jquery 動態表格合併
"rowspan": function (colIdx) {
return this.each(function () {
var that;
$('tr', this).each(function (row) {
$('td:eq(' + colIdx + ')', this).filter(':visible').each(function (col) {
if (that != null && $(this).html() == $(that).html()) {
rowspan = $(that).attr("rowSpan");
if (rowspan == undefined) {
$(that).attr("rowSpan", 1);
rowspan = $(that).attr("rowSpan");
rowspan = Number(rowspan) + 1;
$(that).attr("rowSpan", rowspan);
} else {
that = this;
$("#testlist").rowspan(1); //第一列合併
"rowspan": function (colIdx) {
return this.each(function () {
var that;
$('tr', this).each(function (row) {
$('td:eq(' + colIdx + ')', this).filter(':visible').each(function (col) {
if (that != null && $(this).html() == $(that).html()) {
rowspan = $(that).attr("rowSpan");
if (rowspan == undefined) {
$(that).attr("rowSpan", 1);
rowspan = $(that).attr("rowSpan");
rowspan = Number(rowspan) + 1;
$(that).attr("rowSpan", rowspan);
} else {
that = this;
$("#testlist").rowspan(1); //第一列合併
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