bring on 導致;引起;使…發展
title: bring on
date: 2018-08-31 10:16:18
NO_sents: 24
NO_references: 15
bring on
brought on
- A more spectacular example is brought on by temperature treatments applied during both zygotic and somatic embryogenesis, the effects of which result in permanent alteration of the bud phenology of mature trees (Skroppa et al, 2007). (von Aderkas et al., 2015)
- Ex situ conservation of hoop pine in Queensland is currently facing challenges brought on by a rapid reduction in funding for traditional tree improvement activities and by organisational segregation of research and operational forestry activities. (Dieters, Nikles, Keys, 2007)
- The stresses were brought on in part by changing cultural techniques and in part by the increasingly monoculture nature of maize production in the U.S. (Janick, 2004)
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