Core Container
- Spring-core and Spring-beans —— 提供框架的基本功能,包括IoC和依賴注入;BeanFactory的實現;
- Spring-context —— 建立在core和beans模組的基礎上;該模組也支援Java EE的特徵,如EJB,JMX 和 基礎的remoting。ApplicationContext是context模組的重點;
- Spring expression —— Expression Language;
AOP and Instrumentation
- Spring-aop —— 提供aop特性
- Spring-aspects —— 整個AspectJ
- Spring-instrument —— 對伺服器的代理介面
Data Access/Integration
- Spring-jdbc —— JDBC abstraction layer
- Spring-tx ——
- Spring-orm —— 提供與ORM(object-relational mapping)APIs的整合介面
- Spring-oxm ——
- Spring-jms ——
- Spring-web —— 提供面向web的一個基本特徵,如檔案上傳,使用servlet listener的ioc容器初始化,面向web的application context等
- Spring-webmvc —— MVC實現
- Spring-websocket
- Spring-webmvc-portlet —— Portlet的MVC實現
Spring-test ——
- Flutter OverviewFlutterView
- dart class overviewDartView
- Stormstarter-OverviewORMView
- Overview of PartitioningView
- Overview of Database CheckpointsViewDatabase
- Overview of Unix ResourcesView
- oracle function overviewOracleFunctionView
- Item Import OverviewImportView
- Overview of Extents(11)View
- Overview of Partitioned IndexesViewIndex
- Overview of Tablespaces (38)View
- Overview of Views (174)View
- Overview of Datafiles (62)View
- Overview of Segments (22)View
- 高通USB overviewView
- Overview of Availability in a CDBViewAI
- 2.4 Overview of Services in a CDBView
- 7-Overview-namesView
- 8-Overview-NamespacesViewnamespace
- 10-Overview-AnnotationsView
- [英] TensorFlow OverviewView
- Deadlock Overview and DiscussionView
- Overview of Data Blocks(二)ViewBloC
- Overview of Clusters (238)View
- Overview of Tables (154)View
- Overview of Dimensions (191)View
- Overview of Synonyms (193)View
- Overview of Indexes (194)ViewIndex
- 2.6.2 Overview of Flashback PDB in a CDBView
- 2.2.7 Overview of PDB Lockdown ProfilesView
- An Overview of PostgreSQL & MySQL Cross ReplicationViewMySqlROS
- Spring Cloud: Overview 概述SpringCloudView
- SAP S/4 HANA OverviewView
- DeepLearning – Overview of Sequence modelView
- Overview of Instance and Crash RecoveryView
- Overview of Hash Clusters (239)View
- Overview of Multitier Architecture (276)View
- Overview of Oracle Net Services (280)ViewOracle