How to Restore the Database Using AMDU after Diskgroup Corruption
1. Create pfile of lost database , from database alert.log startup messages.
2. Startup database in nomount
3. Get the controlfile number from db alert log , it will show while starting the database here in this eg. its 256
eg., control_files='+DATA/orcl/controlfile/current.256.709676643'
If you have controlfile backup already in non-asm location edit the pfile to point to location of non-asm and then mount the database
If you dont have controlfile backup then go to step 4 after determining the file# from step 3
4. $ amdu -diskstring -extract DATA.256
5. shutdown the database and change the control_file location to point to the extracted file location
6. startup mount the database
7. once mounted, get the datafile file numbers using "select name from v$datafile"
And get online redo logfile from "select * from v$logfile".
8. Extract all datafiles and redolog files in similar manner
9. alter database rename to < newly extracte location>
10. open the database
2. Startup database in nomount
3. Get the controlfile number from db alert log , it will show while starting the database here in this eg. its 256
eg., control_files='+DATA/orcl/controlfile/current.256.709676643'
If you have controlfile backup already in non-asm location edit the pfile to point to location of non-asm and then mount the database
If you dont have controlfile backup then go to step 4 after determining the file# from step 3
4. $ amdu -diskstring
5. shutdown the database and change the control_file location to point to the extracted file location
6. startup mount the database
7. once mounted, get the datafile file numbers using "select name from v$datafile"
And get online redo logfile from "select * from v$logfile".
8. Extract all datafiles and redolog files in similar manner
9. alter database rename
10. open the database
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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