

he Old Port of Montréal also launched a mobile application called "Wintering" in 2013, which former Head of Heritage Carol Pauzé hopes will shape the way the community understands the heritage site. Because the Old Port is a public park with no physical building, the application attempts to demonstrate the coherence of the institution by guiding users around the grounds and sharing its history.


  // The Promise to notify of connection creation success or failure.


  CompletableFuture<CustomConnection> connectionPromise = new Promise.Completable<>();


  // Populate the context with the mandatory keys to create and obtain connections.


  Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();


  context.put(ClientConnector.CLIENT_CONNECTION_FACTORY_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionFactory);


  context.put(ClientConnector.CONNECTION_PROMISE_CONTEXT_KEY, connectionPromise);


  clientConnector.connect(address, context);


  Web 3.0:一個資訊流與價值流傳輸摩擦最小化,成本最小化,最統一化,並且功能完備的網際網路。(這個表述更加貼切。但是也有一個缺點,功能完備的網際網路,是永遠無法功能完備的,只能是當前來說滿足於當前的完備,那麼最後就變成什麼都可以往裡面套,或者不想套了就新出


  // Use the Connection when it's available.


  // Use it in a non-blocking way via CompletableFuture APIs.


  connectionPromise.whenComplete((connection, failure) ->




  System.getLogger("connection").log(INFO, "Created connection for {0}", connection);




  // Alternatively, you can block waiting for the connection (or a failure).


  // CustomConnection connection = connectionPromise.get();








  <form name="first">


  Enter your name:<br>


  <input type="text" name="text1">


  <input type="button" name="button1" value="輸 入 測 試" >




  Enter your e-mail address:<br>


  <input type="text" name="text2">


  <input type="button" name="button2" value="輸 入 測 試" >





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