The main purpose of the gateway is to allow you to do the same durable fire and forget messaging that NServiceBus has got you used to acrossphysically separated sites, the meaning of "sites " is locations where you run IT infrastructure and not web sites.
the cases where you only have access to HTTP for connection between sites, you can enable the NServiceBus Gateway feature on each site and it will transmit messages from a queue in one site to a queue in another site, including the hash of the messages to
ensure that the message was transmitted correctly. The following diagram shows how it works:
- NServiceBus翻譯之Hosting(一):The NServiceBus Host
- NServiceBus翻譯之持久化技術(一):Persistence In NServiceBus持久化
- NServiceBus翻譯之持久化技術(三):Using RavenDB In NServiceBus – Connecting持久化
- NServiceBus翻譯之持久化技術(二):Using RavenDB In NServiceBus – Installing持久化
- NServiceBus翻譯之持久化技術(四):How To Debug RavenDB Through Fiddler Using NServiceBus...持久化
- NserviceBus翻譯之FAQ:MsmqTransportConfig配置項MQQT
- SpringCloud之GatewaySpringGCCloudGateway
- Spring cloud 之GatewaySpringCloudGateway
- spring cloud gateway之filter篇SpringCloudGatewayFilter
- spring cloud gateway 之限流篇SpringCloudGateway
- Spring Cloud Gateway之RouteLocator簡介SpringCloudGateway
- Spring Cloud Gateway 之 過濾器SpringCloudGateway過濾器
- Spring Cloud Gateway之負載均衡SpringCloudGateway負載
- 構建api gateway之 負載均衡APIGateway負載
- 構建api gateway之 健康檢查APIGateway
- SOA、ESB、NServiceBus、雲端計算 總結
- 構建api gateway之 動態外掛APIGateway
- 構建api gateway之 http路由實現APIGatewayHTTP路由
- gatewayGateway
- 構建api gateway之 如何給openresty打patchAPIGatewayREST
- 五、SpringCloud alibaba 之 閘道器GateWaySpringGCCloudGateway
- NServiceBus 更換服務名及佇列名稱佇列
- SpringCloud系列之閘道器(Gateway)應用篇SpringGCCloudGateway
- Spring Cloud Gateway實戰之五:內建filterSpringCloudGatewayFilter
- gateway配置Gateway
- gateway predicateGateway
- gateway filterGatewayFilter
- SpringCloud系列之API閘道器(Gateway)服務ZuulSpringGCCloudAPIGatewayZuul
- SIA-GateWay之API閘道器安裝部署指南GatewayAPI
- Spring Cloud Gateway 之 請求應答日誌列印SpringCloudGateway
- spring cloud gateway之服務註冊與發現SpringCloudGateway
- gRPC學習之五:gRPC-Gateway實戰RPCGateway
- SpringCloud 2020.0.4 系列之 Gateway入門SpringGCCloudGateway
- Omnibus系列之 Omnibus gateway元件安裝 for BMC remedyGateway元件REM
- gateway(二)微服務之間傳遞使用者資訊Gateway微服務
- Gateway 簡介Gateway
- default gateway is not definedGateway
- 阿里巴巴開源限流元件Sentinel初探之整合Gateway阿里元件Gateway