Column Monitoring



1 Column Monitoring(欄位監控)

1.1 Foreword(前言)

Column Monitoring was introduced from Oracle 9i , aiming at deciding to gather histogram information. A base table COL_USAGE$ was created to records the information about column-accessing.It is called column tracking for column-access information gathering.

從Oracle 9i 開始,引入了欄位審計,以此決定是否對欄位收集直方圖(histogram)資訊。欄位被訪問的資訊被儲存於基表: COL_USAGE$中。

1.2 Col_Usage$

We get into the table COL_USAGE$,and see the structure .


create table col_usage$
  obj#              number,                                 /* object number */
  intcol#           number,                        /* internal column number */
  equality_preds    number,                           /* equality predicates */
  equijoin_preds    number,                           /* equijoin predicates */
  nonequijoin_preds number,                        /* nonequijoin predicates */
  range_preds       number,                              /* range predicates */
  like_preds        number,                         /* (not) like predicates */
  null_preds        number,                         /* (not) null predicates */
  timestamp         date      /* timestamp of last time this row was changed */
  storage (initial 200K next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)
create unique index i_col_usage$ on col_usage$(obj#,intcol#)
  storage (maxextents unlimited)
  • the column of COL_USAGE$(COL_USAGE$欄位)
columen related to
obj# obj$.obj#
intcol# col$.col#
obj# 與基表obj$.obj# 相關聯
intcol# 與基表col$.col# 相關聯
preds 指的是predicate,也就是where條件語句中的條件。
equlity_preds 賦值條件
equijoin_preds 等值連線
nonequijoin_preds 非等值連線
range_preds 範圍查詢
like_preds 模糊查詢
null_preds 空值匹配查詢
timestamp COL_USAGE$ 表中該行資料更新時間

From 10G and later,when a table statistics information was being gathered in the way of FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO. On this condition, if a columns of certain table has an entry in COL_USAGE$. Histogram will be centenced to be neccesary.

從Oracle 10G 開始,收集表統計資訊時,若採用 ”FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO" 的方式。如果某張表的欄位存在於COL_USAGE$中,資料庫就會認為有必要收集直方圖資訊。

1.3 refresh COL_USAGE$(重新整理基表)

1.3.1 refresh automatically(自動重新整理)


The column-access information are stored in SGA,Smon is on duty of flush them into COL_USAGE$ every 15 minutes. SMON process will do DML operations on it ,such as insert,update,delete. When a column was accessed for the first time, a new entry will be added into COL_USAGE$,and if a column or a table was dropped, the related column-access information will be deleted from COL_USAGE$.

欄位訪問記錄被儲存在SGA中,SMON 會每隔15分鐘將這些資訊從記憶體中重新整理至基表COL_USAGE$中。SMON程式會對該表進行插入、更新、刪除操作。當一個欄位被首次訪問後,SMON在重新整理記憶體資訊時,會在表中插入一行新的資料,如果欄位或者表被刪除,與其相關的欄位資訊會被SMON從COL_USAGE$中刪除。

1.3.2 refresh manually(手動重新整理)


It was mentioned above,SMON will flush date into COL_USAGE$ from SGA every 15 minutes.What to do if we want to get the newest data? There is a package which will help us,DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO;

上面已經提及,SMON 程式會每隔15分鐘將SGA 中的欄位訪問資料更新到COL_USAGE表中。那麼如果我們想得到最新的欄位訪問資料,該怎麼辦呢?Oracle提供了一個包:DBMSSTATS.FLUSHDATABASEMONITORINGINFO.Wejustneedtocallitasbelowanddataincolusagewill be freshed.

exec dbms_stats.flush_database_monitoring_info;

1.4 OPEN AND CLOSE(開啟和關閉欄位審計)

The hiden parameter "_column_tracking_leve" control the database whether to track columns. when value is 1 , gathering will be enabled while 0 disabled.

隱含引數 "_column_tracking_leve" 用於決定是否啟用欄位訪問記錄。 當引數值為1時為開啟,為0時表示關閉。

2 Take Advantage of COL_USAGE$ (使用COL_USAGE$)

The database take advantage of COL_USAGE$ to decide whether to gather histogram for a column. What we could do with it ? Did you met the scene? You are in charge of creating indexes in database.But You do not faliliar with the database nor the business logic. What will you do ? How to decide which column to build an indexes on ? This table will help you! Because it records all the access information of a column.

在收集表的統計資訊時,依據此表決定是否對某個欄位收集直方圖。我們是否可以利用它呢? 不知道你是否遇到過這種場景: 你負責對一個資料庫上的欄位建立索引,但是你對業務邏輯和資料庫都不太瞭解,這時你會怎麼做? 如何決定哪個欄位應該建立索引? 這種時候,這張表可以給我們提供相應的資訊,因為它裡面儲存了所有欄位的訪問記錄。 

col table_owner heading "Tab Owner" for a9
col table_name  heading "Table Name" for a30
col column_name heading "Col Name" for a20
col col_acc_num for 9999999
col indexed for a8

select as table_owner, as table_name, as column_name,
       cu.equality_preds + cu.equijoin_preds + cu.nonequijoin_preds +
       cu.range_preds + cu.like_preds + cu.null_preds as col_acc_num,
       lpad(decode(ic.obj#, null, 'no', 'yes'),5,' ') as indexed,
       to_char(round(ratio_to_report(cu.equality_preds + cu.equijoin_preds +
                             cu.nonequijoin_preds + cu.range_preds +
                             cu.like_preds + cu.null_preds) over() * 100,
             2),'fm990.00') pct
  from sys.col_usage$ cu,
       sys.obj$ o,
       (select distinct obj#, intcol#, name, property from sys.col$) c,
       sys.user$ u,
       sys.icol$ ic
 where cu.obj# = o.obj#
   and cu.intcol# = c.intcol#
   and o.obj# = c.obj#
   and o.owner# = u.user#
   and c.intcol# = ic.intcol#(+)
   and c.obj# =
   and not in(
   and not like 'BIN$%'
order by 6

we could get the columns which was highly accessed by this sql, and decide which column should be create index with.

Author: Halberd QQ: 472539294 E-mail: Tel: 18258160531

Created: 2017-09-21 Thu 17:02

Emacs (Org mode 8.2.10)


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