2023新版千月影視雙端原生APP 前端+後端+h5 無授權運營級 僅供學習研究使用
具推薦: notepad++或者HBuilder SVN小烏龜
1:後臺執行環境:PHP7.3 +MySQL5.6+Nginx +TP偽靜態(推薦Linux)
或者:IIS 8.5+MySQL 10.1.21+PHP7.2+偽靜態(我喜歡用這個系統,演示就用這個環境)
3:application目錄下的conf.php修改成你自己的資料庫資訊 (資料庫一定要填寫正確否則會出現
域名:v21.ch-h.cn 替換成你的域名
預設賬號admin 密碼admin888
一定要開啟偽靜態thinkphp 關閉防跨站
H5版本訪問: 域名/ios/ios/index.html 可以做個蘋果免籤封裝APP
PC版本訪問:域名/pc.php 可做電腦軟體安裝檔案款
1、: 註冊個賬號 註冊好後登陸 右上角會有你自己註冊的名字 把滑鼠放上去
有個開發控制檯進入後,建立一個app, 修改config檔案的apicloud ID,有個端設定 裡面設定LOGO跟啟動圖 ,IOS證照自己有的話不需要講了,用自己的就可以了。
3:上傳成功後 我們在回到apicloud的網站 點選雲編譯 選擇你需要生成APP的平臺 型別選擇正式版 其他不需要動
把頁面拉到最下面 點選“雲編譯” 編譯需要時間,耐心等待,編譯成功後會出現個下載APP的二維碼 也可以下載到電腦!
下載地址: ch-h.cn/1372.html
H5 version access: domain name/ios/ios/index. The HTML can do an apple visa-free encapsulates the APP
PC version access: domain name/PC. PHP can do computer software installation files
This version of H5 docking apple CMS (interface, can also build a interface themselves docking site with interface program)
The front building:
1, : to register an account registered after log in the upper right corner will be put the mouse up your own name registered
A development after entering the console, create an app, modify the config file apicloud ID, a client Settings in the LOGO to start the figure, the IOS certificate oneself so don't need to speak, with his own.
The module you need to add
2, please use the upload code upload the turtle, the specific use tutorials, please baidu.
3: after the success of the upload our website click on the cloud in return to apicloud compile platform type choice of the choice you need to generate APP release other don't need to move
Pull the page to the bottom, click on the "cloud compiler compiler takes time," wait, after the success of the compilation will appear a download APP qr code can also be downloaded to a computer!
4, have cast screen module, modify information for screen ID with the Key, can be directly used, can not find someone else to add or find me;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70019212/viewspace-2937248/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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