Install Error : ERROR:SQLException null Resultset [ID 875002.1]


Applies to:

Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Version: to
This problem can occur on any platform.


Installation failing with -

userName = sysman
INFO: 7/31/09 12:28:53 PM CEST: Query Returned: true
INFO: 7/31/09 12:28:53 PM CEST: Calling Query EmQueries4.2.3 executeSql

schemaName = sys

schemaPassword = PWD

connectString = brn00d05:1521:DEVEL

sqlQuery = select count(*) from sysman.mgmt_versions where status > 0 and component_mode like
'CENTRAL' and component_name in ('IAS','DB','OCS','CORE')
INFO: 7/31/09 12:28:53 PM CEST: Query Returned: ERROR:SQLException null Resultset
SEVERE: 7/31/09 12:28:53 PM CEST: ERROR:SQLException null Resultset
INFO: 7/31/09 12:29:11 PM CEST: User Selected: Yes/OK


The Installer assumes that if the SYSMAN user is present in the "target" repository database then the SYSMAN schema objects exist.
In this case mgmt_versions

When running the following query (manually) against the target -

select count(*) from sysman.mgmt_versions where status > 0 and component_mode like 'CENTRAL'
and component_name in ('IAS','DB','OCS','CORE');

The following is returned -

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


The solution to this problem is as follows -

1. Follow -
Option 4. Delete DB Control Repository Objects Manually

against the "target" database

2. Run the Installer again.

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