


C header file that provides a few functions and colors for creating a basic UI in a terminal.

[GitHub: TerminalGfx]


$ tree
├── termgfx.h
├── termgfx_MANUAL.txt
└── test.c


	Header file that allows:
		--> drawing certain UI elements within the terminal such as colored boxes
		--> moving the cursor within the terminal
		--> getting the width and height of the terminal in Lines and Columns
		--> clearing the screen

	Author: Chirculete Vlad Mihai
	Date (created): 12.10.2016
	Date (last edit): 19.11.2016

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <string.h>

// text colors
#define NRM  "\x1B[0m"
#define BLK  "\x1B[30m"
#define RED  "\x1B[31m"
#define GRN  "\x1B[32m"
#define YEL  "\x1B[33m"
#define BLU  "\x1B[34m"
#define MAG  "\x1B[35m"
#define CYN  "\x1B[36m"
#define WHT  "\x1B[37m"

// background colors
#define BGBLK  "\x1B[40m"
#define BGRED  "\x1B[41m"
#define BGGRN  "\x1B[42m"
#define BGYEL  "\x1B[43m"
#define BGBLU  "\x1B[44m"
#define BGMAG  "\x1B[45m"
#define BGCYN  "\x1B[46m"
#define BGWHT  "\x1B[47m"

// other text attributes
#define BOLD_ON "\x1b[1m"		 // Bold on(enable foreground intensity)
#define UNDERLINE_ON "\x1b[4m"	 // Underline on
#define BLINK_ON "\x1b[5m"		 // Blink on(enable background intensity)
#define BOLD_OFF "\x1b[21m"		 // Bold off(disable foreground intensity)
#define UNDERLINE_OFF "\x1b[24m" //	Underline off
#define BLINK_OFF "\x1b[25m"	 // Blink off(disable background intensity)

typedef struct window window;

struct window
	int id;				// the id of the window
	char *title;		// the title of the window
	char *titleColor;	// color of the window's title

	int x, y;			// x and y coordinates of the top left corner of the window
	int width, height;	// the width and the height of the window

	int drawBorder;		// 1 or 0, enables/disables drawing of the border and title
	char *borderColor;	// color of the window's border

	int drawBackground;		// 1 or 0, enables/disables drawing of the window background 
	char *backgroundColor;	// background color of the box

// sets the window's title and enables border drawing
void setWindowTitle(window *w, char *title, char *title_color)
	(*w).title = title;
	(*w).titleColor = title_color;
	(*w).drawBorder = 1;

// sets the window's border color and enables border drawing
void setWindowBorderColor(window *w, char *color)
	(*w).borderColor = color;
	(*w).drawBorder = 1;

// moves the cursor to X and Y in terminal
void gotoxy(int x,int y)

// get the terminal height in lines
int getTermHeight()
	// get the terminal height in lines
    int lines = 0;

    	struct ttysize ts;
    	ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGSIZE, &ts);
    	lines = ts.ts_lines;
	#elif defined(TIOCGWINSZ)
	    struct winsize ts;
	    ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ts);
	    lines = ts.ws_row;
	#endif /* TIOCGSIZE */

	return lines;

int getTermWidth()
	// get the terminal width in columns

	int cols = 0;

    	struct ttysize ts;
    	ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGSIZE, &ts);
    	cols = ts.ts_cols;
	#elif defined(TIOCGWINSZ)
	    struct winsize ts;
	    ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ts);
	    cols = ts.ws_col;
	#endif /* TIOCGSIZE */

	return cols;

// draws a filled bar and then moves the cursor to the top of the terminal
void drawBar(int x, int y, int width, int height, char *color)

	int i, j=x;

	gotoxy(x, y);

	for(i=y; i<=y+height; i++)
		gotoxy(x, i);
			printf("%s ", color);	j++;

	printf("%s", NRM);
	gotoxy(0, 0);

// draws a box (different from a bar since it has no filling)  then moves the cursor to the top of the terminal
void drawBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, char *color)

	int i, j=x;

	gotoxy(x, y);
	for(i=y; i<=y+height; i++)
		gotoxy(x, i);
			if(j==x || j==x+width || i==y || i == y+height) printf("%s ", color);	
			else printf("%s ", NRM);

		//printf("%s\n", NRM);

	printf("%s", NRM);

	gotoxy(0, 0);

// prints text at X and Y then moves the cursor to the top of the terminal
void textXY(char* text, int x, int y)
	gotoxy(x, y);

	printf("%s", text);

	gotoxy(0, 0);

// prints colored text at X and Y then moves the cursor to the top of the terminal
void textXYcolor(char* text, int x, int y, char* text_color, char* text_bg)
	gotoxy(x, y);

	printf("%s%s%s%s", text_color, text_bg, text, NRM);

	gotoxy(0, 0);

// sets the current text color to TEXT_COLOR
void setTextColor(char* text_color)
	printf("%s", text_color);

// sets the current text background to TEXT_BG
void setTextBackground(char* text_bg)
	printf("%s", text_bg);

// sets text attributes
void setTextAttr(char* text_attr)
	printf("%s", text_attr);

// clear the screen
void clearscr()

// draw a given window
void drawWindow(window w)
	int titlePosition;	// position on X axis where to start drawing the text

	titlePosition = (w.width / 2) - (strlen(w.title) / 2);

	// if border drawing is set to true (1), draw the border and the title
		drawBox(w.x, w.y, w.width, w.height, w.borderColor);

		// set the bold and underline attributes to ON for title then switch it back off
		setTextAttr(BOLD_ON);	setTextAttr(UNDERLINE_ON);
		textXYcolor(w.title, w.x + titlePosition, w.y, w.titleColor, w.borderColor);
		setTextAttr(BOLD_OFF);	setTextAttr(UNDERLINE_OFF);

	// if background drawing is set to true (1), draw the background
		drawBar(w.x+1, w.y+1, w.width-1, w.height-1, w.backgroundColor);

// draw a given array of windows
void drawWindows(window windows[], int n)
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<n; i++)


Terminal graphics header file 

Author: Chirculete Vlad Mihai
Date: 12.10.2016

	Functions provided by termgfx.h:

		--> clearscr()
			Clears the screen.

		--> gotoxy(int x, int y)
			Moves the cursor inside the terminal at position given by x and y.

		--> getTermHeight()
			Returns an integer which represents the height of the terminal measured in columns.

		--> getTermWidth()
			Returns an integer which represents the width of the terminal measured in lines.

		--> drawBar(int x, int y, int WIDTH, int HEIGHT, char *FILL_COLOR)
			Draws a filled bar at x and y that is WIDTH wide and HEIGHT tall. The filling color is determined by FILL_COLOR.
			For the variable FILL_COLOR you should use one of the background colors defined. (see the list of availible colors below)

		--> drawBox(int x, int y, int WIDTH, int HEIGHT, char *COLOR)
			Draws a box that unlike the bar it isn't filled.

		--> textXY(char *TEXT, int x, int y)
			Prints TEXT at the given x and y position inside the terminal.

		--> textXYcolor(char *TEXT, int x, int y, char *TEXT_COLOR , char *TEXT_BACKGROUND)
			Prints TEXT at the given x and y position inside the terminal.
			The color of the text is given by TEXT_COLOR, and it's background color by TEXT_BACKGROUND.
			You should use the colors defined in the list below.

	Colors provided by termgfx.h:

		Foreground colors (text colors)

		NRM  - normal (default terminal color)
		GRN  - green
		YEL  - yellow
		BLU  - blue
		MAG  - magenta
		CYN  - cyan
		WHT  - white

		Background colors (for text background and boxes)

		BGRED   - background red
		BGGRN	- background green
		BGYEL	- background yellow
		BGBLU	- background blue
		BGMAG	- background magenta
		BGCYN	- background cyan
		BGWHT	- background white


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "termgfx.h"

void drawBar();

int main(int argc, char **argv)

	window w[10];

	// window 0
	w[0].title = "Window 0";
	w[0].drawBorder = 1;
	w[0].titleColor = WHT;
	w[0].borderColor = BGBLU;
	w[0].drawBackground = 0;
	w[0].backgroundColor = BGWHT;
	w[0].x = 0;
	w[0].y = 5;
	w[0].width = (getTermWidth()/2)-1;
	w[0].height = getTermHeight()-3;

	// window 1
	w[1].title = "Window 1";
	w[1].drawBorder = 1;
	w[1].titleColor = YEL;
	w[1].borderColor = BGGRN;
	w[1].drawBackground = 1;
	w[1].backgroundColor = BGWHT;
	w[1].x = getTermWidth()/2;
	w[1].y = 5;
	w[1].width = getTermWidth()/3;
	w[1].height = getTermHeight()/3;

	// window 2
	w[2].title = "Window 2";
	w[2].drawBorder = 1;
	w[2].titleColor = GRN;
	w[2].borderColor = BGYEL;
	w[2].drawBackground = 0;
	w[2].backgroundColor = BGWHT;
	w[2].x = getTermWidth()/2;
	w[2].y = getTermHeight()/2;
	w[2].width = getTermWidth()/2;
	w[2].height = getTermHeight()/2;

	drawWindows(w, 3);

	return 0;

