先建表 插入資料(oracle資料庫為例,建表沒有考慮外來鍵約束)
create table tb_student(
student_id number(11),
s_name varchar2(20),
s_age number(11),
s_sex varchar2(2))
create table tb_course(
course_id number(11),
c_name varchar2(20),
teacher_id number(11)
create table tb_score(
student_id number(11),
score varchar2(20),
course_id number(11)
create table tb_teacher(
teacher_id number(11),
t_name varchar2(20)
將tb_score 欄位score的型別改為 number型別
alter table tb_score rename column score to score_tmp;
alter table tb_score add score number(11)
update tb_score set score = trim(score_tmp)
alter table tb_score drop column score_tmp;
select sc1.student_id
from tb_score sc1, tb_score sc2
where sc1.course_id = 1
and sc2.course_id = 2
and sc1.score > sc2.score
and sc1.student_id = sc2.student_id
select * from
(select student_id ,Score from tb_score where course_id=1) a,
(select student_id ,Score from tb_score where course_id=2) b
where a.student_id=b.student_id and a.Score> b.score
select student_id 學生學號 ,avg(score) 平均成績 from tb_score group by student_id having avg(score)>60 order by avg(score) desc
select s.student_id 學生學號,
s.s_name 學生姓名,
count(course_id) 選課數,
sum(score) 總成績
from tb_student s, tb_score s1
where s.student_id = s1.student_id
group by s.student_id , s.s_name , s.s_age ,s.s_sex order by sum(score) desc
select count(distinct teacher_id) from tb_teacher where t_name like '李%'
5.查詢沒學過“肖老師”老師課的同學的學號、姓名;用 (not) exists 代替 (not) in
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s
where exists (select *
from tb_teacher tt, tb_course tc, tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id
and ts.course_id = tc.course_id
and tt.teacher_id = tc.teacher_id
and tt.t_name = '肖老師')
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s ,tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id and ts.course_id =1 and exists (select *
from tb_student s ,tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id and ts.course_id =2)
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s ,tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id and ts.course_id =1
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s ,tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id and ts.course_id =2
①in 是把外表和內表作hash 連線,而exists是對外表作loop迴圈,每次loop迴圈再對內表進行查詢。
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名 from tb_student s ,tb_score ts ,tb_teacher tt ,tb_course tc
where s.student_id = ts.student_id and ts.course_id = tc.course_id and tc.teacher_id = tt.teacher_id and tt.t_name = '肖老師'
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名 from tb_student s,
(select student_id ,score from tb_score ts where ts.course_id =1) a ,
(select student_id ,score from tb_score ts where ts.course_id =2) b
where s.student_id = a.student_id and s.student_id = b.student_id and a.score < b.score
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名, min(score) 最低成績
from tb_student s, tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id
group by s.student_id, s.s_name, s.s_age, s.s_sex
having min(score) < 60
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s
where s.student_id in
select distinct(ts.student_id) from tb_score ts where ts.student_id = s.student_id and ts.score <60
select s.student_id 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s
where s.student_id not in
(select ts.student_id
from tb_score ts
group by ts.student_id
having count(distinct ts.course_id) = (select count(distinct
from tb_course tc))
select distinct(s.student_id) 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s ,tb_score ts
where s.student_id = ts.student_id and ts.course_id in (
select distinct(course_id) from tb_score ts2 where ts2.student_id = 1001
) order by s.student_id
update tb_score t
set t.score = (select avg(score)
from tb_score ts, tb_course tc, tb_teacher tt
where ts.course_id = tc.course_id
and tc.teacher_id = tt.teacher_id
and tt.t_name = '溫老師')
where t.course_id = (
select course_id from tb_course tc ,tb_teacher tt where tc.teacher_id = tt.teacher_id and tt.t_name = '溫老師')
select distinct (s.student_id) 學生編號, s.s_name 學生姓名
from tb_student s
where s.student_id != 1001
and s.student_id in
(select distinct (t.student_id)
from tb_score t
where t.course_id in (select ts.course_id
from tb_score ts
where ts.student_id = 1001)
group by t.student_id
having count(course_id) = (select count(course_id)
from tb_score
where student_id = 1001))
(17)按平均成績從低到高顯示所有學生的“語文”、“數學”、“英語”三門的課程成績,按如下形式顯示: 學生ID,語文,數學,英語,有效課程數,有效平均分;
select t.student_id as 學生編號,
(select score
from tb_score t1
where t.student_id = t1.student_id
and t1.course_id = 1) as 語文,
(select score
from tb_score t1
where t.student_id = t1.student_id
and t1.course_id = 4) as 數學,
(select score
from tb_score t1
where t.student_id = t1.student_id
and t1.course_id = 2) as 英語,
avg(t.score) as 平均成績,
count(t.course_id) as 有效科目數
from tb_score t
group by t.student_id
order by avg(t.score) desc
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