ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:fork failed with status
Sun Sep 30 21:12:28 2018 Errors in file /DBSoft2/oracle/diag/rdbms/fzdbcgbk/fzdbcgbk1/trace/fzdbcgbk1_psp0_221463.trc: ORA-27300: ͳϵͳز: fork ʧ ״̬Ϊ: 11 ORA-27301: ͳϢ: Resource temporarily unavailable ORA-27302: skgpspawn3 Process J000 died, see its trace file Sun Sep 30 21:12:28 2018 kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process Sun Sep 30 21:12:28 2018 Errors in file /DBSoft2/oracle/diag/rdbms/fzdbcgbk/fzdbcgbk1/trace/fzdbcgbk1_cjq0_222890.trc: Sun Sep 30 21:12:29 2018 Process startup failed, error stack: Sun Sep 30 21:12:29 2018 Errors in file /DBSoft2/oracle/diag/rdbms/fzdbcgbk/fzdbcgbk1/trace/fzdbcgbk1_psp0_221463.trc: ORA-27300: ͳϵͳز: fork ʧ ״̬Ϊ: 11 ORA-27301: ͳϢ: Resource temporarily unavailable ORA-27302: skgpspawn3
Mos ID:392006.1
The following message reported in alert log:
Mon Sep 18 18:10:34 2006
Errors in file /u01/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl1_psp0_954436.trc:
ORA-27300: OS system dependent operation:fork failed with status: 11
ORA-27301: OS failure message: Resource temporarily unavailable
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: skgpspawn3
Mon Sep 18 18:10:35 2006
Process P073 died, see its trace file
The error messages indicating that oracle has problem in forking more process, the maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user could be too low.
This is configured by the following kernel settings:
AIX: maxuproc
HP and Solaris: maxuprc
Solaris 10/11: project.max-lwps
Linux: nproc (/etc/security/limits.conf)
[root@fzdb1 trace]# su - oracle2 [oracle2@fzdb1 ~]$ ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited scheduling priority (-e) 0 file size (blocks, -f) unlimited pending signals (-i) 1031748 max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (-n) 1024 pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8 POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 10240 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 3047 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited [oracle2@fzdb1 ~]$ ulimit -u 3047 [root@fzdb1 ~]# grep proc /etc/security/limits.conf # - nproc - max number of processes # - priority - the priority to run user process with #@student hard nproc 20 #@faculty soft nproc 20 #@faculty hard nproc 50 #ftp hard nproc 0 oracle soft nproc 3047 oracle hard nproc 16384 grid soft nproc 3047 grid hard nproc 16384
從上面檢查我們可以發現oracle2的使用者程式數量已經達到了1491,幾乎接近oracle2使用者的user processes數量,所以資料庫日誌裡面頻繁出現大量的ORA-27300,ORA-27301,ORA-27302,根據MOS:392006.1建議修改/etc/security/limits.conf檔案裡的oracle2 nproc值為更大的值,但是實際上我們並沒有發現有關於oracle2使用者的配置,所以我們手工新增如下配置後重啟資料庫伺服器就可以了:
oracle2 soft nproc 16384
oracle2 hard nproc 16384
oracle2 soft nofile 65536
oracle2 hard nofile 65536
oracle2 soft memlock 3145728
oracle2 hard memlock 3145728
[root@fzdb1 ~]# cat >> /etc/security/limits.conf << EOF > oracle2 soft nproc 16384 > oracle2 hard nproc 16384 > oracle2 soft nofile 65536 > oracle2 hard nofile 65536 > oracle2 soft memlock 3145728 > oracle2 hard memlock 3145728 > EOF
[oracle2@fzdb1 ~]$ su - root [root@fzdb1 ~]$ reboot
[oracle2@fzdb1 ~]$ ulimit -u 16384
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/20674423/viewspace-2215452/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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