFFFFFFFFFF570, 7, 16) = 0
0.0003:        sbrk(0x0000000000000000)         = 0x00000001100ED448
0.0002:        kioctl(7, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) = -1
kread(7, "\0  DA '\014\0\001\002\0".., 4096)    = 164
0.0002:        close(7)                         = 0
0.0002:        __libc_sbrk(0x0000000000010020)  = 0x000000011041D9A0
0.0002:        kioctl(1, 22528, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000) = 0
kwrite(1, "\n", 1)                              = 1
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 19 10:59:07 2011
kwrite(1, " S Q L * P l u s :   R e".., 70)     = 70
kwrite(1, "\n", 1)                              = 1
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.
kwrite(1, " C o p y r i g h t   ( c".., 56)     = 56
kwrite(1, "\n", 1)                              = 1
0.0002:        kfcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0x0000000000000008) = 2
0.0002:        lseek(4, 512, 0)                 = 512
kread(4, "17A5\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 512)     = 512
0.0002:        lseek(4, 1024, 0)                = 1024
kread(4, "\016\0 *\0 R\0 h\081\09E".., 512)     = 512
0.0002:        lseek(4, 4608, 0)                = 4608
kread(4, "\00F\0A0\0\0\0 b\0A1\0\0".., 512)     = 512
0.0003:        __libc_sbrk(0x0000000000010020)  = 0x000000011042D9C0
0.0003:        statx(".", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7170, 176, 010) = 0
0.0002:        kopen(".", O_RDONLY)             = 7
0.0002:        getdirent64(7, 0x0000000110434810, 4096) = 680
0.0002:        klseek(7, 0, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7070) = 0
0.0002:        kfcntl(7, F_GETFD, 0x00000001100F34B8) = 0
0.0002:        kfcntl(7, F_SETFD, 0x0000000000000001) = 0
0.0002:        close(7)                         = 0
0.0002:        statx("/", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7390, 176, 020) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7390, 176, 020) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7170, 176, 010) = 0
0.0002:        kopen("./../", O_RDONLY)         = 7
0.0002:        getdirent64(7, 0x0000000110434810, 4096) = 1776
0.0002:        klseek(7, 0, 0, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7070) = 0
0.0002:        kfcntl(7, F_GETFD, 0x00000001100F34B8) = 0
0.0002:        kfcntl(7, F_SETFD, 0x0000000000000001) = 0
0.0002:        fstatx(7, 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7390, 176, 020) = 0
0.0002:        getdirent64(7, 0x0000000110434810, 4096) = 1776
0.0002:        statx("./../.", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../..", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.TTauthority", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.Xauthority", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.bash_history", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.dt", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.dtprofile", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.java", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.mozilla", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.profile", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.rhosts", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.sh_history", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.topasrecrc", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.vi_history", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.vnc", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../.wmrc", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../IBM", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../TT_DB", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../admin", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../aixfix", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../audit", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../bin", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../bpmdata", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../dbscripts", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../dev", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../esa", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../etc", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../filedata", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0512:        statx("./../ha_script", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../home", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../ihsGSKitUpgradeLog.txt", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../isoxlc", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0003:        statx("./../lib", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../lost+found", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../lpp", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
0.0002:        statx("./../mnt", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) = 0
2.0001:        statx("./../nbu_nfs_102", 0x0FFFFFFFFFFF7440, 176, 021) (sleeping...)
NFS server not responding still trying
Oracle code calls a Unix system call, 'getcwd' to get the current working directory. Then, after that, all the control reverts over to the operating system.  From what we can see, the function 'getcwd' calls 'getwd' which in turn calls 'stat'. Once 'stat' is entered it starts processing directory entries in the order shown below by performing a 'statx' call for each entry.
Once the root directory is reached then 'lstat' calls 'statx' for each entry in the directory. Oracle has no control over this processing and there is nothing we can do to prevent it (it is all at the OS level at this point).
device id
file serial number
user id
group id
Time of last access
Time of last data modification
Time of last file status change
Type of fs
在這個hang住的程式中,就是由於nfs網路檔案系統無法訪問,導致statx hang住了,所以無法連線。

mkdir /nfs
mkdir /nfs/nbu_nfs_102_mount
mount /nfs/nbu_nfs_102_mount
ln -s /nfs/nbu_nfs_102_mount /nbu_nfs_102

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
