Apache Kudo: 1.0版和未來 [session]
Strata Data Conference北京站大會還有一個月即將召開,
Apache Kudo: 1.0版和未來
講師:Hao Hao (Cloudera)
14:50–15:30 Friday, 2017-07-14
資料工程和架構 (Data engineering and architecture)
地點: 紫金大廳B(Grand Hall B)
觀眾水平 (Level): Beginner
General familiarity with the Apache Kudu (incubating) (no experience contributing to Kudu or programming using the Kudu APIs required)
Learn the latest news from Kudu development and what to expect in upcoming releases and explore examples from real-life users who have deployed Kudu in production
在2015 Strata紐約大會上,Apache Kudu首次釋出了beta版,並在2016年釋出了1.0正式版。現在它已經成為一個開源專案1年了。在本演講裡,Hao會簡要介紹Kudu儲存引擎專案的目標和它的特性集,以及它在過去一年裡的最新發展,包括一些新的特性(比如支援時間序列的任務、效能優化、與Spark的整合和高可靠的可複製主節點)。在這個過程中,Hao還會展示Kudu的一些真實的生產級別的部署,和一些新開發的幫助運維Kudu叢集的工具。最後,她會概述Kudu專案今後這一年的路線圖,包括安全部分的計劃和其他一些新特性。
Hao Hao (Cloudera)
Hao Hao is a software engineer at Cloudera currently working on Apache Kudu and Apache Sentry and is committer and PMC of the Apache Sentry project. Previously, she worked on eBay’s Search Backend team, building search infrastructure for eBay’s online buying platform. Hao performed extensive research on smartphone security and web security while she was a PhD student at Syracuse University.
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