[20230508]ORA-00907 missing right parenthesis.txt
[20230508]ORA-00907 missing right parenthesis.txt
--//連結 logic.edchen.org/how-to-resolve-ora-00907-missing-right-parenthesis/,重複測試:
SCOTT@book> @ver1
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
SCOTT@book> create table fruits (fruit_name varchar2(20), price number not null default 20);
create table fruits (fruit_name varchar2(20), price number not null default 20)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
Please note that, the right parenthesis is also known as right round bracket. In CREATE TABLE statement, what
parenthesis encloses is the column list.
In this case, DEFAULT is a valid reserved keyword, but it should be appeared before NOT NULL, not after. So we should
rearrange the order of clauses in the statement to correct the problem.
SCOTT@book> create table fruits (fruit_name varchar2(20), price number default 20 not null);
Table created.
--//SCOTT@book> drop table fruits purge;
--//Table dropped.
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