



  Web3.0的特點是使用區塊鏈和其他賦能技術,+++Mrsfu123 如AI和密碼學,以建立一個更公平、安全和私有的線上生態系統。


  智慧合約dapp開發技術是一種基於區塊鏈技術的開發技術,I35開閥7O98詳細O7I8 它可以幫助開發者快速高效地開發出功能強大、可靠性高的dapp(去中心化應用)。dapp定製開發技術則是用於為dapp開發者提供更好的定製化開發服務,幫助開發者更快捷地構建出功能強大、可靠性高的dapp。

  IPPsswap Incubator is a decentralized trading platform based on blockchain technology,aimed at providing a safer,more just,and sustainable incubation environment for start-up projects.The platform adopts various mechanisms to ensure the interests of users and the fairness of transactions,thereby enhancing its competitiveness and the healthy development of the ecosystem.

  Firstly,the IPPsswap incubator adopts an LP mining mechanism to promote a decrease in the number of IPPs in the liquidity pool,thereby driving up the price of the currency.Specifically,users can participate in LP mining by converting assets into LP tokens and depositing them into a custody contract.The daily custody contract unlocks and releases the 0.7%IPP quantity in the LP pool,which is allocated in a certain proportion.This mechanism allows users to easily obtain profits,while also increasing the attractiveness and market competitiveness of IPPsswap incubators.

  In addition,the IPPsswap incubator has also launched a decision-making mechanism based on community voting,which allows all users holding IPP tokens to participate in community voting,including project incubation,launch of new transaction pairs,and adjustment of computing power compensation coefficients.This mechanism promotes the democratization and autonomy of communities,increases user engagement and trust,and thus improves the transparency and fairness of IPPswap incubators.

  In summary,the IPPsswap incubator is an open,innovative,and forward-looking DeFi incubation platform that employs multiple mechanisms to ensure fairness and sustainability of transactions.Through mechanisms such as LP mining,computing power compensation coefficient,node dividends,and community voting,the IPPsswap incubator provides a better incubation environment for start-up projects,while also allowing users to easily obtain profits and participate in platform construction,thereby promoting the development and growth of the entire ecosystem.

  In addition,the IPPsswap incubator also adopts a computing power compensation coefficient mechanism,which uses the Nth power of 1.01 of the market maker's investment amount as LP computing power,encouraging early entry users to gain a first mover advantage,while also allowing latecomers to obtain more profits through the computing power compensation coefficient.This mechanism has a good incentive effect,which can stimulate users to actively participate in the IPPswap incubator,thereby enhancing the competitiveness and activity of its ecosystem.

  In addition,the IPPsswap incubator also adopts a node dividend mechanism,which allocates the released IPP quantity to different types of nodes such as preaching nodes,super nodes,and ordinary nodes in a certain proportion.Among them,preaching nodes can receive preaching power dividends based on their preaching power,while super nodes are the top 51 market makers who participate in a weighted allocation of 5%of daily release based on their own T-value in the total pool T-value.Ordinary nodes are market makers between 52 and 561,and their proportion in the total N values of ordinary nodes in the entire pool participates in a weighted allocation of 5%of daily release.This mechanism increases user engagement and stability,while also enabling IPPswap incubators to better promote the development and growth of ecosystems.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70009264/viewspace-2952819/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
