Linux sybase執行isql報錯
在redhat as 4上面安裝完sybase 12.5.4後,初始化完畢,執行isql -Usa -P報錯:
The context allocation routine failed when it tried to load localization files!!
One or more following problems may caused the failure
Your sybase home directory is /opt/sybase-12.5. Check the environment variable SYBASE if it is not the one you want!
Using locale name "zh_CN.UTF-8" defined in environment variable LANG
Locale name "zh_CN.UTF-8" doesn't exist in your /opt/sybase-12.5/locales/locales.dat file
An error occurred when attempting to allocate localization-related structures
這是由於LANG設定錯誤導致,執行export LANG=C,再次執行
isql -Usa -P
ct_connect(): directory service layer: internal directory control layer error: Requested server name not found.
isql -Usa -P -Ssybase
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