記一次 對 xfs格式 邏輯捲進行擴縮容




檢視發現 /home 目錄空間非常大,而且利用率非常低,所以想著把 /home 目錄的空間勻一點給根目錄。

但是發現邏輯卷的格式是 xfs 格式的,是隻能擴容,無法縮容的,縮容後需要是需要重新格式化的,會損壞原有邏輯卷的




  • Centos 7.9系統


$ lvs
  LV   VG     Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  home centos -wi-a----- <1.03t                                                    
  root centos -wi-ao---- 50.00g                                                    
  swap centos -wi-ao---- 15.56g
$ vgs
  VG     #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize VFree
  centos   1   3   0 wz--n- 1.09t 4.00m

備份 home 資料夾


yum install xfsdump -y


$ xfsdump -f home.xfs_dump /home
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsdump: version 3.1.7 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control

 ============================= dump label dialog ==============================

please enter label for this dump session (timeout in 300 sec)
 ->                                     #自定義備份會話標籤,可直接回車
session label entered: ""

 --------------------------------- end dialog ---------------------------------

xfsdump: WARNING: no session label specified
xfsdump: level 0 dump of localhost.localdomain:/home
xfsdump: dump date: Wed Dec  4 10:35:26 2024
xfsdump: session id: 0cbdb35b-815a-4d1b-a571-3a07de7742f1
xfsdump: session label: ""
xfsdump: ino map phase 1: constructing initial dump list
xfsdump: ino map phase 2: skipping (no pruning necessary)
xfsdump: ino map phase 3: skipping (only one dump stream)
xfsdump: ino map construction complete
xfsdump: estimated dump size: 6814901952 bytes
xfsdump: /var/lib/xfsdump/inventory created

 ============================= media label dialog =============================

please enter label for media in drive 0 (timeout in 300 sec)
 ->                                      #自定義備份媒體標籤,可直接回車
media label entered: ""

 --------------------------------- end dialog ---------------------------------

xfsdump: WARNING: no media label specified
xfsdump: creating dump session media file 0 (media 0, file 0)
xfsdump: dumping ino map
xfsdump: dumping directories
xfsdump: dumping non-directory files
xfsdump: ending media file
xfsdump: media file size 6792460464 bytes
xfsdump: dump size (non-dir files) : 6777958024 bytes
xfsdump: dump complete: 111 seconds elapsed
xfsdump: Dump Summary:
xfsdump:   stream 0 /root/home.xfs_dump OK (success)
xfsdump: Dump Status: SUCCESS


umount /home


$ lvreduce -L -200G /dev/centos/home 
  WARNING: Reducing active logical volume to <851.02 GiB.
  THIS MAY DESTROY YOUR DATA (filesystem etc.)
Do you really want to reduce centos/home? [y/n]: y      # 問是否真的確定要縮減home邏輯卷  輸入y
  Size of logical volume centos/home changed from <1.03 TiB (269060 extents) to <851.02 GiB (217860 extents).
  Logical volume centos/home successfully resized.



$ lvextend -l +100%free /dev/centos/root
  Size of logical volume centos/root changed from 50.00 GiB (12800 extents) to 250.00 GiB (64001 extents).
  Logical volume centos/root successfully resized.


$ xfs_growfs /dev/centos/root 
meta-data=/dev/mapper/centos-root isize=512    agcount=16, agsize=819200 blks
         =                       sectsz=4096  attr=2, projid32bit=1
         =                       crc=1        finobt=0 spinodes=0
data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=13107200, imaxpct=25
         =                       sunit=64     swidth=64 blks
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
log      =internal               bsize=4096   blocks=6400, version=2
         =                       sectsz=4096  sunit=1 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
data blocks changed from 13107200 to 65537024


$ df -hT /root/
Filesystem              Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root xfs   250G   40G  211G  16% /


$ mkfs.xfs /dev/centos/home -f
meta-data=/dev/centos/home       isize=512    agcount=32, agsize=6971520 blks
         =                       sectsz=4096  attr=2, projid32bit=1
         =                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=223088640, imaxpct=25
         =                       sunit=64     swidth=64 blks
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=108930, version=2
         =                       sectsz=4096  sunit=1 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0


mount -a

因為在/etc/fstab 檔案中原本就有配置掛載資訊,所以這裡只需要 -a 就好了


$ xfsrestore -f home.xfs_dump /home/
xfsrestore: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy
xfsrestore: version 3.1.7 (dump format 3.0) - type ^C for status and control
xfsrestore: searching media for dump
xfsrestore: examining media file 0
xfsrestore: dump description: 
xfsrestore: hostname: localhost.localdomain
xfsrestore: mount point: /home
xfsrestore: volume: /dev/mapper/centos-home
xfsrestore: session time: Wed Dec  4 10:35:26 2024
xfsrestore: level: 0
xfsrestore: session label: ""
xfsrestore: media label: ""
xfsrestore: file system id: 5df6993f-f53f-4cf1-b99d-ae7c1f5588d8
xfsrestore: session id: 0cbdb35b-815a-4d1b-a571-3a07de7742f1
xfsrestore: media id: cb52e70c-76a2-4ce4-9e3d-62c95d6ab233
xfsrestore: using online session inventory
xfsrestore: searching media for directory dump
xfsrestore: reading directories
xfsrestore: 201 directories and 21470 entries processed
xfsrestore: directory post-processing
xfsrestore: restoring non-directory files
xfsrestore: restore complete: 23 seconds elapsed
xfsrestore: Restore Summary:
xfsrestore:   stream 0 /root/home.xfs_dump OK (success)
xfsrestore: Restore Status: SUCCESS




有時候,掛載點正在使用,解除安裝的時候會提示繁忙,可以使用 lsof 來檢查關閉

lsof +D /home

遞迴查詢 /home 目錄下的所有被佔用的檔案



這個時候就需要在格式化新分割槽後,手動掛載,並且將掛載資訊寫入到 /etc/fstab 檔案中
