from pymodbus.client import ModbusTcpClient
from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusIOException, ConnectionException, NoSuchSlaveException
import time
def read_holding_registers(client, slave_address):
# 使用client.read_holding_registers函式讀取保持暫存器
result = client.read_holding_registers(0, 1, slave_address)
# 檢查result是否為ModbusIOException,如果是,則直接處理異常,不嘗試訪問registers屬性
if isinstance(result, ModbusIOException):
raise result # 重新丟擲異常以便在外部統一處理
print(f"Slave {slave_address}: {result.registers[0]}")
except ConnectionException as e:
# 如果連線問題或無此從站,則捕獲異常並列印資訊
print(f"Error connecting to or reading from Slave {slave_address}: {e}")
except ModbusIOException as e:
# 其他Modbus通訊錯誤
print(f"Error communicating with Slave {slave_address}: {e}")
except NoSuchSlaveException as e:
# NoSuchSlaveException
print(f"NoSuchSlaveException with Slave {slave_address}: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 初始化TCP客戶端,這裡以預設埠502為例
client = ModbusTcpClient('localhost', port=502) # 請將'localhost'替換為實際的Modbus TCP伺服器IP地址
# 連線到Modbus TCP裝置
if client.connect():
print("Connected to Modbus TCP device.")
# 迴圈遍歷從站地址1至247
for slave_address in range(1, 248):
read_holding_registers(client, slave_address)
time.sleep(0.200) # 延遲200毫秒
# 關閉連線
print("Failed to connect to the Modbus TCP device.")