【江楓 】Oracle 9i和10g在create index和rebuild index的統計資訊的區別
在9.2.0.6和10.2.0.4做了個小小的試驗,演示9i和10g對於create index和rebuild index時統計資訊的區別。這裡列出試驗的過程,由於結果比較明顯,就懶得寫太多文字做說明了。其中tbsql是一個常用指令碼的整合環境,tbsql tabstat使用者輸出一個表以及列和索引的資訊,其實就是關聯dba_tables/dba_indexes/dba_tab_columns的一個查詢。
SQL> create table t as select * from all_objects; Table created. SQL> create index t_id on t(object_id); Index created.
$tbsql tabstat t Table Number Empty Average Chain Average OWNER Name of Rows Blocks Blocks Space Count Row Len ---------- ------ -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- SYS T Column Column Distinct Name Details Values Density ------------------ ------------------------ -------- ------- OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) NOT NULL DATA_OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(18) CREATED DATE NOT NULL LAST_DDL_TIME DATE NOT NULL TIMESTAMP VARCHAR2(19) STATUS VARCHAR2(7) TEMPORARY VARCHAR2(1) GENERATED VARCHAR2(1) SECONDARY VARCHAR2(1) 13 rows selected. B Average Average Index Tree Leaf Distinct Leaf Blocks Data Blocks Cluster Name Unique Level Blks Keys Per Key Per Key Factor --------- --------- ----- ----- -------------- ----------- ----------- ------- T_ID NONUNIQUE Index Column Col Column Name Name Pos Details --------- --------------- ---- ------------------------ T_ID OBJECT_ID 1 NUMBER(22) NOT NULL
SQL> alter index t_id rebuild online compute statistics; Index altered.
$tbsql tabstat t Table Number Empty Average Chain Average OWNER Name of Rows Blocks Blocks Space Count Row Len ------- ------ -------- ------- ------- -------- -------- -------- SYS T 25,420 348 0 0 0 100 Column Column Distinct Name Details Values Density ----------------- ------------------------ --------- ------- OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) NOT NULL 25,420 0 DATA_OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(18) CREATED DATE NOT NULL LAST_DDL_TIME DATE NOT NULL TIMESTAMP VARCHAR2(19) STATUS VARCHAR2(7) TEMPORARY VARCHAR2(1) GENERATED VARCHAR2(1) SECONDARY VARCHAR2(1) 13 rows selected. B Average Average Index Tree Leaf Distinct Leaf Blocks Data Blocks Cluster Name Unique Level Blks Keys Per Key Per Key Factor -------- --------- ----- ----- --------- ----------- ----------- ------- T_ID NONUNIQUE 1 56 25,420 1 1 22,731 Index Column Col Column Name Name Pos Details ------- ---------- ---- ------------------------ T_ID OBJECT_ID 1 NUMBER(22) NOT NULL
SQL> create table t as select * from all_objects; Table created. SQL> create index t_id on t(object_id); Index created.
$tbsql tabstat t Table Number Empty Average Chain Average OWNER Name of Rows Blocks Blocks Space Count Row Len ---------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------- ------ -------- SYS T Column Column Distinct Name Details Values Density ---------------- ----------------------- --------- ------- OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) NOT NULL DATA_OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(19) CREATED DATE NOT NULL LAST_DDL_TIME DATE NOT NULL TIMESTAMP VARCHAR2(19) STATUS VARCHAR2(7) TEMPORARY VARCHAR2(1) GENERATED VARCHAR2(1) SECONDARY VARCHAR2(1) 13 rows selected. B Average Average Index Tree Leaf Distinct Leaf Blocks Data Blocks Cluster Name Unique Level Blks Keys Per Key Per Key Factor ------- --------- ----- ------ --------- ----------- ----------- -------- T_ID NONUNIQUE 1 21 9,610 1 1 134 Index Column Col Column Name Name Pos Details --------- ------------ ---- ------------------------ T_ID OBJECT_ID 1 NUMBER(22) NOT NULL
SQL> alter index t_id rebuild online compute statistics; Index altered.
$tbsql tabstat t Table Number Empty Average Chain Average OWNER Name of Rows Blocks Blocks Space Count Row Len ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------- ------- -------- SYS T Column Column Distinct Name Details Values Density ----------------- ------------------------ ------------ ------- OWNER VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL SUBOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) NOT NULL DATA_OBJECT_ID NUMBER(22) OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2(19) CREATED DATE NOT NULL LAST_DDL_TIME DATE NOT NULL TIMESTAMP VARCHAR2(19) STATUS VARCHAR2(7) TEMPORARY VARCHAR2(1) GENERATED VARCHAR2(1) SECONDARY VARCHAR2(1) 13 rows selected. B Average Average Index Tree Leaf Distinct Leaf Blocks Data Blocks Cluster Name Unique Level Blks Keys Per Key Per Key Factor -------- --------- ----- ------ ---------- ----------- ----------- -------- T_ID NONUNIQUE 1 21 9,610 1 1 134 Index Column Col Column Name Name Pos Details ---------- ------------- ---- ------------------------ T_ID OBJECT_ID 1 NUMBER(22) NOT NULL
應該說,10g的處理方式要更加合理一些。我只是alert index rebuild online compute statistics,9i卻同時收集了表,列和索引的統計資訊,這有點屬於自做主張,而10g則正確的按照語法,只計算了索引的統計資訊。有個時候,收集列的統計資訊,可能導致執行計劃選擇錯誤,尤其是這個列是遞增列的時候,一定要注意到9i和10g的這個差異。
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