1. 接受標準輸入(鍵盤)的輸入,並將輸入的資料賦值給設定的變數
#!/bin/bash echo -n "Enter your name:" read name1 name2 echo hello,$name1,$name2 # ./ Enter your name:taeyeon jessica hello,taeyeon,jessica
2. -p 在read命令列中直接print一個提示
#!/bin/bash read -p "Enter your name:" name1 name2 echo hello,$name1,$name2 # ./ Enter your name:taeyeon jessica hello,taeyeon,jessica
3. -t 實現計時輸入。指定read命令等待輸入的秒數。
#!/bin/bash if read -t 5 -p "Enter your name:" name ## -p後要直接接提示語,注意多選項時怎麼用 then echo hello,$name else echo -e "\nsorry,too slow" fi exit 0 # ./ Enter your name:jelly hello,jelly # ./ Enter your name: sorry,too slow
4. -n 實現計數輸入。指定read命令接受輸入的資料長度。當超過這個長度,無論按任意鍵都表示輸入結束。
-n1 表示接受一個字元的輸入就退出,不需要按Enter鍵
#!/bin/bash read -n1 -p "Do you want to continue [y/n]?" y1 case $y1 in Y|y) echo -e "\nok,continue!";; N|n) echo -e "\nok,stop!";; *) echo -e "\nerror choice!" esac # ./ Do you want to continue [y/n]?y ok,continue! # ./ Do you want to continue [y/n]?n ok,stop! # ./ Do you want to continue [y/n]?p error choice!
5. -s 實現隱藏輸入。實際是使得輸入的資料和背景色一致。常用於接受密碼輸入時。
#!/bin/bash read -s -p "Enter you password:" passwd echo -e "\n" echo "haha,your passwd is:$passwd" [root@sxjy ~]# ./ Enter you password: #看不見吧... haha,your passwd is:aixocm
6. 讀取文字中的資料作為read的輸入
#!/bin/bash count=1 cat gg.txt | while read name #逐行讀取gg.txt文字中的內容給變數name do echo "$count:$name" count=$[$count+1] done # ./ 1:taeyeon 2:jessica 3:sunny