

位於日本的比特幣交易平臺MtGox昨天突然暫停交易和關閉網站,引發了大量傳言和譴責。其中一條傳言稱MtGox過去幾年被悄悄偷走了74.4萬比特幣。六大比特幣服務商為此聯合發表宣告,譴責Mt Gox“悲劇性地背棄了人們的信任”,承諾將恢復人們對比特幣的信心

Blockchain.info的CEO Nicolas Cary說,“幾周以來,Mt Gox的傳聞一直在緩慢地趨於明朗。這一最新動態看來是他們動盪歷史上的最後一個悲慘章節。”

喬治城大學經濟學教授Jim Angel表示,比特幣就好像電子書,其好壞狀況有賴於支援其使用的基礎設施。“鑑於比特幣的基礎設施完全沒有監管、技術也是新興的,出現眼下這種問題應該在意料之中。”


《華爾街日報》援引知情人士的訊息報導,MtGox已經收到紐約聯邦檢察機構發出的一張傳票。路透社報導稱,日本官員週三表示他們正著手對MtGox的突然關閉展開調查。內閣官房長官菅義偉說,相關金融監管機構、警方、財務省等正在收集資訊。MtGox CEO Mark Karpeles在一封電子郵件中表示,因為牽涉到其它方他目前不能透露太多資訊。


下面是 MtGox 官網的兩則宣告

February 26th 2014

Dear MtGox Customers,

As there is a lot of speculation regarding MtGox and its future, I would like to use this opportunity to reassure everyone that I am still in Japan, and working very hard with the support of different parties to find a solution to our recent issues.

Furthermore I would like to kindly ask that people refrain from asking questions to our staff: they have been instructed not to give any response or information. Please visit this page for further announcements and updates.

Mark Karpeles


Dear MtGox Customers,

In light of recent news reports and the potential repercussions on MtGox’s operations and the market, a decision was taken to close all transactions for the time being in order to protect the site and our users. We will be closely monitoring the situation and will react accordingly.

Best regards,
MtGox Team
