LightDB Canopy 常見報錯問題分析(一)
ERROR: direct joins between distributed and local tables are not supported HINT: Use CTE's or subqueries to select from local tables and use them in joins
drop table if exists products;drop table if exists customers;drop table if exists orders;create table customers (customers_id bigint,product_name varchar(100));alter table customers add primary key (customers_id);create table orders (order_id bigint,customers_id bigint,order_detail varchar(100));alter table orders add primary key(order_id,customers_id);create table products (product_id bigint,customers_id bigint,product_name varchar(100));alter table products add primary key (product_id);select create_distributed_table('customers','customers_id');select create_distributed_table('orders','customers_id',colocate_with=>'customers'); lightdb@test=# select * from canopy_tables ; table_name | canopy_table_type | distribution_column | colocation_id | table_size | shard_count | table_owner | access_method ------------+-------------------+---------------------+---------------+------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- customers | distributed | customers_id | 7 | 32 kB | 4 | lightdb | heap orders | distributed | customers_id | 7 | 32 kB | 4 | lightdb | heap (2 rows)
lightdb@test=# select p.*,o.* from products p ,orders o where o.customers_id = p.customers_id; product_id | customers_id | product_name | order_id | customers_id | order_detail ------------+--------------+--------------+----------+--------------+--------------(0 rows)
lightdb@test=# select c.* , o.* from customers c , orders o where o.customers_id = c.customers_id lightdb@test-# and exists (select 1 from products p where p.customers_id = c.customers_id); ERROR: direct joins between distributed and local tables are not supported HINT: Use CTE's or subqueries to select from local tables and use them in joins
這個錯誤提示是因為 Canopy不支援在分散式表和本地表之間進行直接連線操作。
在 Canopy中,分散式表是由多個節點上的資料子集組成的,而本地表只存在於單個節點上。由於分散式表和本地表之間的資料分佈不同,Canopy不能有效地執行這種連線操作。
相反,您可以使用公共表表示式 (CTE) 或子查詢來從本地表中選擇資料,然後將其與分散式表連線。例如:
WITH local_data AS ( SELECT * FROM my_local_table) SELECT *FROM my_distributed_table
JOIN local_data ON my_distributed_table.key = local_data.key
上面的示例中,我們首先使用 CTE 選擇本地表中的資料,然後將其與分散式表進行連線。這種方法可以避免直接連線分散式表和本地表,從而避免了錯誤提示。
總之,在 Canopy中連線分散式表和本地表時,您應該使用 CTE 或子查詢來選擇本地表資料,並將其與分散式表進行連線,而不是直接連線它們。這可以確保 Canopy在分散式叢集中正確執行查詢,並避免出現錯誤提示。
lightdb@test=# with products_local as (select * from products) lightdb@test-# select c.* , o.* lightdb@test-# from customers c , orders o lightdb@test-# where o.customers_id = c.customers_id lightdb@test-# and exists (select 1 from products_local p where p.customers_id = c.customers_id); customers_id | product_name | order_id | customers_id | order_detail --------------+--------------+----------+--------------+--------------(0 rows)
SELECT create_reference_table('products'); lightdb@test=# select c.* , o.* lightdb@test-# from customers c , orders o lightdb@test-# where o.customers_id = c.customers_id lightdb@test-# and exists (select 1 from products p where p.customers_id = c.customers_id); customers_id | product_name | order_id | customers_id | order_detail --------------+--------------+----------+--------------+--------------(0 rows)
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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