ogg 同步 物化檢視建立限制 Materialized View

ogg 同步 物化檢視建立限制:

Materialized views are supported by Extract in classic and integrated modes with the following limitations.
1.Materialized views created WITH ROWID are not supported.
2.The materialized view log can be created WITH ROWID.
3.The source table must have a primary key.
4.Truncates of materialized views are not supported. You can use a DELETE FROM statement.
5.DML (but not DDL) from a full refresh of a materialized view is supported. If DDL support for this feature is required, open an Oracle GoldenGate support case.
6.For Replicat the Create MV command must include the FOR UPDATE clause
7.Either materialized views can be replicated or the underlying base table(s), but not both.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26474945/viewspace-1681018/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
